The Traitors - Peacock (Season 2)-SPOILERS

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not everyone tryna force this. Watch they barley speak lmao 

Shipping real-life people is insane.

Nobody who likes Parvati would want him with that POS

CBS kicking themselves for not buying the rights to the traitors 

imagine the ratings for this on CBS? Holy moly 

Nobody who likes Parvati would want him with that POS

CBS kicking themselves for not buying the rights to the traitors 

imagine the ratings for this on CBS? Holy moly 

So happy they didn't. Jesse would have cast it and it would have been his annoying fake new age castings.


You guys do realize the reason they are casting that guy is over this same reactions you guys are giving him writing essays about his *** lol

The same reason Tori get cast on shows...Good or bad he left an impact on you guys.

this would be the case except from day 1 Peacock loved this kid....i'm pretty sure there was a rumor going around he's someone's child lol

you're a bergie hater too? Notchu..notchu....

Nobody who likes Parvati would want him with that POS

yup also I don't think she would even be into him like at all lmao 


I know how you feel about the followings. But when someone is trying to act like an innocent nice guy but has those followings, it says alot about who that guy really is and what he thinks of women.

do you follow them too? Lol


I don't look at who people follow, cause I don't care. I want to be entertained, not looking for a role model when I watch reality tv. I only know Joe Rogan from Fear Factor and that he has a podcast, where he has controversial covid opinions. Never heard of the other guy. I know lots of good people who like Rogan though. Liberals obsession with finding reasons to hate people is so ironic and bizarre. 

my above average looking straight white male coworker listens to Joe Rogan and he doesn't come across prejudice! He loves the blacks and informed me of a coworker being transgender


why do you use "Liberal" as an insult like you are 45 years old on facebook lol 

Cause I'm too lazy to type extremist liberals lol. I hate extremist on both sides, it's cult mentality. I would use extremist conservatism as an insult, but there isn't any on this site besides KVM. 

I feel like kvm is more progressive than you ngl


Stephen is the worst. No thanks.

a good opinion! this is a new leaf for us. It's so hard to meet people who don't kick his boots. I'm erasing every somewhat negative opinion i've ever had about you 

I hate him too he had me blocked on twitter


Parvati Shallow (Survivor)Boston Rob Mariano (Survivor)

Sandra Diaz Twine (Survivor)

YESSSSS poor Sandra is gonna flop hard if rob or Parvati are traitors. Sandra probably only signed up when she saw Cirie won she was like "oh I can do this too". I'm glad they're casting PERSONALITIES. Idc about strategists unless they use the game to mind **** people like Cirie. These round tables are gonna be great and each episode is gonna suck *** when our faves get eliminated. I hope Sandra wins the whole thing but it'll be an uphill battle



why do you use "Liberal" as an insult like you are 45 years old on facebook lol 

Cause I'm too lazy to type extremist liberals lol. I hate extremist on both sides, it's cult mentality. I would use extremist conservatism as an insult, but there isn't any on this site besides KVM. 

I feel like kvm is more progressive than you ngl

OMG lol! Not true, I am very progressive. I'm a very open-minded and accepting person no whatever who you are or what you believe.

Removing Beth & Lindsay .

Damn they went with 3 mount rushmore Survivor players all on the same season. Plus Iconic BB players & challengers. Can't say casting isn't giving it a damn good effort

I wonder what the stipend is. The fact that so many people are coming out of retirement for this is unbelievable. I know short filming helps but who would've guessed we would see some of these people ever again. I'm still stuck on Dan lol

We need Tyson stay mad idc idc he will provide

Sandra <3 

Beth Sad

Lindsay robbedddd omfg

Parvati was almost on Real World Paris and now her and CT are on a different show together 20 years later

oh so she's an attention seeker? She applied for amazing race but they put her on survivor instead and she dropped her partner. She wanted to be on tv so bad

Lindsay robbedddd omfg

She was 100% on the cast her and Angelina from jersey shore . No idea what exactly happenned with either of them. I guess Lindsay dropped over the break up drama

Yooo Ika would be perfect!

i would fall to my KNEES if she popped up. I can't handle all that legend in one tv episode


Yooo Ika would be perfect!

Ika is a top 10 all-time reality tv personality. It'll be such a shame if she is 2 and done. This show is perfect for her too. The thought of her eating up Beth and spitting her out is what fan fiction dreams are made of.

gina Rio from BBUK would be a good replacement! I know you didn't watch but iyk iyk 

Was Beth ever on the cast? I'm assuming her name in the mix means she was at least contacted for this


Nobody who likes Parvati would want him with that POS

yup also I don't think she would even be into him like at all lmao 

and Ct is only into big booty Latinas so

The first post has been updated with:

Jack Stirrup (Below Deck) 

Sheree Whitfield (Real Housewives of Atlanta)


Beth was probably a ***** behind the scenes again


I've had this Sheree pfp for the last couple years too btw lol 

She by Sheree, She not by Shein is in the building
