I wonder if this final will be easy. Looking back if Beth slaughtered Jonna like she could have she could've won that final it was puzzle and swim heavy something she excels at at her geriatric age.
I would've enjoyed Aneesa on this season sorry not sorry. Her and Jisela to replace Jasman and Avery and we have a fun show.
the mean girls + their drama with Aneesa
veronica vs ayanna
aneesa vs jisela
cara vs Laurel vs Nicole
every woman would be involved in drama from the jump with the exception of miss Janelle who can take a backseat and choose a side. I know I was riding for jasmine at first but looking at this overall cast she's a huge waste of a spot. At least Nicole will reunite with Laurel and y'all forgot they last saw each other in ex in the beach and Nicole got Laurel sent home with the quickness which was some drama. Avery is also gonna be a waste unless she shows up and makes power moves.
Well let's remember Veronica and Rachel haven't kept up with each other so the mean girls aren't necessarily going to be a trio. They could have drama from within. At the end of the day Rachel is there to win so
What do we think the chances are that Laurel and Cara reunite and become friends again? Honestly I would love for their friendship to end on a happy note.
What do we think the chances are that Laurel and Cara reunite and become friends again? Honestly I would love for their friendship to end on a happy note.
I could see them working together to get Nicole out.
People shouldn't sleep on Ayanna, she's been training for this since her last all stars appearance. We all know she has a lot of fight in her and now add the endurance and her being in shape. She might be our dark horse. I've also seen her interact a lot with Rachel with workout stuff so that might be an alliance.
Kam we know she's strategic and has the strength and brains but her endurance has always been lacking. I don't know how much shape she's gotten into since the baby but I see a lot of people out running her during a final.
Avery probably going to lay low and try not to get thrown in.
THAT IS WHAT I AM ASKING! PR is also leaving me on read just like Ayanna did. #WHERESLORI
yeah PR where is she?! I was sad not to see her on the list. Imagine her and Genesis on in place of Nicole and Kam. Then I'm a dream world Beth and Julie replace Laurel and Cara Maria. Now that would create an iconic freaking cast. What could have been....
I think Kam is s great competitor but her strategy is overrated. What are two good strategic moved she made? And, no, plotting to send in two rookie teams against each other isn't one of then.
Trying to order everyone by physical/mental potential and here are my thoughts. I'll start with the ladies. Thoughts? Thanks for humoring
1. Laurel - Not what she once was but she has a lot of advantages. Out of all the femizons on this season she has the best puzzle record and a lot of All-Star challenges have puzzle elements. I think she is also physically the strongest so that plus her size advantage gives her a huge edge for every phyiscal elimination. To me she's the deadliest woman in an elimination with her strength + smarts. I DON'T think she'll win b/c I don't think she has the endurance that Cara, Rachel or NZ have butttt I think she has the best chance of making a final, winning dailies, and winning eliminations.
2. Rachel - She's not battle tested, which will hurt her. We don't know her puzzle or elimination abilities but I would guess she has better endurance than Cara and is smarter than Nicole, which to me makes her most likely to win a final out of all 12 ladies. All she has to do is get there and I think she has the friends and the ability to do it. She just needs to stay out of eliminations because she is beatable and is not great at technical things.
3. Kam - Remember this is not going to be Kam at her best, but she has a good shot. Being both smart and strong is crucial in all-stars because of all the mental dailies. Other than Laurel I think she's the best in eliminations, but I think Kam could still take her out potentially. I think she has the second best shot at making a final and winning dailies, next to Laurel, but like Laurel she is going to be outpaced by Rachel, Natalie Z. and Cara in a final. Still, she has not crippling weaknesses so she's in good shape.
4. Nicole Z - I hate to put her this high but when I think of her as a competitor I think back to her coming in 4th out of 28 people running to the top of the rock in Spain. She is a beast, but she's also stupid and awful. Many of these missions have a mental componant which will be the biggest test for her. Hoping she gets her third injury and has to peace out soon. If she makes a final she's a threat, but I don't see her winning a lot of dailies unless they are bench pressing comps
5. Cara Maria - She has a killer elimination record but I don't think she's ever been on a season where so many people could take her out; Laurel, Rachel, Nicole, Janelle & Kam could all eliminate her and it wouldn't even be an "upset". She's also MUCH smaller than all those girls. She has great endurance and will be great in the final, but her not being the best swimmer and puzzle solver will make her road there tricky. I can see her getting tripped up and getting last in a daily mid-way through and being sent home. However, if she makes the final I think she has the second best shot at winning behind Rachel.
6. Janelle - She's very solid, I could see her as a Jonna this season. Under the radar and strong enough to back herself up if she's in a corner. However, Jodi regularly out-performaned her on AS2 and I don't think Jodi is as strong as the ladies above her on this list. Janelle could win, but she has an uphill climb
7. Ayanna - Ayanna and everyone below her I really don't see as having a shot at winning, but she has a shot at making the final. She was decent on AS2 and she has put in WORK since then. She will be tough to eliminate, and I can see her taking out even people like CM and Rachel in elimination just due to the difference in size and her willpower. However, she did not win a single daily and was in last place twice very early on so I see her making a lot of trips to elimination. I hope she wins some upsetting eliminations while she's down there because I really think she can pull off some surprises.
