The Challenge: USA - Season 2 Spoilers Discussion

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When Cory won an elimination and swapped right back with bananas 



KVMoron is wrong. Lol.

Says the person asking an allegedly serious question if production is happy with results as 3 shows continue to be filmed 

Remember yesterday when you tried to claim I didn't hate Tory till she become dominate but then on the first page of the Dirty 30 preseason thread I was saying the exact things I say today. You lose every battle you attempt against me, take the day off.

Shows as anon454545...who says that's you?  You've never won any battles

When Cory won an elimination and swapped right back with bananas 

Good for him? 

When Cory won an elimination and swapped right back with bananas 

Cory has been my favorite since he debuted but u r beating this to death. I get liking him and even I jus asked pink if he's been in elim but u gotta talk about something else. Every post can't be about Cory. 


When Cory won an elimination and swapped right back with bananas 

Cory has been my favorite since he debuted but u r beating this to death. I get liking him and even I jus asked pink if he's been in elim but u gotta talk about something else. Every post can't be about Cory. 

You really going to be on this page and pretend jman is normal ?

Shows as anon454545...who says that's you?  You've never won any battles

Cause Hotboiswag quoted it and said "Kajun..." and I also know what I said back then lol. So again, you just lost this battle.

What else do you guys need to know?

How many cats does Skye have? Was Chadwick supposed to be on AS4? Why did Irulan drop from AS4? Was that you on the boring *** documentary they aired several months ago? Will we ever get a Real Housewives type show with the women of Real World Sydney and Real World Vegas together? Will Julie ever make it on to All-Stars? Is 39 gonna be the exact same as 37, 38, World of Bores, and this pointless CBS spinoff? Does Justin Booth talk down to you in the office because you are a minority woman? When does All-Stars 5 start filming? Those are just a few questions I need answered. I'll dm you the rest individually as they come to me.

Once again at some point this week I will be MIA again.

Once again at some point this week I will be Mia again.

Last time you told us you were going to tell us an elimination and disappeared it triggered reddit really bad so can you please do it again right before you leave lol. I like when they go crazy over this stuff

PR can we get a matchup today since you said you'd give one a couple days ago

PR can we get a matchup today since you said you'd give one a couple days ago

I will be asking gamer so we can coordinate a time to post at the same time


PR can we get a matchup today since you said you'd give one a couple days ago

I will be asking gamer so we can coordinate a time to post at the same time

thank you <3



PR can we get a matchup today since you said you'd give one a couple days ago

I will be asking gamer so we can coordinate a time to post at the same time

thank you <3


When Cory won an elimination and swapped right back with bananas 

Cory has been my favorite since he debuted but u r beating this to death. I get liking him and even I jus asked pink if he's been in elim but u gotta talk about something else. Every post can't be about Cory. 

im sorry Sad

Once again at some point this week I will be MIA again.

take all the time you need! Let those Reddit freaks have mental breakdowns LOL.

These new spoilers stans would've NEVER made it through Dirty 30 or Final Reckoning when spoilers only came out every 2.5 weeks hell sometimes even 3 weeks lmaooo 

i will never forget how vevmo was gagged and fully convinced dario had a chance to make the final on dirty 30

EDIT: i also forgot how there was a whole *** argument about dario's spot in the season


Once again at some point this week I will be MIA again.

take all the time you need! Let those Reddit freaks have mental breakdowns LOL.

Except please answer all my questions asap.

I hope Johnny loses again.

I hope John loses again.


Does Justin Booth talk down to you in the office because you are a minority woman?

lmaooo im dead

curious question would Monte be a stand-out (either socially, competitively or screentime)

curious question would Monte be a stand-out (either socially, competitively or screentime)

there are 4 MTV Vets left. I think we know where the screen time is going. 

My dream is Johnny, Josh, Tori, and Wes all end up on the same team and still lose 

Just hope Wes and bananas don't win together. That sounds awful 

My dream is Johnny, Josh, Tori, and Wes all end up on the same team and still lose 

a beautiful dream


My dream is Johnny, Josh, Tori, and Wes all end up on the same team and still lose 

a beautiful dream

As long as those 4 lose I'll be happy with whoever wins.

wes, cassidy, michaela, desi, chris and cory winning on the same team would be heavenly

My dream is Johnny, Josh, Tori, and Wes all end up on the same team and still lose 

I would love that, but unfortunately they likely won't all end up in a team like that and lose (but I could be wrong lol), and if they did it would be very suspicious yet predictable. However, if this does stay in teams, more than likely at least 2 of them will win which again is unfortunate. Sad

Michaela Desi Cory and Fessy would be my dream winners which means it probably isn't happening 

I need at LEAST two people in that group to win 
