The Challenge: Generic Thread

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Top Tier: Inferno 2, The Ruins, Exes 2, Final Reckoning, and WOTW2

Good: The Gauntlet, The Inferno, The Duel, Rivals 1&2, BOTS2012, Free Agents, Invasion, and WOTW1

Average: Sexes 2, The Gauntlet 2&3, Fresh Meat 1&2, The Inferno 3, Rivals 3, Dirty 30, Vendettas, and BFANC

Not Good: The Duel 2, Cutthroat, Exes 1, Bloodlines, Total Madness, and SLA

Terrible: The Island, Double Agents, and Ride or Dies

Never seen: The first 6 seasons. 

Duel 2 and Cutthroat are two of the best to rewatch.  Not great seasons but they're not bad at all.  


Updated Tier Ranking

watching Inferno 1 is a MUST. one of my faves. get on it!

Any site you know that has it?

Inferno 1 was the first season I ever watched. I loved Katie!!!

12 years later has there been any moments that over take this?

When are we getting season 40 speculations? 


Top Tier: Inferno 2, The Ruins, Exes 2, Final Reckoning, and WOTW2

Good: The Gauntlet, The Inferno, The Duel, Rivals 1&2, BOTS2012, Free Agents, Invasion, and WOTW1

Average: Sexes 2, The Gauntlet 2&3, Fresh Meat 1&2, The Inferno 3, Rivals 3, Dirty 30, Vendettas, and BFANC

Not Good: The Duel 2, Cutthroat, Exes 1, Bloodlines, Total Madness, and SLA

Terrible: The Island, Double Agents, and Ride or Dies

Never seen: The first 6 seasons. 

Duel 2 and Cutthroat are two of the best to rewatch.  Not great seasons but they're not bad at all.  

Cutthroat is rewatchable. Good format that I'm shocked was never repeated. Though the men were mid Af. So many duds. 

Duel 2 is poo poo.

Great : Final Reckoning / Inferno II / Inferno / Sexes II / Rivals / Exes II 

Good : Rivals II / Cutthroat / WOTW / WOTW II / Vendettas / Invasion / The Gauntlet 

Average : Dirty 30 / All Stars (1,2,3) / The Ruins / Free Agents / BOTS 2012 / Champs Vs Stars / Challenge USA 2 / Gauntlet II / Rivals III / Duel

Not Good : Duel II / Bloodlines / Total Madness / SLA / BFANC / Double Agents / Fresh Meat / Gauntlet III 

Bad : The Island / Ride or Dies / Fresh Meat II 

all from what I've seen 

Cuthroat - Battle of the Eras


I love the battle of the eras idea

Sexes 1 & Gauntlet 1 will always be my two favs.  WOTW1-current have been beyond hard for me to get through.  

I saw some clips from that first episode of Spies Lies and Alliens and man do I miss gabo. 

"Who is that guy on the telivision ?" speaking about TJ

Inferno 1 was the first season I ever watched. I loved Katie!!!

Me too.  But if only I had watched that zipline mission earlier then I would not have developed an underdog feel for Julie and such an intense hatred for Coral.  I still hate Coral because she thinks she is funny bad mouthing when things don't go her way.


Inferno 1 was the first season I ever watched. I loved Katie!!!

Me too.  But if only I had watched that zipline mission earlier then I would not have developed an underdog feel for Julie and such an intense hatred for Coral.  I still hate Coral because she thinks she is funny bad mouthing when things don't go her way.

I was neutral for Coral vs Julie , but I was entertained. I could understand where Julie was coming from as the underdog though...

The inferno 1 was also my first and probably one of my favorite seasons if not the favorite. It was the first full season I watched as it aired. I was in the 5th grade lmaoo. I loved everyone on the cast for different reasons. Except maybe probably Ace whack ***, even though he was cute in a lemme give a cute hillbilly some cúlo for a night typa way. Mallory's lowkey lesbian self didn't deserve him; she made a cuter couple with Christena anyway.

An iconic season, cast, and moment in time.

Edit: I also couldn't stand David but he was kinda cute even tho he look like his breath stank 

I wonder how different inferno 1 would've been if piggy stayed instead of christena replacing her...

I see her possibly playing both sides with Katie/ the team and I could see the team wanting to get rid of both of them.

Can anyone tell me where I can find the first BOTSexes season?  I can't find it on soap2day nor Youtube...

So is The Challenge USA done for? That's sad cause I feel like it somewhat found it's footing on season 2

Top Tier: Inferno 2, The Ruins, Exes 2, Final Reckoning, and WOTW2

Good: The Gauntlet, The Inferno, The Duel, Rivals 1&2, BOTS2012, Free Agents, Invasion, and WOTW1

Average: Sexes 2, The Gauntlet 2&3, Fresh Meat 1&2, The Inferno 3, Rivals 3, Dirty 30, Vendettas, and BFANC

Not Good: The Duel 2, Cutthroat, Exes 1, Bloodlines, Total Madness, and SLA

Terrible: The Island, Double Agents, and Ride or Dies

Never seen: The first 6 seasons. 

I'd switch Total Madness and Double Agents but not a bad list. I'd also put Rivals 3 lower 


The Challenge 41 winner. He's about to steal Hughie's spot

Can someone tell me why Keri, Kyle, Cara, and Chris from RW11 never did a challenge?

Can someone tell me why Keri, Kyle, Cara, and Chris from RW11 never did a challenge?

Cara was asked multiple times. She didn't want to be on a competition show.

Can someone tell me why Keri, Kyle, Cara, and Chris from RW11 never did a challenge?

keri said she'd do a challenge when they film Real World: Tibet....

Can someone tell me why Keri, Kyle, Cara, and Chris from RW11 never did a challenge?

Well all of them just weren't interested. Cara was asked for almost every challenge after her season and even started blocking production number.

Kyle got a part on Days of our lives shortly after his season so that contributed to him not wanting to come back.

Why hasn't Cooke been back? 

Why hasn't Cooke been back? 

She has kids and doesn't seem to want to spend that much time away from them. She declined for awhile then was an alternate on All Stars 1 or 2 and her husband couldn't deal w her being away that long. 

Keri was so pretty, I wish she did at least a few Challenges. Cara was good energy but would have had the same outcomes as Cameran. Chris would have been good LGBTQ representation and I forgot Kyle had success right after the show.

Chicago cast all looks so good. I wish I could find a recent Tonya pic.

I'm watching Sexes and everyone rallying behind Puck when he spit on David is crazy. Even worse considering Puck got charged for domestic violence twice after that so David wasn't lying.

Oh yeah Puck was horrible - he was the low point of that season. I heard David wasn't easy to work with either in the situation but everyone backing Puck will never make sense to me.  Other than those two that is prob one of my favorite seasons. The ladies were freaking outstanding! Emily teaching Rachel and Veronica everything they knew going forward - so many iconic people who never came back either. I think Sexes 1 and oh Gauntlet are my two favorite seasons. 

Keri was so pretty, I wish she did at least a few Challenges. Cara was good energy but would have had the same outcomes as Cameran. Chris would have been good LGBTQ representation and I forgot Kyle had success right after the show.

cara did a Mike Lewis podcast. Don't know I missed this one:
