The Challenge: All Stars 4 - Spoilers Discussion

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So Syrus is in the game, right? His IG has been silent way too long.

even people who do spoilers, or their sources, have biases, so I would trust when they say "This person went home" or "this person caused drama" but I'd be skeptical of statements such as "production is rigging it for leroy and kam.."

No offense to anyone

Production has tried to rig it for them before and CT still won.  They can only do so much.  

I dont believe they tried to rig double agents for leroy. They rigged that shit for CT though. Since none of their golden boys are on this one I believe it this time however lol. Leroy winning this would be good press for them bc not that long ago leroy was calling them out.

I do think leroy can win this one even without rigging.... I mean when the biggest competition is only brad you know its lackluster male side.


Tina and Derek have a good relationship. I can see The Mean Girls + Cancun&Ryan being the mayority alliance ruling the house

I can also see Steve potentially being in the group.  I think him and Tina have a pretty good relationship.

I'm curious where Adam and Kefla stand in terms of alliances.

I can definitely see a big alliance of Tina, Veronica, Rachel plus Derek and Steve. Maybe Ryan and Laurel in there too. But we will see.


Calling it now, this is Leroy's season to win... there I said it

The spoiler team said the same thing in the season of Double Agent. But I have not seen any help from the production side, neither Kam nor Leroy. If they wanted them to win, they wouldn't have allowed the first day of elimination to be changed from male to female, then CT would have gone home.And they wouldn't let СT and Amber continue after the cave first, as if Amber could solve that math problem at all.Do not take all the words of the spoiler team so seriously)

Leroy shoot himself in the foot when chosing Nany as his partner

I dont believe they tried to rig double agents for leroy. They rigged that shit for CT though. Since none of their golden boys are on this one I believe it this time however lol. Leroy winning this would be good press for them bc not that long ago leroy was calling them out.

They wanted Leroy to win double agents especially since he kept saying it was his last show

Leroy isn't even terrible at finals, idk why we keep acting like he's Aneesa 

He's not but would anyone be shocked if someone like Derek or Ryan or Ace or Steve got to the final and wins? Leroy is very beatable in a final especially since it usually just comes down to running and puzzles. 

even people who do spoilers, or their sources, have biases, so I would trust when they say "This person went home" or "this person caused drama" but I'd be skeptical of statements such as "production is rigging it for leroy and kam.."

No offense to anyone

Where did I wrote rigging? I wrote that they want them to win that's two different things. You know production themselves have biases and favorites too.

Just look at the elimination they gave Leroy and Jay on double agents. An elimination that Leroy has beast on the past.

Just look at the elimination they gave Leroy and Jay on double agents. An elimination that Leroy has beast on the past.

It would be so funny if Leroy goes into elimination this season and it's that elimination AGAIN LOL

Just look at the elimination they gave Leroy and Jay on double agents. An elimination that Leroy has beast on the past.

Honestly though, that elimination was Jay's best chance against Leroy lol. He's a rock climber. Imagine Jay and Leroy in pole wrestle, balls in, or hall brawl? Leroy would massacre him.


I dont believe they tried to rig double agents for leroy. They rigged that shit for CT though. Since none of their golden boys are on this one I believe it this time however lol. Leroy winning this would be good press for them bc not that long ago leroy was calling them out.

They wanted Leroy to win double agents especially since he kept saying it was his last show

well they shouldn't have done that fraud bullshit they did with ct then if they wanted Leroy to win sooo bad Smile

Leroy would be a satisfying winner if he actually earned it and it wasn't handed to him through production rigging like Tory and Devon's.

Damn So Nelson really did win invasion and hunter won final reckoning and joss/Kayleigh weren't the slowest swimmers


Just look at the elimination they gave Leroy and Jay on double agents. An elimination that Leroy has beast on the past.

Honestly though, that elimination was Jay's best chance against Leroy lol. He's a rock climber. Imagine Jay and Leroy in pole wrestle, balls in, or hall brawl? Leroy would massacre him.

That's literally Leroy's elimination of choice if he could pick one. 

Damn So Nelson really did win invasion and hunter won final reckoning and joss/Kayleigh weren't the slowest swimmers

No Nelson didn't win Invasion 

Production doesn't hand people wins but they def put things in their favor and it's up to them to finish the job 


Damn So Nelson really did win invasion and hunter won final reckoning and joss/Kayleigh weren't the slowest swimmers

No Nelson didn't win Invasion 

wouldnt put it past them with all this rigging and production faves talk

hunter won final reckoning and joss/Kayleigh weren't the slowest swimmers

These two are objectively true.



Damn So Nelson really did win invasion and hunter won final reckoning and joss/Kayleigh weren't the slowest swimmers

No Nelson didn't win Invasion 

wouldnt put it past them with all this rigging and production faves talk

They needed a non-champ to win.  They were more willing to take if away from Camila than CT.   

And they've rigged stuff for my favorites before.  Susie on Inferno 3 and probably multiple times on The Ruins. 

Joss may not have been the slowest swimmer but Kayleigh's weakass was


hunter won final reckoning and joss/Kayleigh weren't the slowest swimmers

These two are objectively true.

Yeah Hunter easily beat Ashley.  They just knew Ashley would take the money and that they could have men win both times they did that. 

Yeah Hunter easily beat Ashley.  They just knew Ashley would take the money and that they could have men win both times they did that. 

1) You spent pages arguing with me that production doesn't rig, now you admit they do. Proving you just want a fight.

2) Neither Hunter or Ashley are on this season, so you are spamming irrelevancy. Ban time.

Joss may not have been the slowest swimmer but Kayleigh's weakass was

the edit made you believe that. but she wasnt


Joss may not have been the slowest swimmer but Kayleigh's weakass was

the edit made you believe that. but she wasnt

Who was? 



Joss may not have been the slowest swimmer but Kayleigh's weakass was

the edit made you believe that. but she wasnt

Who was? 


Production doesn't hand people wins but they def put things in their favor and it's up to them to finish the job 

Someone that get my whole point lol It's not Rigging but sometimes they do certain stuff or setups to benefit certain people. It's up to them to do well on it or not.

Like look at last season Amanda/Tori got physical vs Devin/Emanuel getting a puzzle the same night.

Yea it's not blatant rigging but it's definitely production interference that favors their favorites. 

Yikes not them loving tori more than amanda smh
