Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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I'm honestly shocked no Davonne. She loves doing bb. 

I think she's over it after what went on in bb24. Even made a yt video about it and the producers

oh snap Cody & Nicole reunited!  Cody cutting Nicole at final 3 was the last truly epic blindside/betrayal.  then she blocked him on everything, uninvited him to her wedding, and they haven't spoken since haha.   them meeting again could be juicy.  or at least it could if this involved voting people out at all.  it all being based on comps makes it pretty low stakes lol.  

Prayers Josh and Frankie get arrested before it films.

Prayers Josh and Frankie get arrested before it films.

they've already been filming it.  filming is either about to end or just ended.  the commerical announcing Cameron & Taylor that aired tonight showed footage of them already on the show. 

Women on the cast who aren't known for comps against guys who won a good chunk of comps on the season they did.

I don't see how that makes sense.

Women on the cast who aren't known for comps against guys who won a good chunk of comps on the season they did.

I don't see how that makes sense.

do they have enough women comp beasts? I cant really remember much besides rachel and her win is 12 years old at this point. She'll most likely flop at this point too Sad

Oh and theres kaycee too but weird shes not on this.

Kaycee, Rachel, Janelle, Daniele Donato.

There are other names they could stretch like Elissa, Angela, or Brittany from BB24 but again stretching.

Even when you average Nicole's comps out her win rate per season is small. Britney winning four comps in BB12 is really the most out of all the women here in a single season. These were all good picks for a regular short-term season, not something solely competition-based, but rooting for them (minus Nicole).

Janelle's hatred for Nicole is funny

I didn't know Janelle was besties with Rachel...but she should've been on instead of Nicole 

is this not just a focus test to see if the audience will deal without live feeds? 

Frankie's presence gives jumpscare and rat looking energy. 

Cody and Xavier the only hot guys on this. Smh

The obsession they have with Josh and Cody even though both suck is so strange. And they couldn't get an even amount of guys and girls? Grodner hates women so much.

Janie seems mad so guess Brit did poorly.

It's so ironic that BB16 is the season of BB that killed the show yet it's the one that they are most obsessed with. 33.3% of the cast one from 1 season and not one was needed or asked for lol.

How can Frankie look the same but even more ugly?

Gamer has become unbearable since starting to cover BB. i blame the fake account spoilergirl 

Gamer has become unbearable since starting to cover BB. i blame the fake account spoilergirl 

Don't follow him then, simple.

How come there are zero spoilers for Reindeer Games?

Cause Bb doesn't have spoilers and gamer is getting dragged for attempting to drag Taylor like the hater he is

Cause spoilergirls source is laying low

I hope we get a surprising winner for this that isnt cody or cam.

Nicole franzel for the win 

We know Production rigging it for Cody or Cam 

How come there are zero spoilers for Reindeer Games?

Theres a rumored first two boots


How come there are zero spoilers for Reindeer Games?

Theres a rumored first two boots

cody and cameron OUT omg Smile


How come there are zero spoilers for Reindeer Games?

Theres a rumored first two boots

messaged you! 



How come there are zero spoilers for Reindeer Games?

Theres a rumored first two boots

cody and cameron OUT omg

I don't believe that lol.

I'm not watching that tho.

I don't want to give a reason for them to cut live feeds. Idc about the discourse it doesn't work without it. BBCAN11 having no feeds killed what was an interesting season.
