Survivor 46 - Episode Discussion (No Spoilers)

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They should let venus and soda do pole wrestle with that creepy idol Smile



People want reality TV and "villians" back but clutch their pearls at Soda being rude.


And Tiffany is a bully for giving someone a fake idol. Like survivor didn't have a fake idol kit as a reward before.

I do think it was unnecessary considering she was going anyway, there's no strategy behind it, Tiffany just wanted to be a rude *****.

Which is fine from a TV perspective but I'd probably have smacked her in Jess' shoes, because what was the actual point? Lmao, but it gave us a moment.

Late but isn't it strategic? If they don't give her that fake idol, she possibly does shot in the dark and one of the others go. It made sense to me.  

Yall doing too much on Soda and Tiffany. Soda is just socially unaware how she comes off (annoying/selfish but not rude/mean). I see why Jeff doesn't want villains the way some of yall comment on here. 

Thats fair. But the shot in the dark is so insignificant in the grand scheme I probably wouldn't care but that I can understand. Idk if Tiffany mentioned doing it because of that.

But I'm fine with Soda and Tiffany. They feel real and that I can respect.

"Soda, go easy on the Pepsi!"

Tiffany:  "I think we're alone now.  There doesn't seem to be anyone around."

Q:  "Oh, grow up 007."

it's giving phillipines 

i'm sorry i just need bahnu to go 

Bahnu needs to be on the challenge 40 era 4 ASAP!


OMG not them lying about that guys injury just to pull that guy so that the crying weirdo could stay lololololololol. That is so dirty lol.

I hate this season so far.

I love this season so far.

OMG not them lying about that guys injury just to pull that guy so that the crying weirdo could stay lololololololol. That is so dirty lol.

That "crying weirdo" is Bhanu and he is a legend! 

Bhanu is insane like every time I think he does something crazy he does something crazier

I miss recruits so much!

I miss recruits so much!

It's not about nerds vs hot models. It's about diversity. Having everyone be the same archetype on either end is bad. It's why so many people hate the 21-26 era and why many people complain about the new era. 

I agree with that. We definitely need a variety but these nerdy super fans obsessed with the show is so annoying. It's the same storylines and format EVERY season. Honestly, I'm so over it. I am BORED and TIRED. These long *** episodes are a killer.

i love how jeff said he didnt want villains and then proceeds to get the most insane unlikable people on the cast

I hate this season so far.

im watching on streaming and skipping a lot, but it's turning into my favorite season of the new era?

everyone is so cracked and mean it reminds me of old survivor. 

Bhanu for final. 3

OMG not them lying about that guys injury just to pull that guy so that the crying weirdo could stay lololololololol. That is so dirty lol.

They did Raden so dirty. His edit was so invincible that I never would have expected this to happen. I thought he was making it to the end since he has barely been shown. I went back and watched his preview video because I thought he was hot so I know his background and he does seem really boring. Like how did he get on the show?  They really did fake his injury to save Bahnu. Who wants to bet that there will be a tribe switch or merge soon in order to save hiM again?

of course there's a merge switch have you watched the last 5 seasons? my guess is 2 episodes from now 

Starting the first episode and I'm already annoyed with some of the cast.

Especially the Taylor Swift fan ugh

I turned it off cause I got bored and annoyed. It also felt scripted.

Something is off about this season. It gives hater energy all around... season 45 was miles better than this shit so far.

Something is off about this season. It gives hater energy all around... season 45 was miles better than this shit so far.

 Hard hater energy. Most everyone in this cast is a hater and not in a good way. 

Jem, Tevin, Bhanu, Liz, Moriah <3

Double post

I for one am liking the cast I hate when everyone is so buddy buddy/kumbaya. Bhanu is prob annoying in person but I don't mind him so much. 

Something is off about this season. It gives hater energy all around... season 45 was miles better than this shit so far.
