The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Season 40 - Spoilers Discussion

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If Kyland wins a day and their is an elimination it could be Bananas vs Jordan like on Ride or Dies 



this is going to be the easiest final Jordan has ever won. Washed up John, Derek (lol) and unproven Kyland who'll probably crack under the pressure.

Experience and talent will win it always does 

Puzzles can always change things in finals. It usually makes or breaks a lot of people in them. You're acting like Jordan is a puzzle king or something. There also could be one more final elimination during the final. 

yall say this every season and one of Jordan, bananas or ct always win... when are you and many others going to stop being delusional 

Well CT is legit good at puzzles, no?

Jordan winning again is just so zzzzzz. I miss when he was "banned" for like 2 seasons 

Hopefully Jordan pissed off production enough for them to rig for Platano, but platano fails bc he's old, thus having Kyland win Smile

If Kyland wins a day and their is an elimination it could be Bananas vs Jordan like on Ride or Dies 

you're acting as if Derek isn't going to be dead last this whole time and get eliminated, which I love the optimism but she doesn't stand a chance


oop misread that. I mean, if they do a second elim like they did to Aneesa then maybe. But Jordan tends to dominate finals all the way through 

Oh no! I don't wanna have a meltdown! *cries* 

...the one where he said to screenshot is the funniest one, but this is the one that best showcases just how CONFIDENT he was lmaoooooooooo 

You are so weird for collecting screenshots. It's getting creepy and cringe af. #JustMyOpinion


You are so weird for collecting screenshots. It's getting creepy and cringe af. #JustMyOpinion

you're acting as if Derek isn't going to be dead last this whole time and get eliminated, which I love the optimism but she doesn't stand a chance

Don't be so sure! 

CML you're doing too much. 

The last final Jordan lost that he was in was 11 years ago which was his first season... and he lost that to Wes and ct lol...

no I don't count that bullshit with aneesa. 

Laurel has been eliminated for 2 weeks now and you still bring her up. Mind you, I moved on and I stan her ijbol. @CryingMariaLoser

You are so weird for collecting screenshots. It's getting creepy and cringe af. #JustMyOpinion

To be fair, you did tell me to in one of them, lol. Anyways, maybe if Laurel wasn't such a flop that I KNEW wasn't winning then I wouldn't have immediately thought "well that isn't happening" and then proceeded to screenshot every time you said that bullllllshittttt LOL. 

All those screenshots kinda made me chuckle not gonna lie. 

CML you're doing too much. 


CML you're doing too much. 

Are you a Laurel fan? If that's the case, then I'd sympathize with you if Cara had been eliminated. But, she hasn't yet, so I wouldn't know. I'll put you on hold. Smile

They'll be getting the Kevin treatment soon enough just wait a little while longer 

They'll be getting the Kevin treatment soon enough just wait a little while longer 

damn yall really reporting him lol

If Jenny and Cara were put on pause so they could get a new women champ, they need to do the same with the men. No more CT, Wes, Jordan, or Bananas until we have a new male champ. And I know that's what 39 was, but those were a bunch of flops no one cared about. 

Me: *roots for Michele for the women*

CML: *brings up screenshots about Laurel* 

Like what *****? Smile

I see it going down like:

last girl eliminated: Michele (sorry, she had a hell of a season but unless it's a crapshoot or a puzzle, which the last elim almost never is, she's losing to any of these girls)

1st: Jordan and Jenny

2nd: Johnny and Tori or Cara

3rd: Kyland and Tori or Cara

4th: (eliminated in final): Derek and Rachel

Wasn't Bananas winning quite a few checkpoints on USA 2? He would've been right behind Chris if he weighed those rocks correctly. He may not beat Jordan or Kyland but I think top 3 will be pretty close 

FraudMtv, I wouldn't have material to call you out on for being a fraud if you weren't a fraud. Eat shit and pratice the art of not wasting space, pretty please... 

Rachel could get her 3rd win here and make history. Rachel, Evelyn and Veronica are a cute top 3

damn yall really reporting him lol

FraudMtv is the one that posted a spoiler in a non-spoiler thread, so if anyone should be banned then it should be it LOL 


damn yall really reporting him lol

FraudMtv is the one that posted a spoiler in a non-spoiler thread, so if anyone should be banned then it should be it LOL 

It took them 15 years for them to ban kvm I think u should be good lol just don't be a stupid ***** Smile

I sadly think the challenge won't be here in 10 years do yall agree? Sad


They'll be getting the Kevin treatment soon enough just wait a little while longer 

damn yall really reporting him lol

Call me Aneesa 2.0 

Rachel could get her 3rd win here and make history. Rachel, Evelyn and Veronica are a cute top 3
