The Challenge: Battle for a new champion - Kyland Young

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The Challenge: Battle for a new champion - Kyland Young

He looks like he just woke up and is asking why he has to do this..

Talented brilliant incredible amazing showstopping spectacular never the same 

Nelson's boring twin brother who grew up in the suburbs

life must be intense wen u randomly wake up as the new king of the challenge 


Lowkey king 

Kinda hoping he pulls out the win.

He is good Tv 

Definitely hoping he pulls out the win. 

idk if i like him but he looks good this season i need more of him shirtless 

He gives serial killer vibes to me, not sure why~

One thing about Kyland is he's going to talk about people's family

casuals think hes lying about about having autism/adhd. they think people on the spectrum arent self sufficient and cant understand that autism affects everyone differently. they genuinely think hes lying because he doesnt have a caregiver. and yes, its only coming from white old people

how cna anyone dislike kyland this season?


life must be intense wen u randomly wake up as the new king of the challenge 

casuals think hes lying about about having autism/adhd. they think people on the spectrum arent self sufficient and cant understand that autism affects everyone differently. they genuinely think hes lying because he doesnt have a caregiver. and yes, its only coming from white old people

With the older generation, they don't understand the wide spectrum of Autism. It's such a range and should probably be broken up into different sections with different names. It's now kind of a trendy thing for people to be diagnoised with autism that are extremely high-functoning. It's really not fair to categorize that with people who are non-verbal and can't live independently. So I get when people get confused or frustrated.

I'm sorry and I know I'm going to say something mean, but I don't like the way people use autism and things like that to get sympathy points. And Kyland is one the type of people that do that.

Why does he give off DL dicklover vibes

Why does he give off DL dicklover vibes

he's pansexual so he has sex with pans

I'm sorry and I know I'm going to say something mean, but I don't like the way people use autism and things like that to get sympathy points. And Kyland is one the type of people that do that.

I don't want to accuse him of that but people are doing that. Again, it's why the spectrum needs to be broken up into different names. When you are living completely independent, can hold a job, play social and strategic games, and sleep with beatiful women you shouldn't be categorized the same as people lower functoning on the spectrum. And anyone trying to use it for sympathy is gross.

OldSchooler can respond to that, but has nothing to say about him sexing pans. Panaphobia!


Why does he give off DL dicklover vibes

he's pansexual so he has sex with pans

He is straight, I have never seen him talk about men. He's def not ********, lmao.

Now everybody wanna pretend to be pan or ********, same ******* shit

Kyland does seem like he just wants to identifty and be whatever is trendy.

He said he's attracted to feminity in "different/all" forms.

Interpret that how y'all want.


casuals think hes lying about about having autism/adhd. they think people on the spectrum arent self sufficient and cant understand that autism affects everyone differently. they genuinely think hes lying because he doesnt have a caregiver. and yes, its only coming from white old people

With the older generation, they don't understand the wide spectrum of Autism. It's such a range and should probably be broken up into different sections with different names. It's now kind of a trendy thing for people to be diagnoised with autism that are extremely high-functoning. It's really not fair to categorize that with people who are non-verbal and can't live independently. So I get when people get confused or frustrated.

Autism has different levels in the DSM. The high functioning persons with Austim were literally categorized as 'Aspergers' before it was later just categorized as level 1 Austism.

The thing is, if people still think that people have to be non-verbal to have autism, that's on their stupid ignorant ***. 

He said he's attracted to feminity in "different/all" forms.

Interpret that how y'all want.

i mean this is a very clear preference idk why the dudes still take this as an invitation lol

he does not like dack lol 

he does not like dack lol he's just an attention *****
