Random but one thing I liked about the Inferno is that no one ever got eliminated the first round/challenge, only nominated lol
Honestly, I was thinking about this watching a recent episode of S38 and was thinking if they're doing a 90 minute run time they need to add an extra comp for a life shield time thing. Been slowing rewatching the Inferno 2 on Prime--it's so good. I still think the first Inferno is better but this season was amazng. RIP Mirra
Prayer circle for Laurel or Cara Maria to send that man Rachel home first in Hall Brawl or Pole Wrestle. And for Veronica to get het shit rocked by Ayanna in something very physical that Veronica needs to be sent back to the US in a stretcher for medical attention. <3 Evil deserves to get what's coming to them.
What a vile post.
I'm sorry Miss Psy, I just cannot support the Mean Girls. Never will. But I do hope Ayanna rocks Veronica's world in a physical elimination, no medical attention needed. There, better?
i think the first elim could be tonight if they're on the tuesday/friday schedule per usual.
looking at the global timeline (without saying names) it seems they flew out tuesday and the first elimination happened that friday (we just didn't get an update for a few days)
I need someone to fling Rachel out early but that's highly unlikely
I know, let's start a prayer circle so we can see Rachel go home first. Bye bye girl! Stay home doing your little fitness scam gig!
Lol. I'd love to see Rachel go home quickly. Veronica has to be amongst the worst competitors here though right? Her and Tina's only way of staying around are bullying everyone, which I expect
If filming started, the first elimination could be tonight. Start the prayer circles y'all!
Tyrie Vs Jay in hall brawl tonight
Almost 8pm in South Africa. Could be headed to elimination soon
Heavy Hitters Turbo and Amber M should be joining the cast tonight.
We probably won't get an elimination until Thursday.
Really? If they're only there for 3 weeks that seems late
Arent they in quarantine till Friday?
Random but one thing I liked about the Inferno is that no one ever got eliminated the first round/challenge, only nominated lol
Im pretty sure it's 6 weeks
All I remember of tyrie is Evelyn out performing him in that jumping challenge lol
I thought they didn't quarantine--maye I'm confused
My bad--you're right--good correction
Honestly, I was thinking about this watching a recent episode of S38 and was thinking if they're doing a 90 minute run time they need to add an extra comp for a life shield time thing. Been slowing rewatching the Inferno 2 on Prime--it's so good. I still think the first Inferno is better but this season was amazng. RIP Mirra
I need someone to fling Rachel out early but that's highly unlikely
None of the women leaving early would be surprising because there's so many strong ones they could easily end up against each other.
I'm sorry Miss Psy, I just cannot support the Mean Girls. Never will. But I do hope Ayanna rocks Veronica's world in a physical elimination, no medical attention needed. There, better?
I know, let's start a prayer circle so we can see Rachel go home first. Bye bye girl! Stay home doing your little fitness scam gig!
i think the first elim could be tonight if they're on the tuesday/friday schedule per usual.
looking at the global timeline (without saying names) it seems they flew out tuesday and the first elimination happened that friday (we just didn't get an update for a few days)
1) Rachel Robinson eliminated by Jasmine Reynaud in Sliders.
Book it, it's coming
Lol. I'd love to see Rachel go home quickly. Veronica has to be amongst the worst competitors here though right? Her and Tina's only way of staying around are bullying everyone, which I expect
Its possible. Rachel is the strongest physical competitor. She has definitely made some mental mistakes
I do think Rachel could lose a puzzle but not sure to Jasmine
Rachel Robinson eliminated by Jasmine Reynaud.
Veronica Portillo eliminated by Jasmine Reynaud.
Cara Maria Sorbello eliminated by Flora Alekseyeun.
Nicole Zanatta eliminated by Genesis Moss.
Genesis Moss enters the game.
Random Hooters Skanky Waitress eliminated by Jasmine Reynaud.
Top 4:
4th Place - Jasmine Reynaud
3rd Place - Genesis Moss
2nd Place - Kam Williams & Laurel Stucky (tie)
Winner - Janelle Casanave
Jasmine going 4-0 in eliminations, she's also taking out Tina.
Flora beating Cara!!!!!! Genesis entering the game. Your best post yet
Rachel could lose a puzzle to Tina or V if they end up putting the mean girls against eachother.
Jasmine can't go in elimination if she's chilling alone in the SAFETY PALACE SAFETY PALACE
I'd love to see the mean girls pitted against each other at the first elimination.
Goddess of the Challenge Rachel will not be flung - she will be doing the flinging