Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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Cochran is the all-time worst human to ever be cast on Survivor.

What about Brandon Hantz?  We have already run the Russell Hantz river dry but Brandon just about exhibited borderline psychotic behavior so much so that the viewer doesn't know whether it was nepotism that got Brandon in or they wanted to establish a nicer Hantz who could pull a victory over Russell who tried the same method three times and lost all three times.

Or if they can't get both Hantzes, they could always get in respective tribes Brandon vs "former federal agent" Philip Sheppard who could have sent him home in a gurney and Philip home in handcuffs.

Cochran is the all-time worst human to ever be cast on Survivor.

Dawn was robbed on Caramoan. 

Is it true Survivor is moving to 90 minute episodes? This hurt the Challenge and will hurt a struggling Survivor. There's not enough content in this "feel good era". It's just got to be more sob stories and twist to fill airtime and we are more likely to keep with the disastrous 3 tribe format cause that splits airtime easier. RIP Survivor.

Is it true Survivor is moving to 90 minute episodes? This hurt the Challenge and will hurt a struggling Survivor. There's not enough content in this "feel good era". It's just got to be more sob stories and twist to fill airtime and we are more likely to keep with the disastrous 3 tribe format cause that splits airtime easier. RIP Survivor.

If the writer's strike lasts long enough to affect the fall season then I wouldn't be too shocked if they did this

90 minute episodes are confirmed for Survivor 45 and Amazing Race 35. And it appears it will remain that way for the spring with Survivor 46 and Amazing Race 36

Would have been nice for WaW, idk if i need another 20 minutes of dry *** superfans telling their sob stories and whatever shitty twist island we're gonna have to constantly visit

i hope they do this right so y'all can eat your words lol

i hope they do this right so y'all can eat your words lol

I hope you are right! No one wants Survivor, Big Brother, Amazing Race, and The Challenge to be great again more than me!

Same Survivor is more than welcome to prove me wrong and be amazing I've been watching since I was 12 I'll be more than happy

Danny was the biggest waste of space so I am glad he's gone but I worry that because of his chauvinism that he will be an instant pick for the Challenge...

I don't get this concept of either Yam Yam or Heidi winning would make them the first Puerto Rican winners but who remembers Queen Sandra?  She's Puerto Rican and won twice so where is the red carpet for her?!

If I were to officially apply for a future seasons, when they ask me which past Survivor am I most similar to it might be Rupert.  Aside the screaming, I wish to learn spear fishing so that the rest of the mates at least keep me around for a few days, my voting methods might be on the emotional side so that when someone puts my name on the parchment, I would likely have a psycho face when we get back to camp and likely would there be a Fairplay style player who I could take out my rage on.

I love how much narration time is given to Jenna Morasca, at least in the first half of the first episode of Amazon which I have been seeing since last night.  Also, Heidi climbing that wooden jungle gym at the end and also going down the zip line like a pro then please tell me why the producers haven't at least called her back since Cesternino and Morasca haven't even picked up the phone at least once?

Fun little fantasy cast I came up with

Heroes vs Villains 2


Naseer (41)

Jonathan (42) (i hate it but production would put him here)

Cody (43)

Carson (44)

Matthew (44)

Evvie (41)

Maryanne (42)

Noelle (43)

Frannie (44)

Carolyn (44)


Ricard (41)

Deshawn (41)

Omar (42)

Jesse (43)

Danny (44)

Shan (41)

Tori (42)

Drea (42)

Karla (43)

Claire (44) (stretch but she needs a second chance)

Every time they show that Probst ad of him saying you could be on the show too like all who were there before, I still have that desire of appearing on the show.  Now that I reached the cut off age of 18-24 on the Real World a long time ago and I am not that interested in Amazing Race.  Even if I don't win either pre or post merge, I really would be content helping out in the camp either by cooking rice or learning how to fish.

whens casting open for future seasons? usually august right?

whens casting open for future seasons? usually august right?

Maybe.  I don't keep track.  And in regards to what I said earlier, to put it nicely I need to pass the psych part of the audition.


whens casting open for future seasons? usually august right?

Maybe.  I don't keep track.  And in regards to what I said earlier, to put it nicely I need to pass the psych part of the audition.

Don't we all lmao.

Casting starts on Monday

ty timster you're good in my book for now Smile

I made it through 4 bios and quit. They were all sob stories and how Survivor is their life. How is a show your life? How stupid. It's clearly gonna be 90 minutes of them worshiping Survivor so Probst can have his ego filled. One of them had the worst profiles I've ever read. And there's no pretty people. **** Probst for ruining this show.

does this premiere tonight? how is that gonna work with big brother and the challenge? or are my days al mixed up

nvm i googled it.

didn't read any bios but Kellie is pretty. 

So apparently Nick from David vs Goliath just tried to introduce a bill making it legal to have sex with your first cousin. 

Tasha really ruined Second Chances getting Kass out. I don't understand why Tasha was so butt hurt when Kass was actually willing to work with her.

Heck, when Kass was in Ponderosa in Cagayan literally no one showed up to greet her.  Whatever happened to all that Lex "It's just a game" not getting through those dopes' heads?

Tasha really ruined Second Chances getting Kass out. I don't understand why Tasha was so butt hurt when Kass was actually willing to work with her.

Kass was also dumb to try to pitch to Spencer to vote out Tasha. But number wise I think it was revealed Joe Anglim wasn't flipping on Savage and Wigglesworth and they needed him too.


Tasha really ruined Second Chances getting Kass out. I don't understand why Tasha was so butt hurt when Kass was actually willing to work with her.

Kass was also dumb to try to pitch to Spencer to vote out Tasha. But number wise I think it was revealed Joe Anglim wasn't flipping on Savage and Wigglesworth and they needed him too.

This is funny because the next two boots were Savage and Wigglesworth. Joe really missed an opportunity. I honestly get where Ciera was coming from at merge.

Oh wow Tasha is almost 50 and still looks so young. Dayum
