The Challenge: Battle for a new champion- Ed Eason

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Punky can you let us know why they decided to do the stupid same confessional looks for every episode making it look stale? And ask your boss not to do that again.

Punky can you let us know why they decided to do the stupid same confessional looks for every episode making it look stale? And ask your boss not to do that again.

Yeah, it's awful. They should've switched outfits at the halfway point at least.

hot, but waste of a spot, no shade.

Punky can you let us know why they decided to do the stupid same confessional looks for every episode making it look stale? And ask your boss not to do that again.

Same reason they did it for real world and drag race so the editors can shuffle around footage from different confessionals to manipulate storyline without having continuity errors.

I'm Ed's only fan, I guess.


Punky can you let us know why they decided to do the stupid same confessional looks for every episode making it look stale? And ask your boss not to do that again.

Same reason they did it for real world and drag race so the editors can shuffle around footage from different confessionals to manipulate storyline without having continuity errors.

Tell your boss it doesn't work for this show. They went 25 years making it work with different looks and now they care about continuity errors on a show with no integrity or ethics?

He needs to go to prison for participating in the January 6th insurrection.

He needs to go to prison for participating in the January 6th insurrection.

It must he so hot and erotic to be bred by him.

No backbone and showing again that he doesn't care about "the game" part of it.

Basically doing the same thing he did in SLA letting the people that wanting him out have all the power when he wins. Waste of a spot, this isn't Ninja Warrior.

Oh they done turned on him


Who posted that?

Talking about himself in the third person...

Oh, hes one of those...

clearly he cares since he posted that after last episode and not all the other eps when people got dragged LOL


Ed is absolutely the future of the show. Has every skill imaginable from physical prowess, advanced intelligence/mental ability, to life of the party/fun loving guy

The future of this show that doesn't have a single storyline, drama, elimination wins , isn't dominating on the dailies and it's on the bottom 3 in the confessional count so far the only two people under him barely speak English. 

Production was even asking the cast why they didn't target Ed during their interview days wonder why lol

everyone below nurys i don't see coming back 

He's getting dragged because he was on Zach's podcast saying he wants to go against "the best" to create a tense final.

But, then he's pro sending the biggest threats in over people who voted him in.

There's pros and cons on both ends but I do think he'd better sit in the middle if he flipped.

Piece of trash 

Oh, hes one of those...

clearly he cares since he posted that after last episode and not all the other eps when people got dragged LOL

this is the lamest dude ever yall must really like him from whatever show he's from because this challenge run is bad 

As an ed hater since day 1, I'm glad people are finally seeing him for who he is 

Talking about himself in the third person...

I'm just realizing that lol

The more you all hate him the more likely he returns.  See Josh

That doesn't work for everybody 

That doesn't work for everybody 

Works for most unfortunately 

Had a finals' spot basically locked up and decided to be a dumbas s. I think he'll get another shot because the casuals love him but most likely on like Season 42 if the show's still on by then.

RIP to this legend!

i remember when he came in SLA, all that grace is gone

His departure was forgettable lol

He was forgettable lol

ugh sad to see him go. 
