The Challenge: World Championship- Episodes 11

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The Challenge: World Championship- Episodes 11

Episode: 11

I forgot about this airing tomorrow lol I feel like the majority of ppl stop caring about this weeks ago

Lol I liked the picture you used 

its actaully amazing production thinks anyone watchint this WANTS more of Jordan and Tori. Like really unbelievble 

its actaully amazing production thinks anyone watchint this WANTS more of Jordan and Tori. Like really unbelievble 

We need to replace Skye, Justin, Punkrose, Elmer, and Julie P in production. We get it.

is PR on production lol

i am sick of yes. fake fake fake fake fake  

and look! now with another stalemate they just let the team thrown in pick. why not last week?  

it's so obvious they just make up the rules as they go on, i really might be done with this show 

ok seeing emily cry made this episode worth it. **** her! 

gee i wonder who will win next week? so much suspense. 

Some of the worst gameplay I've ever seen doing the stalemate with Sarah's best friend Emily instead of Jordan & Tori making life easy and voting for them. What's this the 3rd or 4th time Tori's voted for herself? Emily & Yes should have at least tried to swap their vote last minute but I'm sure production would let tori revote 

I forgot about this airing tomorrow lol I feel like the majority of ppl stop caring about this weeks ago

I got 4 episodes to watch. Going to wait for the finale then just try to binge/fast forward through it.

Jordan and toris gameplay is annoying af to watch. 

As predicted, Kaycee has always been overrated in terms of physicality. 

The Australian teams lowkey ruined this season too... after Jodi/Kellyanne went home they were 3/6 of the teams left but all hated each other. So they kept targeting each other allowing the other 3 teams to skate by without even seeing another elimination

I thought Jordan was a TOP TIER COMPETITOR? a LEGEND? I don't think a top tier competitor should be throwing the last daily before the final

This is actually so boring... like why is production letting them avoid targeting each other by continuing to stalemate????? That's the one thing that should be  good about the season. We are down to only 5 teams someone should need to turn on their friend

The final 4 teams have a total of two daily wins...

kinda pathetic when these "legends" are supposedly so great.  

tori/danny have had the most underwhelming performance this entire season. 

The final 4 teams have a total of two daily wins...

kinda pathetic when these "legends" are supposedly so great.  

tori/danny have had the most underwhelming performance this entire season. 

it really shows communication is key. Kellyanne and Tristian two average competitors who were able to win two dailies bc they worked well together.

This is actually so boring... like why is production letting them avoid targeting each other by continuing to stalemate????? That's the one thing that should be  good about the season. We are down to only 5 teams someone should need to turn on their friend

Becasue Tori and Jordan are production favorites and this season was made for 1 of them to win. 

If non Tori Jordan people were doing this it wouldn't be allowed FACT 

KC in 4 eliminations and winning all of them makes me SICK!

I recall Jordan said he never throws a challenge (:


The final 4 teams have a total of two daily wins...

kinda pathetic when these "legends" are supposedly so great.  

tori/danny have had the most underwhelming performance this entire season. 

it really shows communication is key. Kellyanne and Tristian two average competitors who were able to win two dailies bc they worked well together.

which is wild when you think back to the first episodes when they were the first team that was clashing

KC in 4 eliminations and winning all of them makes me SICK!

no kaycee is my favorite this season other than kellyanne and Kiki

the KK.. wait never mind 

That bathroom scene was...yeah

this was the only elimination i ever rooted for kaycee in 

That little scene of theo celebrating by himself in the jacuzzi is the highlight of his season so far lmao. I refuse to count that win as the highlight.

One of the worst episodes of all time the only funny scene was Emily on the floor hysterically crying

Just a godawful season. Let it die.

and look! now with another stalemate they just let the team thrown in pick. why not last week?  

it's so obvious they just make up the rules as they go on, i really might be done with this show 

every time "i told you not to do that" and nothing changes. or TJ saying "it's such a pivotal time in the game" when nothing actually happens so what's pivotal about it lol

what a shitty final 4. jordan/tori/kaycee can kick rocks, the only thing that'll make this season worth it is if sarah and theo win. 

sucks for the MVPs bc i like danny and troy. 

emily/yes and kiki/darrell should be in this final 
