Hannah is a trained dancer her body control is not to be underestimated plus with the brains she is elite material I haven't said that since Millionaire Mitchell
like i set myself coming in here knowing people have no spoiler etiquette
flyguy im sorry. They have no respect for us. But mods don't care! They don't enforce rules in their threads. They only ban people for arguing too much! Smh. Let's move to Reddit together they're organized about this.
No , 39 films june
I feel bad for whoever is Tiffany's partner
I doubt that's what this is...I could see it for season 40 tho.
My baby Hannah sitting so pretty and y'all think she's first boot material
She has ties to Ameerah Kyland Tiffany and Alyssa sister is sitting good so far
Wow so 39 is immediately after this is done
bet she's an alt or Tiffany is
That's very quick lol...but they want The Challenge nonstop 52 wks out the year so...
Like TC is either gonna be filming or airing nonstop like are they not tired.
Hannah is a trained dancer her body control is not to be underestimated plus with the brains she is elite material I haven't said that since Millionaire Mitchell
makes sense as to why Kaycee/Nany declined this
I haven't leaped at a single name yet. Like not even a single tingle in my thumb as I scroll through the list
Excited to see Dusty for AR representation but Ryan is my absolute favorite. *crossing my fingers*
Tiffany is not a alternate now Hannah might be
Spoilers on page 11. Be careful non spoiler readers! Time to put some people on vacation
after what Ryan went through if they put him in a house similar to the challenge USA 1 they are sick
Thinking about making Michele my new Amber B until mother decides to return after dropping her baby
Cmon mother Michele ❤️
Ryan has a great story but he was boring compared to Dusty
not even Cory? He's been gone soooooo long!
Michele has one job and that's to protect whichever one of her survivor sisters that shows up
So we have a season with Johnny, And Fessy but no Danny? Production really doesn't know how to cast this show.
i saw it lmao im pissed but i cant even be that mad
like i set myself coming in here knowing people have no spoiler etiquette
I hope its Julia. Their friendship was iconic during their season.
im sorry. They have no respect for us. But mods don't care! They don't enforce rules in their threads. They only ban people for arguing too much! Smh. Let's move to Reddit together they're organized about this.
I wanna stare at his face though
" i cant talk about tv stuff yall " lmaoooooo
just bc someone was an early boot doesn't mean they shouldn't be on -if they made an impact ofc