The Challenge: USA - Season 2 Spoilers Discussion

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The Challenge: USA - Season 2 Spoilers Discussion

Let's hope we get some QUEENS

First two names has been posted

There's no pictures of Johnny or Tori  PR


what ever happened to this being cbs people only..... having flagship people on this makes it a pointless "spinoff" there's gonna be no differentiation between flagship and these and whatever else. it's gonna be the same 15 people and maybe 10 newbies 

Tori is taking no breaks. Doing everything she is asked for 

tori is gonna turn into cara maria when it comes to going crazy after being on so many seasons.. 

:yawn: not worried ab the first few names as they're all gonna be bad so

What is the point of this now if it's not different than the flagship? Just start season 39 or whatever we're on lol

Tori queen about to win her 2nd title I know that's right! Stay pressed you*******!

Clearly Tory is one of those who don't know when to take a break

First two names has been posted

im so happy I didn't vote for that man

Yeah I feel like this is some sort of invasion of the champs format

Kaycee, Josh, & faysal incoming 

tori is gonna turn into cara maria when it comes to going crazy after being on so many seasons.. 

she's on meds so she should be fine


First two names has been posted

im so happy I didn't vote for that man

Let me scam people for fun lmao



First two names has been posted

im so happy I didn't vote for that man

Let me scam people for fun lmao

you got em good girl. Post your cash app for the next two names. I'll contribute a dollar or two

Cast & Alternates

Tori Deal (Are You The One?)

Johnny Bananas (The Real World: Key West)

Give it up Deelishis! 

Pink, is the cast bigger or smaller than USA 1?

Not yall voting for the random just for PR to scam yall with those names lol.

Edit: Opps Timster already called that out.

Tori is no competition to Alyssa she will run circles around her

Pink, is the cast bigger or smaller than USA 1?

I don't have all names confirmed but it's around the same + alternates

if they would just make this a cast of 30 and make it mtv vs cbs it would make so much more sense 

Not yall voting for the random just for PR to scam yall with those names lol.

Go vote ❤️ You have another hours

How much yall wanna bet somehow Johnny gets paired with Sarah. They gonna do whatever they can to make sure Botox and Roids go deep.


Not yall voting for the random just for PR to scam yall with those names lol.

Go vote ❤️ You have another hours

Drop a good name and i'll vote 100 times.


To all the castmembers reading this. Congrats on flopping and being a puppet to the vacation alliance. Just in advanced, we hate you for sucking and giving us another predictable season.

I think there will be no Sarah or Danny, just Ben because he kisses the vet *****. But I hope I'm wrong.



Not yall voting for the random just for PR to scam yall with those names lol.

Go vote ❤️ You have another hours

Drop a good name and i'll vote 100 times.

What if there aren't good names
