Survivor 46 - Episode Discussion (No Spoilers)

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I really don't understand how anyone dislikes ben

Honestly I shouldn't be surprised, you constantly have terrible opinions

Idk maybe go back to basics, new location, better casting, different format, bring back "nothing but the clothes on your back", etc. Like Jeff so out of touch with the fans of the show.

I really don't understand how anyone likes ben

White middle America always likes his archetype 

I hate how Jeff is so narcissistic that he refuses to see the flaws and where he is wrong. 

I hate how Jeff is so narcissistic that he refuses to see the flaws and where he is wrong. 

He tried to argue that no flint and a tribe losing over and over is good because it creates "uncertainty" in whether or not they can over come it. 

The audience still needs to endure the boredom in the beginning of the season while trying to gain momentum 

The funniest part is that Survivor has never been more predictable and boring. The gameplay is boring and uninteresting. The casting is stale. Ironically there's less diversity  than ever before too. It's a shame what he did to such a great game.

The funniest part is that Survivor has never been more predictable and boring. The gameplay is boring and uninteresting. The casting is stale. Ironically there's less diversity  than ever before too. It's a shame what he did to such a great game.

Agreed. All the cast is basically treating it like summer camp and basically throwing a dice.

venus is PLAYING and i'm scared for her. i don't like tom he should have stayed a background character 

i think my problem with tim is he reminds me of an old coworker who talked so ******* slow it took 20 minutes for her to answer a simple question. like talk faster tim pls


venus is PLAYING and i'm scared for her. i don't like tom he should have stayed a background character 

I hate listening to him speak

Love Venus and she would be so chaotic on the big brother feeds lol 

The make the merge tribal is pointless. I feel like only the losers need to attend the tribal not the whole remaining cast. Cause it leads into a landslide vote.

If anyone knows how to watch this weeks Survivor or Amazing Race out of the country will you please dm me, thanks!

Week 6 Rankings

realistically the pre/merge episode is trash bc half the cast is safe and the pickings to vote off are slim to begin with that there's really no way to play BIG, and the safe half of the cast have the majority in who to vote. like it's boring. venus tried her best but they still went w the siga member already at the bottom of the tribe. 

Ew why do we like Hunter again? He gives me racist vibes.

I find q hilarious, everything out of his mouth is complete nonsense but people are taking him so seriously. 

tbh i think new era seasons would be better on binge watches. maybe they need to move it to paramount+ and do the netflix 3 episodes a week format and it would be a lot more digestable than episode a week.

I find q hilarious, everything out of his mouth is complete nonsense but people are taking him so seriously. 

I am ready for the New, New Era.

Does even a single fan like earn the merge? It's stupid and gets rid of the tension of the first merge vote 

I am ready for the New, New Era.

No we need to go back to the basics and throw out abiut 2 idols premerge and an idol or 2 post merge.


I am ready for the New, New Era.

No we need to go back to the basics and throw out abiut 2 idols premerge and an idol or 2 post merge.

I agree. I think it would be interesting to see a season with no advantages or twists again.

New Era Survivor is the most consistent era of Survivor there's ever been. I've liked every season so far, and have loved them all aside from 43, which was just good (46 isn't included in that since it's still airing, but I'm definitely liking it so far... me being a Bhanu fan allows me to like it for sureee) 

...I just so desperately want Jeff to stop trying to make mergatory happen. It's not going to happen. If they're in one big group, they're merged. PERIOD. Let it go. The "earn the merge" is so weird, isn't making it to that point "earning" it? Sydney, Lydia, Elie, Josh, J. Maya, and Moriah all made the merge. 

I've got to just cut the cord on this show. I don't enjoy any part of it. I don't know what's going on cause I'm not invested to know tribe names or peoples names. 

I'm so tired of these split merges and then the following week split into 2 tribes and 2 people go home. That's the dumbest twist. Just send 2 home when they are in tribes of 3...

why did tim flip like a dead fish when he fell in the water lmao

Yeah, I'm done with Survivor. It's been a fun 24 years. Well fun 20, the last 4 we've had strong cracks.
