The Challenge: USA 2 - Alyssa Snider

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I think you can judge if a rookie is a complete dud if they get like 10 episodes when there's like 12-14 people left. Colleen went home in episode 5 when there was never less than 23 other people in the cast hogging airtime. And she had reported off-screen drama. 

Alyssa S. if casted again, would be cast to hookup and to be gone by episode 8. 

We gon see on 39 LMAO. Also an episode count doesn't matter. Big T was in two episodes of WOTW2 and still was a presence. Amanda's rookie season she was on like 3 episodes and we ALL seen how she got it up, like come on now. 

Come on, episode counts do matter. It's not like even the most entertaining cast members had the majority of their best moments in their first 5 episodes.

Belou >>>>



I think you can judge if a rookie is a complete dud if they get like 10 episodes when there's like 12-14 people left. Colleen went home in episode 5 when there was never less than 23 other people in the cast hogging airtime. And she had reported off-screen drama. 

Alyssa S. if casted again, would be cast to hookup and to be gone by episode 8. 

We gon see on 39 LMAO. Also an episode count doesn't matter. Big T was in two episodes of WOTW2 and still was a presence. Amanda's rookie season she was on like 3 episodes and we ALL seen how she got it up, like come on now. 

Come on, episode counts do matter. It's not like even the most entertaining cast members had the majority of their best moments in their first 5 episodes.

In a way I see what you're saying, but Analyse who was in 4 episodes, just one episode less did more than I could remember from Colleen. JO RHODES did ONE episode and is an ICON

Belou >>>>

Konquerer might hate Colleen more than I hate Tory lol.

I just got done watching Ride or Dies. I finally decided to watch it for Nurys, so it's fresh on my mind and I honestly can't recall one thing Colleen did other than tell a lie in the first episode LMAO, Michaela's list was more entertaining than that. But to each their own, this thread isn't about Colleen. It's just a simple reference. Alyssa is cool enough for her part. 

You always bring up comparisons that don't even have to do with the point. No one has ever discredited Michaela, just about everyone here has been wanting her back. She delivered in her one episode of SLA. Colleen in comparison to other rookies brought sumn. 

Like the comparison between Alyssa Sk/-\nk and Colleen makes no sense, all of Alyssa's airtime was about Tyler and her confessionals about being an emotional player. Never anything strategic on her end. She has worms for brain.

But what else can you expect from the MAGA's, the dumbest group of citizens in the history of the US.

Like the comparison between Alyssa Sk/-nk and Colleen makes no sense, all of Alyssa's airtime was about Tyler and her confessionals about being an emotional player. Never anything strategic on her end. She has worms for brain.

and Colleen's airtime was nonexistent. I don't even like Alyssa but she prob got more confessionals in one episode than Colleen did all season. Like I get it she's the new favorite vanilla blond for the board to stan for no reason but she legit gave us nothing. Her, Emmy and Gabby are basically the same person with a diff accent.  

At least the OG boring blond Jenna was giving us something and tossing*******. 

Ashley Kelsey 1.5

Colleen brought more in 1 season than Kasey brought in 6. If Colleen was anything besides a blonde white yall would be hyping her up.

But what else can you expect from the MAGA's, the dumbest group of citizens in the history of the US.

Nah, they recognize and own who they are. Biden has a history or racism and constant questionable moments but since he pretends to care about minorities to use them for votes and then does nothing for them. The ones who think he isn't an old white racist are the dumbest.


Like the comparison between Alyssa Sk/-nk and Colleen makes no sense, all of Alyssa's airtime was about Tyler and her confessionals about being an emotional player. Never anything strategic on her end. She has worms for brain.

and Colleen's airtime was nonexistent. I don't even like Alyssa but she prob got more confessionals in one episode than Colleen did all season. Like I get it she's the new favorite vanilla blond for the board to stan for no reason but she legit gave us nothing. Her, Emmy and Gabby are basically the same person with a diff accent.  

At least the OG boring blond Jenna was giving us something and tossing*******. 

All of this. I'm not gonna keep going back and forth. 

Colleen brought more in 1 season than Kasey brought in 6. If Colleen was anything besides a blonde white yall would be hyping her up.

Kaycee has more seasons (6), than Colleen has episodes (5).


I just got done watching Ride or Dies. I finally decided to watch it for Nurys, so it's fresh on my mind and I honestly can't recall one thing Colleen did other than tell a lie in the first episode LMAO, Michaela's list was more entertaining than that. But to each their own, this thread isn't about Colleen. It's just a simple reference. Alyssa is cool enough for her part. 

You always bring up comparisons that don't even have to do with the point. No one has ever discredited Michaela, just about everyone here has been wanting her back. She delivered in her one episode of SLA. Colleen in comparison to other rookies brought sumn. 

No the comparisons DO have to do with the point , because someone tried to argue episode counts meaning something and bring something is bringing something, so yes I used Michaela as an example because Michaela provided more in one episode than I can recall Colleen doing. If she bought sumn to you, then that's to YOU. But I, nor anyone else has to agree with that. 

