The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Season 40 - Spoilers Discussion

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This is MY season 

I really like derick but I need Cory and kyland in the final. They're our best shot at a new winner even though unlikely

This is MY season 

Who is your favorite of the women left? Just curious 

Only 8 make final????  

Michele and Derek likely going next unless they get puzzle. 

You know it's going to be a garbage season if Jnudes09 is happy.

Why do people keep saying the nude thing about Jman?


This is MY season 

Who is your favorite of the women left? Just curious 

Id probably want Rachel, Cara & Michele to win over Tori, Jenny 

Rachel would probably be my #1 to win just based on been a long time since she's been on flagship & last one from era 1 for awhile. 

Going into the season my #1 would been Avery probably 

Who is more annoying when it comes to their fav? Jman with Cory or me with Amber? #QuestionsWithKilla Smile

Why do people keep saying the nude thing about Jman?

I want to know this too, lol. Who did he send it to and when did this supposedly happen? #VevmoConfessionTime

Who is more annoying when it comes to their fav? Jman with Cory or me with Amber? #QuestionsWithKilla

You with Amber 1000%. 

Who is more annoying when it comes to their fav? Jman with Cory or me with Amber? #QuestionsWithKilla

You with Dr. Stucky plus me with Goddess Michele


Who is more annoying when it comes to their fav? Jman with Cory or me with Amber? #QuestionsWithKilla

You with Amber 1000%. 

No way :O

CaramariaLover actually taking a break for a few hours off vevmo omg did he get grounded and his devices taken away Smile

I STG if kicking a soccer ball is part of the final elimination or the final...

Oh I'm pissed, no one sent me nudes. I got a double di*do ready too!

Any new social media activity from the current people still in? Cmon sleuths you got this!

whoever sets up Kyland vs Cory is racist Wink

Hopefully the next update is coquette

Who's more in heat? Killakashhh, fionalive, or Jman09?

I hope last elimination is hall brawl or balls in. No carnival games 

Let it be a headbanger 

Ugh I just know the last elimination will be a hall brawl or something physical and if Michele is down there it's a wrap 

You can make a case Jordan is screwed if it's hall brawl and he didn't win the daily 

Cory vs Bananas hall brawl pleaseeeee

Who's more in heat? Killakashhh, fionalive, or Jman09?


hall brawl & pole wrestle have already been done this season. if we're getting physical elims it's prob new ones 

Elimination format:

  • Hook up with Devon without vomiting
  • Chug a bottle of wine
  • Complete the tower puzzle from seasons 32 and 40 of Survivor
  • Our queen has this in the bag!!

    Who's more in heat? Killakashhh, fionalive, or Jman09?

    wdym by this lmao
