The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Season 40 - Spoilers Discussion

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Little boy, I was talking about All Stars

Not only have you not even seen the footage, but the footage we have seen is the Cara Maria show! Queen Cara will always stay the Queen. Your girl Laurel should be thankful that she has the opportunity to be a guest star on the Cara Maria show *giggles* Smile


Amber gets punked and doesnt stick up for herself lol killakash so im just confused #JustmyRIGHTopinion

She shut Berna up during the deliberation on SLA so let's move on


I dont think cara is winning this season so you caramarialover lost in one way... BUT cara surpassed laurel this season so you killakash lost also. So I guess that means I AM THE WINNER!!! Smile

She shut Berna up during the deliberation on SLA so let's move on

No the **** she didn't. Ambore was, is, and always will be boring. I don't understand why you feel the need to pretend that Ambore is something that she's not, you can still like her without doing that SHIT- 

Redditors acting like they are so above us but then reading everything we say here then whine about it over there. LOSERS.

I dont think cara is winning this season so you caramarialover lost in one way... BUT cara surpassed laurel this season so you killakash lost also. So I guess that means I AM THE WINNER!!!

You're not having enough faith in the Queen, I'm afraid. 

pinkrose is an exaggerator though... she's the same flop who also posted kyland has a chance to beat jordan in a final which is hilarious... so we need another receipt bestie!

I dont think cara is winning this season so you caramarialover lost in one way... BUT cara surpassed laurel this season so you killakash lost also. So I guess that means I AM THE WINNER!!!

Irdgaf tbh Laurel will be bringing in the views and drama while Cara is licking Tori's chapas Smile


Redditors acting like they are so above us but then reading everything we say here then whine about it over there. LOSERS.

I sadly feel like these days redditors are more sane than us here. I dont feel like over there they talk about nonsense not related to the show or argue or dumb bullshit everyday for pagessss Smile

I really don't remember a thing about Aviv from fresh meat besides she wore a lot hats and was good at puzzles lol.

Redditors who are lurking if you read this PLEASE MAKE AN ACCOUNT ON VEVMO! We want and need more than the 10 active users on here everyday! Smile

I believe we support and love all of the women here (minus the racists: Camila and Cara)

@dealingwithtori for someone that thinks they're better than everyone else, you show a lot of signs of not being a well put together person: hating on someone that has never done anything to you, stalking a website so that you can make tweets to hate on its posters that get 0 interaction, being racist to anyone that isn't blonde, etc. Since you love bringing up that I'm a "child" (which I am), then why is it that I know better than to be racist whereas you do NOT? Go eat shit, look in the mirror, and **** off because you will ALWAYS be pathetic! 

Redditors who are lurking if you read this PLEASE MAKE AN ACCOUNT ON VEVMO! We want and need more than the 10 active users on here everyday!

Especially if you're a Kara's klan member. I need more******* to drag Smile

I believe we support and love all of the women here (minus the racists: Camila and Cara)

Cara isn't racist 

This ***** really thinks they're tough, omg. What a ******* joke. LOSERRRRRRRRRRRR 

Hi babes Smile

Hi babes

Hey friend Smile

This ***** really thinks they're tough, omg. What a ******* joke. LOSERRRRRRRRRRRR 

Who is this ???

Hi babes

Hi <3 Love You and BBSurvivor for always supporting the Queen!


Reminiscing about the time when Amber had vevmo up in flames. Someone brought up drug addictions, ppl were told to kill themselves, and I got told to jump off a cliff. Mother's impact caused so much chaos that day lmaooo Smile

Who is this ???

dealingwithtori on Twitter, a piece of shit! 

No shade to Tori but we're kinda getting a downgrade of the franchise by going from Laurel & Ashley as challenge mains to Cara & Tori. #JustMyOpinion

laurel and Ashley were never faces of the show. Nany def was 

I never had any haters on Reddit, just here :( 

Reminiscing about the time when Amber had vevmo up in flames. Someone brought up drug addictions, ppl were told to kill themselves, and I got told to jump off a cliff. Mother's impact caused so much chaos that day lmaooo

You do realize that you can like Ambore without pretending that she's something that she's not, right? Why can't you just do that? You don't have to LIE because I know that your *** knows that she's a bore! 

I never had any haters on Reddit, just here :( 

Well you'll always have me as a stan here.


Reminiscing about the time when Amber had vevmo up in flames. Someone brought up drug addictions, ppl were told to kill themselves, and I got told to jump off a cliff. Mother's impact caused so much chaos that day lmaooo

You do realize that you can like Ambore without pretending that she's something that she's not, right? Why can't you just do that? You don't have to LIE because I know that your *** knows that she's a bore! 

1) she's not boring and 2) I simply stated how her getting brought up creates endless discourse and brings out the nastiness in everybody Smile

Like I said before: The Beyoncé of the challenge Wink

1) she's not boring and 2) I simply stated how her getting brought up creates endless discourse and brings out the nastiness in everybody

You think that Ambore isn't boring??????? At the rate you're going, next you're gonna tell me that the sky isn't blue! 