She had a couple moments that were edited out and she had a couple cute moments on the show. She was brought in as a background character so the focus could be on vets. She had no connections. She was never getting airtime. Yall act like she has been on 7 seasons boring af, but she hasn't. The issue is with production not her. Colleen hatred might be the weirdest we've seen yet on here.

Konquerer might hate Colleen more than I hate Tory lol.

Lmao I don't hate her, she's just an easy name to throw up whenever you folks try to debate. Overall, she's a nice girl, but we got plenty of nice girls over here. If you're coming from elsewhere to take a spot, then you better do your big one see Theo, Turbo, Esther, Tacha, and even tho I don't like her, I'd add Melissa to that as well. 

She had a couple moments that were edited out and she had a couple cute moments on the show. She was brought in as a background character so the focus could be on vets. She had no connections. She was never getting airtime. Yall act like she has been on 7 seasons boring af, but she hasn't. The issue is with production not her. Colleen hatred might be the weirdest we've seen yet on here.

Johnny, Ravyn, Analyse, and Nurys were also rookies that season and for me, they all outshined her. 3/4 were sent home before her. It's okay to have your random likes, but let's be fr. 

Johnny, Ravyn, Analyse, and Nurys were also rookies that season and for me, they all outshined her. 3/4 were sent home before her. It's okay to have your random likes, but let's be fr. 

They had connections and storylines coming in. Colleen had zero and didn't win a comp so it's hard to get those storylines. She made Devon cry but they didn't wanna make their straight to DVD version of Wes look bad. Y'all don't have the same energy towards Turbo's partner or Mariah who did way less. I understand she isn't a main character. We aren't getting explosive personalities anymore and yall we can't accept that. Vevmo hates blondes just say it lol.


Johnny, Ravyn, Analyse, and Nurys were also rookies that season and for me, they all outshined her. 3/4 were sent home before her. It's okay to have your random likes, but let's be fr. 

They had connections and storylines coming in. Colleen had zero and didn't win a comp so it's hard to get those storylines. She made Devon cry but they didn't wanna make their straight to DVD version of Wes look bad. Y'all don't have the same energy towards Turbo's partner or Mariah who did way less. I understand she isn't a main character. We aren't getting explosive personalities anymore and yall we can't accept that. Vevmo hates blondes just say it lol.

I'm sorry idc about her little beef with Devin lmaooo to y'all that may be entertaining and whatnot, but I'm sleep. Idc about the drama that was left on the cutting room floor, from what we SAW, it was nothing. Imagine basing entertainment from someone based on some UNSEEN clips, that are still UNSEEN to this day. 


Johnny, Ravyn, Analyse, and Nurys were also rookies that season and for me, they all outshined her. 3/4 were sent home before her. It's okay to have your random likes, but let's be fr. 

They had connections and storylines coming in. Colleen had zero and didn't win a comp so it's hard to get those storylines. She made Devon cry but they didn't wanna make their straight to DVD version of Wes look bad. Y'all don't have the same energy towards Turbo's partner or Mariah who did way less. I understand she isn't a main character. We aren't getting explosive personalities anymore and yall we can't accept that. Vevmo hates blondes just say it lol.

we arent bringing up tamara or moriah because no one is hyping them up?? hello?

u always throwing around the word "woke" (which is sus) but steady crying about vevmo hating blondes. lmao. 

the people calling colleen entertaining would be the same ones to call chanelle or desi boring. lmao.

u always throwing around the word "woke" (which is sus) but steady crying about vevmo hating blondes. lmao. 

Vevmo does hate blondes, it's just a fact. It doesn't bother me. I just find it funny. WhenI refer to woke, I'm referring to white people who use supporting minorities for their own egos and are seeking praise for it.

the people calling colleen entertaining would be the same ones to call chanelle or desi boring. lmao.

None are boring like a Kaycee or Mariah. Chanelle is verging on it but has gotten better with confessionals. Desi has way more star power than Colleen, but all 3 are pretty and competitive girls with charasmatic personalities.

We need to stop fighting eachother though over personal preferences lol and start fighting production for giving us boring casts overall and better edits with DRAMA and big personalities.

the people calling colleen entertaining would be the same ones to call chanelle or desi boring. lmao.

When did I say Chanelle or Desi are boring? I loved Chanelle being messy on Survivor and dying to see more of that on TCUSA. And Desi was boring on Survivor but I don't think she's boring on TC. She's a baddie.

the people calling colleen entertaining would be the same ones to call chanelle or desi boring. lmao.

Chanelle's disappointed me this season outside of Episode 4 for sure. Desi's got the main character energy and one of the most beautiful human beings I've ever laid eyes on lol. 


the people calling colleen entertaining would be the same ones to call chanelle or desi boring. lmao.

None are boring like a Kaycee or Mariah. Chanelle is verging on it but has gotten better with confessionals. Desi has way more star power than Colleen, but all 3 are pretty and competitive girls with charasmatic personalities.


no, all 3 are not. you snuck one in there.

In my opinion they are lol.

Queen of getting relevancy with screentime and on Vevmo ❤️
