The Challenge: World Championship- Nelson “Nelly T” Thomas

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The Challenge: World Championship- Nelson “Nelly T” Thomas

I'm still screaming at how they brought him on over Devin Lol

I'm still screaming at how they brought him on over Devin

it's bc they had to fulfill the POC requirement

He's always given secretly ******** energy to me

Edit: Why is bíséxual censored?

He's always given secretly ******** energy to me

Edit: Why is bíséxual censored?

there were some jokes made about his twitter a while ago, he does really like two mans with his women lol

So hot but so useless. He seems the most out of place on this 

Only here to fill their special needs quota.

I have a soft spot for Nelly T. That said, his dumbas s isn't surviving long.

Only here to fill their special needs quota.

Fact--they have to find someone that can't even read the psych test to bring on every season.  Hunter, Cory, Nelson and Nicole have been doing a good job filling that role for a while.

The hair has got to go.. and he is useless.

Glad devin ain't on which is hilarious but it shoulda been Cory 

why is he on this?

I gave up on him since total madness 

I think Nany and Aneesa has better chances of winner than he ever will.

I think Nany and Aneesa has better chances of winner than he ever will.

ok u gassing it. 

like u jus did way too much.

why is he on this?

Why do you think?


I think Nany and Aneesa has better chances of winner than he ever will.

ok u gassing it. 

He's more annoying than Josh at this point.  

His hair is cute idc 

like u jus did way too much.

Nelson has literally no brains. He arguably has the worst social game..Can't do puzzles.. and hands things away to friends and this is why he loses every single season. The worst part is that he doesn't even see his mistakes. Strength was supposed to be his THING, but Fessy even took THAT title from him, and Kyle even can beat him in strength. The worst part is that he used to be cool, but now he became a production puppet. Guess this is so he secures a call now. I was a huge fan up until a few seasons ago, but he has become so insufferable I can't help but to say he is the biggest disappointment out of all new castings since his debut on Rivals 3. He has become a flop and I have lost ALL faith in him. I would run a final with Aneesa before I ran one with Nelson.

I hope one day he proves me wrong. That's all.

His hair is cute idc 

I think Nany and Aneesa has better chances of winner than he ever will.

now you doing too much

I think this is by far his best pic and the best he has look

i cant help but root for him everytime lol

He's just become a caricature of himself and at this point it's not charming or funny, it's embarrassing and pathetic. He would be ok if he was more authentic and if production understood breaks. They really kill their own talent by letting them on EVERY season.

Championships:  0

IQ: also 0

He's just become a caricature of himself and at this point it's not charming or funny, it's embarrassing and pathetic. He would be ok if he was more authentic and if production understood breaks. They really kill their own talent by letting them on EVERY season.

Championships:  0

IQ: also 0

Exactly what I said. Stupidest person ever on the show period.


I think Nany and Aneesa has better chances of winner than he ever will.

now you doing too much

At least Aneesa can solve puzzles? At least she has a social game? At least she doesn't make the same mistake every season, besides not getting in the gym. She is a lot more rounded than Nelson. He'll get to a checkpoint 20 minutes before Aneesa will, but by the time she gets there he'll still be staring blankly at a puzzle or math problem.

Championships:  1 (Invasion of the Champions)

IQ: 0
