Cara figured since Laurel was already on that *** why not buddy up and be friend the head girl in charge AKA Queen Tor Tor
It's smart game play but it's hilarious to see the switch around from I'm gonna take Tori and her minions out the game to hey my new BFF Tori
Almost as hilarious as the way Laurel flips back-and-forth on Nicole!
comparing a actual real romantic relationship that lasted years to a pretend played up fake rivalry orchestrated by Victim Cara Maria wow you really got Laurel there buddy congratulations you win
All this back and forth over cara, laurel or tori just for the REAL holy trinity of either aviv, Rachel and Jenny will be taking the crown this season *giggles*
They already erased and blocked amber number unfortunately... but hopefully aviv made a big enough splash this season to get asked back... although we have heard nothing from pinkrose about her so far
comparing a actual real romantic relationship that lasted years to a pretend played up fake rivalry orchestrated by Victim Cara Maria wow you really got Laurel there buddy congratulations you win
dummy lmaoooo
Trying to drag a relationship while defending Cara Maria who has not only been cheated on herself but has done the cheating herself
the jokes truly write themselves
and while we're at it FÜÇK JORDAN WIESLEY
Oooh I got FeauxMTV in their feelings leading to one of those meltdowns someone on here mentioned. Love that for me.
and now we've hit the deflection stage because valid points were made
you gotta do better baby you just ain't got it you can't keep up with me either loooool
the Hateration and Holleration in this Dancery right now is crazy
Don't think I forgot about you nose
All this back and forth over cara, laurel or tori just for the REAL holy trinity of either aviv, Rachel and Jenny will be taking the crown this season *giggles*
I need Aviv & Amber to link on 41
They already erased and blocked amber number unfortunately... but hopefully aviv made a big enough splash this season to get asked back... although we have heard nothing from pinkrose about her so far
Ryan and Laurel was pretty messy since they have years of history off the show
All of Laurel fights are messy I can't name one fight she has been in that was messy
#Mother #Queen
Unless there's more to spill sounds like Laurel been carrying this season
Thanks for the tea PR! Any other drama?!
Laurel & Nia carrying oh wbk
Well it only took Ryan 20 years to warm-up so in 18 more maybe Moriah will have her first moment.
Maybe on all stars 5 she will bring it
Speaking of that Pink pls tell us Josh isn't coming?
go to prison
More than that we've seen Aneesa, Devin, and Kaycee all leave since this move. Cara is taking them out one by one from the inside!
per usual she always does
Wait pink didn't you said you was making the thread today or was that next week?