The Challenge: Battle for a new champion - Spoilers Discussion

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Michele buckle up MOTHER LAUREL is coming 

I love you Hauserman giggles you always ride with the WINNING team

Y'all think Bananas would get Moriah blacklisted over that? If so I hope she don't win. A blacklisted winner is not something we need Sad

Y'all think Bananas would get Moriah blacklisted over that? If so I hope she don't win. A blacklisted winner is not something we need

bananas is not a producer and doesn't have the authority to get anyone "blacklisted." that was the rumor with morgan and production was begging her to do this season. it was also the rumor w cara & paulie, and they're both on as4 & usa2.

Y'all think Bananas would get Moriah blacklisted over that? If so I hope she don't win. A blacklisted winner is not something we need

We don't need microwave girl as a winner of anything 


Y'all think Bananas would get Moriah blacklisted over that? If so I hope she don't win. A blacklisted winner is not something we need

We don't need microwave girl as a winner of anything 

You the one who said you think she has good chance at winning lmaoooo 

YOU put that out there Pinky Pooh 

and i wouldn't try and make this a race issue given YOUR past bby

I have zero past of trying to discredit someone because of their race. I have a past of embarrassing myself trying to fit in. We aren't the same.


Y'all think Bananas would get Moriah blacklisted over that? If so I hope she don't win. A blacklisted winner is not something we need

We don't need microwave girl as a winner of anything 

Yeah I'm also hoping somebody that doesn't need warming up to get the win lol. And by somebody I don't mean Nose Smile



Y'all think Bananas would get Moriah blacklisted over that? If so I hope she don't win. A blacklisted winner is not something we need

We don't need microwave girl as a winner of anything 

Yeah I'm also hoping somebody that doesn't need warming up to get the win lol. And by somebody I don't mean Nose

Olivia and Moriah are the same kind of boring just different hair color 


and i wouldn't try and make this a race issue given YOUR past bby

I have zero past of trying to discredit someone because of their race. I have a past of embarrassing myself trying to fit in. We aren't the same.

i won't be arguing this with you any further considering you throw out insane accusations and have no idea what you're talking about. much like everyone else, i've said darrell is out of his prime and is no longer the goat he once was after repeated poor showings. and that's it. 






I still don't put much weight in eliminations as a mercenary unless it's for a chance to enter the game.   Darrell should probably stick to All Stars at this point after S40 anyway

He can't win All Stars either 

Except he did.

he didn't. you can continue to live in la-la land or you can live in reality with the rest of us

He did. That was completely rigged lmao and you've yet to tell us what Melissa has won lmao. 

i live in reality so i've never claimed melissa has won anything? idk what point you were trying to make there. but anyway here's this Smile

Yeah you're brain dead and take things at face value. Everybody knows that All Stars 2 final was rigged and unreal, but of course you'll use anything to try and discredit Darrell. My point in saying that is Melissa has no wins , has lost more eliminations than she's won, and never makes it past the halfway mark. Even in a season of scrubs like this one. My point is, how can we come for a 4x champion but not this mediocre trash y'all go up for on a daily basis. It gives hypocrite. 



Y'all think Bananas would get Moriah blacklisted over that? If so I hope she don't win. A blacklisted winner is not something we need

We don't need microwave girl as a winner of anything 

You the one who said you think she has good chance at winning lmaoooo 

I was on a vulnerable mindset when I wrote that shhh 

Everytime Melissa is on, y'all pretend she's a good competitor and a contender to win and that's just not the case lmao, but come for The Kang!!

The finals are definitely rigged and influenced all the time, i still remember them trying to edit around Amber not being able to finish her puzzle on Double Agents. 







I still don't put much weight in eliminations as a mercenary unless it's for a chance to enter the game.   Darrell should probably stick to All Stars at this point after S40 anyway

He can't win All Stars either 

Except he did.

he didn't. you can continue to live in la-la land or you can live in reality with the rest of us

He did. That was completely rigged lmao and you've yet to tell us what Melissa has won lmao. 

i live in reality so i've never claimed melissa has won anything? idk what point you were trying to make there. but anyway here's this

Yeah you're brain dead and take things at face value. Everybody knows that All Stars 2 final was rigged and unreal, but of course you'll use anything to try and discredit Darrell. My point in saying that is Melissa has no wins , has lost more eliminations than she's won, and never makes it past the halfway mark. Even in a season of scrubs like this one. My point is, how can we come for a 4x champion but not this mediocre trash y'all go up for on a daily basis. It gives hypocrite. 

cause it's almost as if you can be a fan of someone without them being the best competitor? why do you think so many love people like amanda and marie? not a single melissa stan from what i've seen is arguing that she's elite. also she's 2-2

She's 2-3 after this season, but that's my whole point. Y'all come at Darrell for being a "competitive flop" but hype other competitive flops.. if we're talking about pure competition none of the people y'all go up for would never and could never set the same accolades or greater.

i feel like if you don't support people for their competiveness then why are you entering convos dragging others for their competiveness.

