The Challenge: Invasion-Theo Bradley

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this boy really played that "i was on the road to the nfl" card when he was a bench warmer on a D-3 team lmao

that is the road towards nfl. :^)

you are scraping for scraps.

d-3 benchwarmer is not going to the nfl. ever. i get it was dramatized for the show but they really tried to portray him as an upcoming nfl prospect going to a d-1/power 5 conference school. 


this boy really played that "i was on the road to the nfl" card when he was a bench warmer on a D-3 team lmao

Sounds like every gym teacher I've met. 

Waste of such a fine man 



this boy really played that "i was on the road to the nfl" card when he was a bench warmer on a D-3 team lmao

that is the road towards nfl. :^)

you are scraping for scraps.

d-3 benchwarmer is not going to the nfl. ever. i get it was dramatized for the show but they really tried to portray him as an upcoming nfl prospect going to a d-1/power 5 conference school. 


i was playin

this boy really played that "i was on the road to the nfl" card when he was a bench warmer on a D-3 team lmao

Sounds like every gym teacher I've met. 




this boy really played that "i was on the road to the nfl" card when he was a bench warmer on a D-3 team lmao

that is the road towards nfl. :^)

you are scraping for scraps.

d-3 benchwarmer is not going to the nfl. ever. i get it was dramatized for the show but they really tried to portray him as an upcoming nfl prospect going to a d-1/power 5 conference school. 


i was playin

my b bro

Ok, I rewatched his elimination episode (finally).

And, lmaooo idk they could've EASILY given him a redemption arc on Vendettas or 39. I think there was some slight humility to his quit.

Him and Cory in the first elimination of the season would've been interesting to see.

Flop and a quitter.

His quit was so dramatized lol but I don't think he realized that would be the end of the road for him to come back. I wonder had they given them a real elimination how things would be.
