The Challenge: USA 2- Tyler Crispen

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Tyler has been one of the best parts of challenge usa 2, every single person here would take him over kaycee on a season 

Tyler has been one of the best parts of challenge usa 2, every single person here would take him over kaycee on a season 

u being fr?


Tyler has been one of the best parts of challenge usa 2, every single person here would take him over kaycee on a season 

u being fr?

you want kaycee on season 40 over him? yes or no. 

Tyler has been one of the best parts of challenge usa 2

He's literally provided the absolute least. He sits there in a beanie looking greasy and gives dry confessionals. That's what you are into?

Cabbage Patch Doll is basically charmless. He has no charisma. He's not a star. No one is rooting for him.

Dragged Angela to a BLM event? BFR

they rode their bicycles to a protest. Angela looked very uncomfortable. Tyler was talking to the camera showing how peaceful it was and Angels was silent



Tyler has been one of the best parts of challenge usa 2

He's literally provided the absolute least. He sits there in a beanie looking greasy and gives dry confessionals. That's what you are into?

Tyler is likable and a good competitor. And unlike someone like kaycee or fessy he has charisma. You are being a contrarian for no reason 

Calling someone a contrarian because we've seen nothing from Tyler thus far and they're simply calling a spade a spade.

It's true! Angela brought Tyler into Level 6. He is so overrated because of his golden boy edit on the show.. KayCee deserved her win.

Tyler is zzzz but he was by far the best player on his season. 

Likable is subjective, not everyone finds bland men like him likeable 

Calling someone a contrarian because we've seen nothing from Tyler thus far and they're simply calling a spade a spade.

ah the old "we've seen nothing" from someone, classic vevmo 

making my new account championtyler 

That's very subjective. Tyler messed up with his fight with Bay and throwing the final four veto. Angela, KayCee, Tyler and even JC were all great for different reasons, but the edit never did them justice, especially Angela. Angela had worse jury management than Tyler, so Tyler throwing that final four veto cost him the game. He basically gave KayCee the win with his missteps. So, yes, KayCee deserved that win.


It's true! Angela brought Tyler into Level 6. He is so overrated because of his golden boy edit on the show.. KayCee deserved her win.

Tyler is zzzz but he was by far the best player on his season. 


Calling someone a contrarian because we've seen nothing from Tyler thus far and they're simply calling a spade a spade.

ah the old "we've seen nothing" from someone, classic vevmo 

making my new account championtyler 

good. i am tired of Darrell catching strays/hate because people use that as a way to attack u

u can message bacchus to get ur name changed. No new account needed.



Calling someone a contrarian because we've seen nothing from Tyler thus far and they're simply calling a spade a spade.

ah the old "we've seen nothing" from someone, classic vevmo 

making my new account championtyler 

good. i am tired of Darrell catching strays/hate because people use that as a way to attack u

yawn no 

HIS low-key personality I'm ok with.

There is something likable about him. He can stay or go, wouldn't bother me either way.

The first half of BB20 Tyler dominated.  He tricked everyone in the opposing alliance to thinking he was on their side and got them to make decisions that helped level 6 gain the majority.  Once jury started him, Angela and Kaycee dominated in the competitions which helped them further.  Kaycee didn't have many relationships from the other alliance, but Tyler did cause they all trusted him.  In the end all of Tyler's alliance voted for him to win, and the opposing alliance (except for Haleigh) voted for him to lose cause they felt betrayed.  Then there is also someone like Rockstar who from the beginning said she didn't want a straight white man to win, and Sam who felt like Kaycee needed the money more and was a little peeved that Tyler and Angela were revealed to be in a relationship.  

Rockstar ate with her vote, purr.

I know y'all don't like him( I do )  but I do think he's making his way to the main show sooner or later lmaoooo 

Production loves him down they got their new golden boy 

I know y'all don't like him( I do )  but I do think he's making his way to the main show sooner or later lmaoooo 

I'd like to see him, Angela, and Alyssa S on with Alyssa L too since she's close with both girls.


I know y'all don't like him( I do )  but I do think he's making his way to the main show sooner or later lmaoooo 

I'd like to see him, Angela, and Alyssa S on with Alyssa L too since she's close with both girls.

I think it's a real possibility we see at least three of these names on the MTV show the only question mark is Angela for me time will tell with her I hope she comes back tho I need her to put Sarah back in her place 

I would love to have Angela and Tyler back in the same season now that they are in a good place as friends. It is a huge question mark if she would consider returning after that final. Sarah needs to be humbled, and I hope Angela is up for that again. Sarah knows she won by default because Angela and Desi got screwed in that final. I'd like to see Alyssa Lopez back as well.



I know y'all don't like him( I do )  but I do think he's making his way to the main show sooner or later lmaoooo 

I'd like to see him, Angela, and Alyssa S on with Alyssa L too since she's close with both girls.

I think it's a real possibility we see at least three of these names on the MTV show the only question mark is Angela for me time will tell with her I hope she comes back tho I need her to put Sarah back in her place 

I know y'all don't like him( I do )  but I do think he's making his way to the main show sooner or later lmaoooo 

Idk I feel like the viewers aren't gonna be able to distinguish between him and Jay... I feel like they're very similar to me lol

I don't see the similarities minus the terrible taste in beanies. He can replace Jay though. I loved Jay on Survivor but he just doesn't do it for me on The Challenge.

Jay has already been regulated to alternate status in the past before and has never been on a poster/billboard. I think production chooses Tyler over Jay 

Jay definitely brings more charisma and villainess to this show than Tyler. Tyler's kinda a dud.

we need jay.. hes one of the only people willing to go against the grain .. kinda .. plus who else was gonna send ct home on total madness.
