The Challenge: Battle for a new champion - Spoilers Discussion

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This format is such a flop my god.

Even beat a mercenary and you should get safety from the next elim would have helped. They put ZERO safeguards in place to prevent the same results EVERY week. How as a producer do you not think about that and prevent it?

Always baffles me how scared these people play. Horacio is the number 1 threat and he is just skating by

Lord they jumping the wrong men 


Always baffles me how scared these people play. Horacio is the number 1 threat and he is just skating by

He getting a FREE ride to the final as if he's not a mini Jordan 

I don't understand now when he wins i don't wanna see no crying 

making episode 14 the following people have officially surpassed their previous highest episode count:

• Michele (11/12 eps on USA2)

• Nurys (11 eps on ROD)

• Ed (10 eps on SLA)

• Berna (8 eps on SLA)

• Jay (8 eps on ROD)

• Kyland (7 eps on USA)

• Zara (6 eps on WC)

• Colleen (5 eps on ROD)

• Callum (5 eps on UK, eliminated ep 7)

• Ravyn (3 eps on ROD)

• Asaf (1 ep on TM)

• James (1 ep on UK)

half of the cast will officially appear in more episodes this season than they ever have

the final people with a chance to surpass their highest are Moriah (16 eps), Emanuel, Horacio & Olivia (17 eps)

If its CT and the cast just sends in Kyland again what a waste.


They shoulda saved laurel or cara as the last female mercenary bc I dont know who come as the last one who is more iconic than them

and yes give us ct he actually has taken a break and it only makes sense for him to be the last one.

gamer said at least one more mercenary left. i wonder who...


Tina is taking a "break" from social media and from giving us her unhinged #tinathoughts so MAYBE the OG originally mercenaries are coming back! CT and Tina. CT is going to backpack Emanuel or Corey or hopefully both and Tina is going to beat Boriah and Berna in a who can make the loudest sound decible elimination! It's going to be the only interesting episode all season.

king kyland strikes again!!!

evelyn or coral would be amazing but lets be real... maybe emily schromm?

how do we know that horacio isnt being targeted? doesnt the mercaniers have 3 swords to pick from. 

how do we know that horacio isnt being targeted? doesnt the mercaniers have 3 swords to pick from. 

he could be, but he has connections to the ROD girls who i'd assume are protecting him


how do we know that horacio isnt being targeted? doesnt the mercaniers have 3 swords to pick from. 

he could be, but he has connections to the ROD girls who i'd assume are protecting him

if they know that its only 1 winner than they dumb as rocks but something tells me that this info hasnt been revealed to them yet

King Kyland is 4-1 so far (Including The Challenge USA)



how do we know that horacio isnt being targeted? doesnt the mercaniers have 3 swords to pick from. 

he could be, but he has connections to the ROD girls who i'd assume are protecting him

if they know that its only 1 winner than they dumb as rocks but something tells me that this info hasnt been revealed to them yet

They know

This is shaping out to be worse than The Island.

btw brad is washed up too. he's been back on two all star seasons and has failed to make the final. AS2 w Jodi as a partner and AS4 against some of the weakest guys ever. he needs to wrap it up.

This is shaping out to be worse than The Island.


Hardly any drama 

Same people going into eliminations

Funky format

Only one winner

Everybody competing with each other on the same team 

Wack Mercenary twist 

This really might be one of the worst challenge seasons in history 

I think it's 10 mercenaries making the cast 34 if we count them 

The 10th mercenary is on location 

The 10th mercenary is on location 

man or woman? hoping they even it out with another guy

The Mercenary on location 

CT cominng back to get his revenge on Jay

now that i think of it we really do need 2 eps a week. watching this season for 21 weeks would be impossible 

They should throw this in Paramount+ as a spin off and start the real S39 in a few months

They should do multiple elims per episode to not drag this out 

Punky is production embarrassed by how little they thought this out or they just don't care about producing a poor product?
