The Challenge: All Stars 4 - Spoilers Discussion

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Anyone who messes with OS has to go through me!! KVM go back to fat Tory's thread and leave my baby OS alone!

Lol at this

KVM jealous he doesn't have any defenders. Not even his make believe wife and kids lol.

Lol but your not obsessed with me at all


This was when the world ended





Anyone who messes with OS has to go through me!! KVM go back to fat Tory's thread and leave my baby OS alone!

Lol at this

KVM jealous he doesn't have any defenders. Not even his make believe wife and kids lol.

Lol but your not obsessed with me at all


Not CD owning KVM!! Lololol

I wondered if Abe was really mad deep down because Adam had smashed Coral.

I am back (briefly) for the finale! 

Go Laurel!! 

i thought you quit vevmo for good





Anyone who messes with OS has to go through me!! KVM go back to fat Tory's thread and leave my baby OS alone!

Lol at this

KVM jealous he doesn't have any defenders. Not even his make believe wife and kids lol.

Lol but your not obsessed with me at all


lmao I know I was just mean to you on the other thread but for you to come back and your first post is coming for kvm is so funny


I am back (briefly) for the finale! 

Go Laurel!! 

i thought you quit vevmo for good

this is my CT Cutthroat comeback till the winners for this 

I am back (briefly) for the finale! 

Go Laurel!! 


Why do I feel like the good sis is jinxed now 






Anyone who messes with OS has to go through me!! KVM go back to fat Tory's thread and leave my baby OS alone!

Lol at this

KVM jealous he doesn't have any defenders. Not even his make believe wife and kids lol.

Lol but your not obsessed with me at all


lmao I know I was just mean to you on the other thread but for you to come back and your first post is coming for kvm is so funny

i have sources telling me they've been obsessed since i left loll 

People thought you actually didn't left and have another account lol. Unless...

CD is back and he ain't taking prisoners. His first post back probably made KVM cry. Sad

CD is back and he ain't taking prisoners. His first post back probably made KVM cry.

when kvm saw me return :( 

CD can you give us your thoughts on the spoilers for this season? Happy, sad? Do you have a new Darrell? Are you excited for Flora?

None of you can call Leroys win rigged, if he does win, while sitting on your couch, just shut up. Go run a mile, which you probably cant you bums.

None of you can call Leroys win rigged, if he does win, while sitting on your couch, just shut up. Go run a mile, which you probably cant you bums.

Leroy winning is RIGGED. He ain't winning anyway sooooooo there.

Praying for Ace

Will we see Averey, Jay, Ryan, Derek, Flora, Adam again? I feel they'll stop calling Jay and hopefully Ryan...

His name is Ace

Don't get all up in his space

He'll put you in your place

Him being with a woman is a waste

So daddy please c​​​​​um in my face


CD can you give us your thoughts on the spoilers for this season? Happy, sad? Do you have a new Darrell? Are you excited for Flora?

best final 4 woman ever? im happy. if Laurel or Cara or Veronica dont win seasons a FLOP 

cara has the best chance overall to win imo. it just depends what's in the final because of there isn't that much puzzles it'll most likely be leroy or steve winning

Go Daddy Ace Smile

His name is Ace

Don't get all up in his space

He'll put you in your place

Him being with a woman is a waste

So daddy please c​​​​​um in my face




I really don't get the ace love tbh

There is a reason whenever I try to delete my Facebook account, I immediately have to come back on all cylinders.  I am a definite attention ***** whose favorite 2000s movie is Brokeback Mountain and in the eternal words about what that means about my sexuality:  "It's nobody's business but ours".

The new photos of the males have proven to me that almost everyone saying that Ace is so hot that they wish to please him sexually is correct.  Adam, Brad, Leroy, and Steve are smokin' too!  The only redeemable aspect about Cara is her choice in black S&M costumes and the tattoo on the right side of the leg area near the holiest of holies.

Veronica is the only finalist smart enough to realize the entire first day of the final is  a joke so she will walk and save her energy so that she is ready for the lincoln log building final checkpoint that determines the winner. She knows it's better to be rested than to kill herself all day for a one minute advantage lol. 

I really don't get the ace love tbh

99% of his fanbase is gay men. He is the what Lady Gaga would be to the challenge basically... Except that we don't want Lady Gaga to fhuk us. Smile

It's so funny how everyone is in agreement that we don't want a Nicole win under any circumstances 

Vevmo doesn't agree on much but we agree on THAT
