Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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I thought Britney was a democrat like janelle

this is sarcasm right?



I thought Britney was a democrat like janelle

Okalahoma white women famous for being democrats. 

Nicole Franzel is probably more liberal than both of them.

janelle is a trumpy she announced it loud and proud on twitter in 2016 saying that she voted Obama and didn't like how he ran the country... lemme move to Oklahoma I didn't know that. 

queen for that. she's bold.

Britney survived, yay! Josh left, yay! However Frankie has still ruined this whole thing and.

I can't believe I thought Josh could make it through a 6 episode show without crying.

Nicole ATE

josh sucks at everything 

I like Nicole this season. 

Nicole and Britney are karens whining about Taylor turning on the girls when they just turned on Daniele last episode... white feminism never surprises me. Xavier being labeled a threat for muscles when none of these comps are physical and he only wins one on one eliminations but can't win a daily. He's not winning the final four way challenge statistically. White folks are always gonna stick together now it's them vs Xavier and Taylor

Not me thinking Josh was finna be in the final 4 lol

Nicole Franzel for two time champ 

Nicole and Britney are karens whining about Taylor turning on the girls when they just turned on Daniele last episode... white feminism never surprises me. Xavier being labeled a threat for muscles when none of these comps are physical and he only wins one on one eliminations but can't win a daily. He's not winning the final four way challenge statistically. White folks are always gonna stick together now it's them vs Xavier and Taylor

I agree lmao

I wonder if they are using Reindeer Games as a way to experiment with new ideas for season 26? I hope the number one thing is NO FEEDS. Second, while some changes might be good they don't understand their fundamental flaws. They pedophillic cringe factor has to go. They have to stop stunt casting and just cast interesting people, and they must allow drama again.

I wonder if they are using Reindeer Games as a way to experiment with new ideas for season 26? I hope the number one thing is NO FEEDS. Second, while some changes might be good they don't understand their fundamental flaws. They pedophillic cringe factor has to go. They have to stop stunt casting and just cast interesting people, and they must allow drama again.

it's not a big brother issue or a survivor issue it's a CBS issue.  CBS wants their prime time shows to be family friendly that is why you see Jeff Probst always talk about kids watching Survivor because that's what CBS wants to hear. The more cursing and censors, the more likely, CBS will kick it off prime time, and the ratings will go down

I just don't get how we got here? Big Brother 3 they were nude in peanut butter and talking about òřğàsms. BB6-11 we were bullying, fighting, screaming, and cursing. That's back when America was wayyyyy more prude and conservative crying over a purple Teletubby and Janet Jackson's partial bòób. We've gotten way more liberal since then, we have Presidental candidates on the same channels fighting and talking about their ďòñğ sizes. But I can't have some fun, petty fights on reality tv? Instead I have to watch Grodner create wedgie and booger comps from her white van with no windows? Makes no sense.

Well at least I don't have to waste an hour of my life Thursday night.

The yt women were SO ANNOYING to me screaming about how they can't beat Xavier because of his muscles. There are no weight lifting competitions quit playing victim and compete yall whooped him in all the dailies why is he such a big threat? A black man will never win when surrounded by yt women

Look at the women did that

I want Nicole to win 

I would lose that comp

Nicole being a 2 time winner and that overrated hag janelle still a forever loser i...

Not what I wanted but not even mad, Taylor is still mother.

Somebody should check on Janelle tho

Nicole may be the BEST reality tv competitor of all time not even joking


Taylor for the challenge with that impressive head start. I knew she would lose on that stupid final competition. I'm pretty sure Nicole has played before

The yt women were SO ANNOYING to me screaming about how they can't beat Xavier because of his muscles. There are no weight lifting competitions quit playing victim and compete yall whooped him in all the dailies why is he such a big threat? A black man will never win when surrounded by yt women

To be fair they wanted Cody and that other guy from last season out too. All the girls wanted the guys out. Josh is basically one of the gals but weaker. Frankie had prior relationships with 3/4 girls and was gonna protect them over X. Recently the BB challenges have been dominated by dudes so it makes sense where that fear came from. So targeting X was the right move. However, I am so over gender alliances and every season wantinga girl alliance. The storyline in played out and it's boring. The bro alliances are played out, and it's boring. It's been done, now move on and be freaking creative with your alliances. I am so over this narrative.

I didn't so but just happy Frankie lost! Good for Nicole. Still team Janie.


Janelle is somewhere seething over Nicole winning. Nicole is the Barbie Beast of CBS.

Y'all can't tell me Nicole screaming was not annoying

Nicole won a lot of comps in BB16 she just kept getting dethroned. So, I'm not shocked by this at all.

I was hoping the spoilers would be wrong but she won fair and square. Three BB16 castmembers was pushing it tho, if they do this again they need to space things out.
