The Challenge USA 2 - Cast Discussion

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this got delayed again Gamer said, they might need to just permanently delay this...

It really doesn't matter if it got delayed

Why does this keep happening to this show? This happened with season 1 too

Don't you work at an Amazon warehouse? Give us the tea wes

I feel sorry for them cause working for Amazon sucks.

How about just cancel it?

How about just cancel it?

Why cancel this? This can be so good if they get the cast and format right. They were just super lazy with the format in Season 1 and half the cast were duds. There's at least 10 Survivors I can think of that would do amazing on this.


Don't you work at an Amazon warehouse? Give us the tea wes

I feel sorry for them cause working for Amazon sucks.

I used to work at Amazon a few years ago and it actually was fine. We only worked 4 days a week and got 40 hrs and got a bunch of time off in different various forms plus my job I had was by myself so no one bothered me I jus used my phone to watch TV all day. Only thing tht sucked was I was only making about 19 an hour when I left tht was after a few years so the pay ain't tht great. I've heard horror stories from Amazon before so I'm sure some places do suck but my personal experience was fine if they paid more I'd still be there


How about just cancel it?

Why cancel this? This can be so good if they get the cast and format right. They were just super lazy with the format in Season 1 and half the cast were duds. There's at least 10 Survivors I can think of that would do amazing on this.

the problem is all the people from the first season who aren't the winners or Kyland and Alyssa have been openly bashing production and the show. It scared a lot of cbs people away from wanting to do it, and the ones who still want to do it are just hungry reality loses that fans aren't excited for. I feel like they're probably having a hard time getting the names they want from cbs cast members.



How about just cancel it?

Why cancel this? This can be so good if they get the cast and format right. They were just super lazy with the format in Season 1 and half the cast were duds. There's at least 10 Survivors I can think of that would do amazing on this.

the problem is all the people from the first season who aren't the winners or Kyland and Alyssa have been openly bashing production and the show. It scared a lot of cbs people away from wanting to do it, and the ones who still want to do it are just hungry reality loses that fans aren't excited for. I feel like they're probably having a hard time getting the names they want from cbs cast members.

yeah a lot of them got this bad dry cough from the mold in the house so the second half a lot were asking to go into elimination 

I feel bad for all the season 1 folks they probably aren't going on the main show which can actually turn into a career

I feel bad for all the season 1 folks they probably aren't going on the main show which can actually turn into a career

making a career out of reality tv is pathetic...

if they aren't going to do anything different than cancel it. These idiots refuse to have fun this should be a tv vs cbs season and twist that the cbs people who have done both have to decide which them they are going to be apart of .

The CBS people are used to working in professional settings. The Challenge production could not be less professional or competent. From their inconsistent rules to poor treatment of the cast, they do everything wrong. Everything is poorly planned and executed. I'm not suprised if they are struggling to get ppl.


I feel bad for all the season 1 folks they probably aren't going on the main show which can actually turn into a career

making a career out of reality tv is pathetic...



I feel bad for all the season 1 folks they probably aren't going on the main show which can actually turn into a career

making a career out of reality tv is pathetic...

I know a Tory stan didn't just quote that lol

I mean they are getting paid thousands just to show up whether they flop or not is it really that embarrassing




I feel bad for all the season 1 folks they probably aren't going on the main show which can actually turn into a career

making a career out of reality tv is pathetic...

I know a Tory stan didn't just quote that lol

The CBS people are used to working in professional settings. The Challenge production could not be less professional or competent. From their inconsistent rules to poor treatment of the cast, they do everything wrong. Everything is poorly planned and executed. I'm not suprised if they are struggling to get ppl.

Almost all of the season 1 cast has talked shit about production and how they were treated. James talked about having money stolen, Desi and Tyson have talked about missing clothes from the season. I'm not surprised that CBS people aren't wanting to do a shake when they might lose money and clothes while filming. I honestly think if the challenge had actually good professional production everyone would be lining up for this show.


I feel bad for all the season 1 folks they probably aren't going on the main show which can actually turn into a career

making a career out of reality tv is pathetic...

Making more money than any of us getting to be on TV all the time isn't pathetic. Being jealous enough to hate because ur stuck at a 9-5 is tho

I'm surprised anyone wants to do this after that one cast member aired productions *** out all over ig.



I feel bad for all the season 1 folks they probably aren't going on the main show which can actually turn into a career

making a career out of reality tv is pathetic...

Making more money than any of us getting to be on TV all the time isn't pathetic. Being jealous enough to hate because ur stuck at a 9-5 is tho

a 9-5 > a $20k mtv check & onlyfanz income 



I feel bad for all the season 1 folks they probably aren't going on the main show which can actually turn into a career

making a career out of reality tv is pathetic...

Making more money than any of us getting to be on TV all the time isn't pathetic. Being jealous enough to hate because ur stuck at a 9-5 is tho

I'm not judging anyone for making a career out of tv but me personally...I can't think of anything worse than being on tv these days.




I feel bad for all the season 1 folks they probably aren't going on the main show which can actually turn into a career

making a career out of reality tv is pathetic...

Making more money than any of us getting to be on TV all the time isn't pathetic. Being jealous enough to hate because ur stuck at a 9-5 is tho

a 9-5 > a $20k mtv check & onlyfanz income 

Depends on the person.  Aneesa making this her career likely earned more doing it than any other "job" she would have had.

It really all depends on how valuable the concept of money is to you. Imo, being on tv is the biggest risk you can take, especially if you want to do other things, but if you're ready for that then go ahead. If that takes over your other careers you had planned, then so be it. The money's made regardless. 

i guess the smartest thing to do is collect a few easy checks maybe get lucky and win and then re invest in yourself whether that's Schooling or a Passion.

Many of them are too young and dumb to think like that but it's honestly super easy and quick money to start your life 




I feel bad for all the season 1 folks they probably aren't going on the main show which can actually turn into a career

making a career out of reality tv is pathetic...

Making more money than any of us getting to be on TV all the time isn't pathetic. Being jealous enough to hate because ur stuck at a 9-5 is tho

a 9-5 > a $20k mtv check & onlyfanz income 

Anyone whose making a career out of this is making way more than tht

Does anyone know how long this is delayed. 1 week? 2?


The CBS people are used to working in professional settings. The Challenge production could not be less professional or competent. From their inconsistent rules to poor treatment of the cast, they do everything wrong. Everything is poorly planned and executed. I'm not suprised if they are struggling to get ppl.

Almost all of the season 1 cast has talked shit about production and how they were treated. James talked about having money stolen, Desi and Tyson have talked about missing clothes from the season. I'm not surprised that CBS people aren't wanting to do a shake when they might lose money and clothes while filming. I honestly think if the challenge had actually good professional production everyone would be lining up for this show.

Hopefully some backlash get through and CBS at least gets Booth thrown off this spinoff. Olivia's near death injury should have been the last straw. She was approximately 20mm from death. His lack of PPE and injury prone bull **** is enough.

lol survivor/bb actually treat these people with respect, the challenge would never

I mean the challenge has had what, 5 women film a show pregnant in the last 5 years or so and still doesn't do tests? The level of professionalism between that and Survivor and BB is astronomical 
