The Challenge USA 2 - Cast Discussion

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Thank you but no YOU are THE underrated treasure vevmo. Haters skip past your comments because you don't look for drama. Yet everything you say is facts!

awwww thank you <3



Ok it does feel a little non-stop lately lol like we have 4 different variations going on now (main, all stars, cbs USA, and world championships) plus all the international versions lmaoo

and y'all are in every spoiler thread and episode discussion thread. Until the core fan base stops tuning in the products keep coming! Yay. I would much rather rely on spin offs to finish off my nut since the main show tends to give me blue balls. 

boy.....please pipe down

Loads of people they can choose from. They don't have to cast recent people who appeared on the show.

Loads of people they can choose from. They don't have to cast recent people who appeared on the show.

People do realize this is Challenge USA not Challenge CBS though right? Like yah it is airing on CBS, but by labeling it USA they didnt limit themselves to only casting CBS folks *shrug*

People do realize this is Challenge USA not Challenge CBS though right? Like yah it is airing on CBS, but by labeling it USA they didnt limit themselves to only casting CBS folks *shrug*

It's the CBS Challenge.

People do realize this is Challenge USA not Challenge CBS though right? Like yah it is airing on CBS, but by labeling it USA they didnt limit themselves to only casting CBS folks *shrug*

I totally get that, but how am I supposed to differentiate this from the flagship now? All these shows are gonna have the same tired cast but just on different channels (MTV, CBS, Paramount plus) .

Christie Murphy from BB21 was asked and said no 

I think Monte could make the final.

I wanna see Jack on this. Don't @ me.

Hopefully it'll be less lame than USA1. I can't get into these CBS 'personalities', they're so bland for the most part. Only the love island ppl were spicy last season

We need a Canada version so Drea can debut.

I really hope they change around and give Big D messy a** a shot, he is annoying but he would bring drama. We need to take who we can get at this point.

Wow fessy and Josh were asked 

I'm so happy to hear that. She should've won the last one but production had it all setup for Sarah to win.

Hopefully it'll be less lame than USA1. I can't get into these CBS 'personalities', they're so bland for the most part. Only the love island ppl were spicy last season

Same I feel they're too PG/family friendly and care too much about their image. 

Derek F is a terrible human and not in a fun way, he's probably one of the most pathetic people to ever be on reality tv, he is not needed.

Only people from bb23 that should be involved with the challenge is Kyland. Maybe Alyssa too but thats it

Only people from bb23 that should be involved with the challenge is Kyland. Maybe Alyssa too but thats it

No. They can be used on 39. New faces only.

I wanna see Jack on this. Don't @ me.

Yes Jack from Survivor Island of the idols.


Hopefully it'll be less lame than USA1. I can't get into these CBS 'personalities', they're so bland for the most part. Only the love island ppl were spicy last season

Same I feel they're too PG/family friendly and care too much about their image. 

I almost used PG to describe them as well. You're so right, I can't handle the Disney version of the challenge.

My somewhat realistic cast 



his girlfriend Andrea


his bff Drea if she's eligible

Natalie Napalm Cole - token grandma

Chris Underwood - token male winner

Kim Spradlin - token female winner

Hai - token annoying gay plus non black poc

Stephenie - Token throwback legend + she seems to love being on tv lately

That one YouTuber Asian girl first boot from several seasons ago to bring the ratings!

Big Bruva 

Derek - token fat for comedic relief

Joseph for flavor

Tyler to make Angela mad

Paulie for good tv

Caleb so he can be the first to be on all 3 shows

Taylor - cast for Joseph a POC power couple is needed to balance out Xander and Andrea

Michie - Apology tour cast mate 

Jessica - token female fat for comedic relief

Natalie (18) - cast strictly as an ally for Paulie

Rachel - cast to be a token quitter

Janelle - if she accepts

Dani Reyes- token old school legend 

Amazing Race


Twins from Covid season

Nadiya ideally but she looks out of shape and focused on her family so.... scratch this one 

The racist cowboys 

Love Island

Season 1 winners we need some exes drama


That one latina girl that almost got into a fist fight with Shannon

um idk I don't watch TAR that show is atrocious. All these names were off the top of my head so if I can't remember you without checking wiki you shouldn't be cast. This is a good enough cast we don't need 30 people!



Unfortunately BMP doesn't have any casting director/assistant jobs open right now Sad but i'll apply in the future since i'm better at this than all of you! 

I almost used PG to describe them as well. You're so right, I can't handle the Disney version of the challenge.

Yeah, this has killed the showa. The sob stories, no villains or drama, plus it's all campy and cheesy. I hate it so much. Miss what it used to be.


People do realize this is Challenge USA not Challenge CBS though right? Like yah it is airing on CBS, but by labeling it USA they didnt limit themselves to only casting CBS folks *shrug*

I totally get that, but how am I supposed to differentiate this from the flagship now? All these shows are gonna have the same tired cast but just on different channels (MTV, CBS, Paramount plus) .

You're on a Challenge forum honey I don't think you'll have a problem differentiating the shows. It's the paramount network now, going to those different paramount platforms is the differentiator.



Gamer said there are two MTV girlies he's keeping to himself. If I had to guess maybe Da'Vonne and Nia

Da'Vonne came from CBS clown

Why so hostile? Lol

First they're posting everything "spoiler"girl tweets, and then they're saying DaVonne is an mtv girlie lol say clown shit then rainbow wig must fit

Having these people from the main show on this maybe taking away spots from people we haven't seen inawhile which is the reason I liked the cbs in the first place bc it was different . If I wanted stale I can just watch the main show.

Sierra Dawn Thomas please

If you support Kam on All Stars you can't be mad about MTV cast on this.  They already did that for the final round.  They're all blending together which is stupid but you can't pick and choose when it's stupid.  You're either for or against it. 

People who have potential should just decline this... just look at Olivia if she was on season 1 of cbs challenge it woulda been most likely a one off for her.