Its not an aspect of the show you care about you why pretend to care now 

i always hate the 'yr fav has won nothing argument' cause it's like okay... and? arguing on the basis of darrell being past his well established GOAT status and no longer what he used to be after like a decade VS arguing on the basis of melissa being a good competitor or not whenever her competitiveness barely has anything to do with the reason people like her.. it's comparing apples to oranges

Darrell being boring is one thing and yes that can be debated without y'all looking dumb, but anytime y'all try him as a competitor but come on here gassing the likes of Melissa, Amanda, Marie, etc, it makes you look delusional. 

i always hate the 'yr fav has won nothing argument' cause it's like okay... and? arguing on the basis of darrell being past his well established GOAT status and no longer what he used to be after like a decade VS arguing on the basis of melissa being a good competitor or not whenever her competitiveness barely has anything to do with the reason people like her.. it's comparing apples to oranges

No it isn't. It's comparing competitor to competitor. Competition to competition. If we're talking about people being competitive flops, talk about people who've ALWAYS been competitive flops. Darrell is past his prime sure, but atleast he HAD a prime. Melissa has not done shit. Amanda has not done shit. Marie has not done shit. 

and no she lost to sylvia and tori but one against nany and alicia i don't know where the third loss is coming from unless i'm forgetting something

and no she lost to sylvia and tori but one against nany and alicia i don't know where the third loss is coming from unless i'm forgetting something

I forgot she got DQ'd on FR not eliminated but still my point stands. She has not done anything worth note. 

Regardless of what you're trying to say, people DO act like Melissa is one of the top girls on any season she's been put on and people DO act like she has potential to win and she doesn't, but nobody talks about it. 

She lost an elimination to a girl with Pneumonia. That's more of an embarrassing loss than anything Darrell has lost. 

i feel like if you don't support people for their competiveness then why are you entering convos dragging others for their competiveness.

Its not an aspect of the show you care about you why pretend to care now 

the inverse can be said as well though if you are supporting and defending people on the basis of competiveness why bring in someone like melissa out of nowhere whenever the argument for her athleticism is hardly ever being made? unless its just to be petty. yeah she gets hyped up here and there and whether she is or not is up for debate but that is not the reason why people go up for her. 


i feel like if you don't support people for their competiveness then why are you entering convos dragging others for their competiveness.

Its not an aspect of the show you care about you why pretend to care now 

the inverse can be said as well though if you are supporting and defending people on the basis of competiveness why bring in someone like melissa out of nowhere whenever the argument for her athleticism is hardly ever being made? unless its just to be petty. yeah she gets hyped up here and there and whether she is or not is up for debate but that is not the reason why people go up for her. 

It's just to show you how stupid you look. You can't talk about people as a competitor or enter convos about players as competitors but go up for a complete nobody. It kinda makes your standpoint laughable. 

Konquerer said he got time today Lol



i feel like if you don't support people for their competiveness then why are you entering convos dragging others for their competiveness.

Its not an aspect of the show you care about you why pretend to care now 

the inverse can be said as well though if you are supporting and defending people on the basis of competiveness why bring in someone like melissa out of nowhere whenever the argument for her athleticism is hardly ever being made? unless its just to be petty. yeah she gets hyped up here and there and whether she is or not is up for debate but that is not the reason why people go up for her. 

It's just to show you how stupid you look. You can't talk about people as a competitor or enter convos about players as competitors but go up for a complete nobody. It kinda makes your standpoint laughable. 

i was never in the debate on darrell beforehand and i still am not because i don't really care and i've never 'gone up' for melissa talking about her as if she's some elite competitor.  i started just making my point that bringing in people like melissa, amanda, marie to show hypocracy of people dissing darrell is redundant because people enjoy them for entirely different reasons. yes people do hype them up and root for them to win on their seasons but the core argument on darrell is whether or not he's fallen off based on his OG status. stanning those girls and the arguments for darrell that i've been seeing is in two completely different realms

girl why are u still engaging? this person is committed to not understanding what you're saying even though it makes perfect sense

something like  oh you think darrell's been flopping lately, well ***** you stan AMANDA. is literally more laughable because like what comparison are you really trying to make, two completely different eras, reputations, and contributions to the franchise
