The Challenge: World Championship - Episode 7

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The Challenge: World Championship - Episode 7

Episode: 7

I'm finally caught up and ready in my uniform to watch tomorrow. I'm on dat Ayanna energy, ready now to watch these weekly episodez.

Danny and Sarah really got John pressed, like PRESSED.

which group is more dysfunctional?  Team USA in War Worlds 2 or Team USA this season? 

which group is more dysfunctional?  Team USA in War Worlds 2 or Team USA this season? 



which group is more dysfunctional?  Team USA in War Worlds 2 or Team USA this season? 


Why must they insist on these national teams being a thing when they're not even actually playing in teams? Tf

Why must they insist on these national teams being a thing when they're not even actually playing in teams? Tf

Why must they insist on these national teams being a thing when they're not even actually playing in teams? Tf

Yeah, I'm so confused by that lol. It makes no sense to me lol.

LMAO at everyone telling John which one was wrong AFTER he lost.  

Kellyanne really executed that plan. "Bananas and Tori think they can work with me....which is sweet"


"y'all ************* gonna learn!"

they were all so mad about how bananas treated them that they could have just taken out jordan had someone said something.. 

Kellyanne is queen for that!

The little banter between Theo and Jodi where she asks if he wants her to kick him in the balls lmao

The little banter between Theo and Jodi where she asks if he wants her to kick him in the balls lmao

Them showing the "band of misfits" laughing and dancing in the club after they pulled the move off lol

I could see several teams making that same mistake Bananas did, except probably Benja

If I were the mob with Kellyanne, I wouldve said Tori/Danny instead of Bananas/Justine. Great play by Kellyanne otherwise.

Uh what time does the new episode air cuz I was not expecting to already be reading y'all's Yelp review on the episode this morning 

kellyanne is the QUEEN

bananas all "you guys ***** knew that" yeah? they're not required to help you?

Kellyanne and Jodi

"The devils worst nightmare" and the camera goes to Kellyanne lmaooooo. Iconic

they were all so mad about how bananas treated them that they could have just taken out jordan had someone said something.. 

Even if Jordan leaves Bananas then becomes the number 1 threat in a final and USA is still 4 strong which we're at the point now where 4 votes controls the vote. It's a win win wither way with the two most winning players who also have strong partners being down there.

LMAO at everyone telling John which one was wrong AFTER he lost.  

Kellyanne really executed that plan. "Bananas and Tori think they can work with me....which is sweet"


I was dying when she said that hahaha 

Kellyanne is making this season for me. This is def one of her best showings. 

Kellyanne and Jodi

The stars of the season 

Kellyanne rly did THAT

i felt bad for justine and justine only.

Omg like omg that episode was so good 

KellyAnne providing and y'll doubted her since her return. 

Kellyanne rly did THAT

Kellyanne needs to be the main girl on the main show not those losers yall call tori Aneesa and nany... as Kellyanne is serving like no one ever
