The Challenge: Home Turf

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They can keep making pointless challenge spinoffs but wont upload allstars 4?


YOU *****! 

I'll bítcħ about yalls hypocricy all day but I'll never be a victim lol. Most of the comments about me I find really funny. Vevmo is (mostly) witty.

Funny thing is I actually like your font except when you drag queen b lol... You do play victim sometimes not gonna lie but at least you arent miserable like some other weirdos who just come on here to take out their everyday life frustrations *giggles*

I wish everyone would realize I'm joking and not to take me seriously even when I'm "playing victim". I also don't hate Amber, but yalls reactions are too good to pass up on.

What is this mess? Coral, Belou, & Daddy Pete C. or bust.

Not them already removing the page from MTV's site lmao

This is actually a cute idea they can expound on.

Probably won't watch but prayers and blessings.

exactly some of these people aren't that interesting to me for me to know what brand of cereal they get their lives to Biggrin

They can keep making pointless challenge spinoffs but wont upload allstars 4?

I think this is a cute idea even if I won't be watching.

Maybe they're dipping their feet into traveling for filming purposes again and this will inspire that RR reboot that never happened lmao yeah right

Why can't they focus on releasing All Stars 4 instead....

Why can't they focus on releasing All Stars 4 instead....

Whose on it?

Whose on it?

- Amanda

- Little T 

- Cara Maria 

- CT 

- Bananas

- Tori Karen 

- Devin 

- Darrell

It looks pretty good like an imitate look at them less fake. Seems like something you put on or an Instagram Reel but sure 

So the worst group ever? Lol yikes! Who is asking for more of them?

Shocked no aneesa or nany

Yea this is actually a good idea for a YouTube series.

Still don't know if I care enough to watch these people live pretty simple lives. I'd have to be a name we haven't seen in a minute 

I feel like a Swayleigh episode would have people upset lmao

I feel like a Swayleigh episode would have people upset lmao

maybe but it wouldn't be needed since they both only did one season each 

Im gonna watch a few eps but only certain ones for select reasons:

1)darrell because hes fine af and i wanna hear this house burning story lol

2) cara- she grew up 20 minutes away from me so I wanna see if they show any local spots

3) likewise with ct, but hes claiming charlestown...thats not where I know him from. I wanna see if he acknowledges the city I know him from or if he's going to act like he lived in Boston his whole life instead of 35 miles away

4) amanda because I am soooooo curious about her being a nurse in prison. 


Whose on it?

- Amanda

- Little T 

- Cara Maria 

- CT 

- Bananas

- Tori Karen 

- Devin 

- Darrell

don't melissa and big t share an episode?

Im gonna watch a few eps but only certain ones for select reasons:

1)darrell because hes fine af and i wanna hear this house burning story lol

2) cara- she grew up 20 minutes away from me so I wanna see if they show any local spots

3) likewise with ct, but hes claiming charlestown...thats not where I know him from. I wanna see if he acknowledges the city I know him from or if he's going to act like he lived in Boston his whole life instead of 35 miles away

4) amanda because I am soooooo curious about her being a nurse in prison. 

Spill the tea on #3

I dont really have tea tbh. Not a ct fan so I dont know much about his life. I think they lived in charlestown when he was younger, but I dont think it was that long. I know his older brother went to a high school in a city thats on the border of NH/MA. My cousins used to watch ct shoot hoops in that area, and thats where he was living when he was hooking up with danni victor from bad girls club. 

likewise, cara is from the city next to the city I know ct from and puts on a boston accent.  Being from the area, I just have a pet peeve when people claim boston and exaggerate their accent because 95% of people in this area dont have a boston accent. And as far as I know, her family now lives in NH so its even more out of place there. I used to work with "cousin" jamies mom so thats how I found out they werent even real cousins.


I dont really have tea tbh. Not a ct fan so I dont know much about his life. I think they lived in charlestown when he was younger, but I dont think it was that long. I know his older brother went to a high school in a city thats on the border of NH/MA. My cousins used to watch ct shoot hoops in that area, and thats where he was living when he was hooking up with danni victor from bad girls club. 

likewise, cara is from the city next to the city I know ct from and puts on a boston accent.  Being from the area, I just have a pet peeve when people claim boston and exaggerate their accent because 95% of people in this area dont have a boston accent. And as far as I know, her family now lives in NH so its even more out of place there. I used to work with "cousin" jamies mom so thats how I found out they werent even real cousins.

I think most people do that.  It's easier to say the city closest to the suburb than explaining it. The accent is a different story but if they're 30 minutes from the city they'd still have an accent most likely. 

I get it when talking to people internationally as I am from the same area, and have had people say "wheres massachusetts?" But I say "boston" they say "ohhh boston red sox!" So its easier sometimes.  

  The accent I said, 95% of people in this region dont have a boston accent. Only those in boston and its suburbs do. So Cara I side eye for that. CT, well I know they lived in Charlestown for a little, so accent is understandable. But like I said, I'm tuning in to see if he even acknowledges the city he lived in for much longer than Boston. 

I get it when talking to people internationally as I am from the same area, and have had people say "wheres massachusetts?" But I say "boston" they say "ohhh boston red sox!" So its easier sometimes.  

  The accent I said, 95% of people in this region dont have a boston accent. Only those in boston and its suburbs do. So Cara I side eye for that. CT, well I know they lived in Charlestown for a little, so accent is understandable. But like I said, I'm tuning in to see if he even acknowledges the city he lived in for much longer than Boston. 

He says "I grew up in Boston. Small neighborhood called Charlestown" in the clip they have out there.

Honestly even in the States if someone told me they grew up in Charlestown I'd just look at them and probably think VA but not sure why. 

Nobody would look at anyone sideways for saying Charlestown unless they were familiar with MA, hence my wondering if hes gonna actually acknowledge the place he lived in for much longer than Charlestown or not. Charlestown has a bad *** Boston factor...the city he lived in much longer, from at least middle school and up, not so much.   

For example of the local reputations on a funny local map- the city I known him from is on the New Hampshire/MA border, 35 miles away from Boston,  in the tip top of "mill towns and methadone" district whereas Charlestown is pictured in "the Hub of the Universe" aka Boston.  

and not that anyone cares but devin is from "hippie students" so that tracks...



This is an innovative idea.



Whose on it?

- Amanda

- Little T 

- Cara Maria 

- CT 

- Bananas

- Tori Karen 

- Devin 

- Darrell

don't melissa and big t share an episode?

Melissa , Sean & James make an Apperance on her episode just like puffy face make it on Cara's.