8. Veronica - She will not win, I'm not delusional, she has crap endurance compared to these amazonians. However, she is arguably the cleverest out of everyone and that has paid dividends for her time and time again. Esp here because All-Stars seems to be just as mental as it is physical. She was in the inner circle 3 times in AS3 and only came in last once out of 7 challenges. Statistically she has a good shot at doing well enough in dailies to keep her safe for a while. However, if and she fumbles she's in deep deep trouble.
9. Avery - She just is not the best at anything. CM and Rachel have better endurance than she does, Laurel and Ayanna are stronger than her, Kam and Veronica are smarter than her. She's going to be middle of the pack until the numbers dwindle and there's nowhere to hide anymore. To win one of these you have to be the best or among the best at some element of the game and I don't think she has a strong point.
10. Tina Fabulous- Endurance has never been great and she has been shown to be wonky in dailies, particularly those involving puzzles. Her placing last or next to last in a daily is a high probability given her last two challenge appearences. However, she is fiery and has a shot at some eliminations, but I don't see her winning two eliminations in a row. I also feel like she'll be the first target of her alliance because she's the worst at playing nice. I hope I'm wrong though
11. Flora was a bad competitor even back in 2002. She was second to worst out of 16 women in her first daily, and the worst of out 12 women on her 3rd, she was eliminated soon after that. Honestly I don't see her as having a competitive spirit, you need to have something mental that pushes you through discomfort. Ace doesn't have it, and I don't think Flora has it either. She's going to loose interest in the whole thing real quick IMO but I hope I'm wrong.
MontanaGaveMeWine: I like your list! I agree with most of it. I forgot Cara Maria is not a great swimmer. While I rank Laurel high, I think I would still put Rachel and Cara Maria above her. Hoping RTV can just hold power and make it to the end and Rachel can take home the victory. I would love a theme twist for this season - like og gauntlet style.
Trying to order everyone by physical/mental potential and here are my thoughts. I'll start with the ladies. Thoughts? Thanks for humoring
1. Laurel - Not what she once was but she has a lot of advantages. Out of all the femizons on this season she has the best puzzle record and a lot of All-Star challenges have puzzle elements. I think she is also physically the strongest so that plus her size advantage gives her a huge edge for every phyiscal elimination. To me she's the deadliest woman in an elimination with her strength + smarts. I DON'T think she'll win b/c I don't think she has the endurance that Cara, Rachel or NZ have butttt I think she has the best chance of making a final, winning dailies, and winning eliminations.
2. Rachel - She's not battle tested, which will hurt her. We don't know her puzzle or elimination abilities but I would guess she has better endurance than Cara and is smarter than Nicole, which to me makes her most likely to win a final out of all 12 ladies. All she has to do is get there and I think she has the friends and the ability to do it. She just needs to stay out of eliminations because she is beatable and is not great at technical things.
3. Kam - Remember this is not going to be Kam at her best, but she has a good shot. Being both smart and strong is crucial in all-stars because of all the mental dailies. Other than Laurel I think she's the best in eliminations, but I think Kam could still take her out potentially. I think she has the second best shot at making a final and winning dailies, next to Laurel, but like Laurel she is going to be outpaced by Rachel, Natalie Z. and Cara in a final. Still, she has not crippling weaknesses so she's in good shape.
4. Nicole Z - I hate to put her this high but when I think of her as a competitor I think back to her coming in 4th out of 28 people running to the top of the rock in Spain. She is a beast, but she's also stupid and awful. Many of these missions have a mental componant which will be the biggest test for her. Hoping she gets her third injury and has to peace out soon. If she makes a final she's a threat, but I don't see her winning a lot of dailies unless they are bench pressing comps
5. Cara Maria - She has a killer elimination record but I don't think she's ever been on a season where so many people could take her out; Laurel, Rachel, Nicole, Janelle & Kam could all eliminate her and it wouldn't even be an "upset". She's also MUCH smaller than all those girls. She has great endurance and will be great in the final, but her not being the best swimmer and puzzle solver will make her road there tricky. I can see her getting tripped up and getting last in a daily mid-way through and being sent home. However, if she makes the final I think she has the second best shot at winning behind Rachel.
6. Janelle - She's very solid, I could see her as a Jonna this season. Under the radar and strong enough to back herself up if she's in a corner. However, Jodi regularly out-performaned her on AS2 and I don't think Jodi is as strong as the ladies above her on this list. Janelle could win, but she has an uphill climb
7. Ayanna - Ayanna and everyone below her I really don't see as having a shot at winning, but she has a shot at making the final. She was decent on AS2 and she has put in WORK since then. She will be tough to eliminate, and I can see her taking out even people like CM and Rachel in elimination just due to the difference in size and her willpower. However, she did not win a single daily and was in last place twice very early on so I see her making a lot of trips to elimination. I hope she wins some upsetting eliminations while she's down there because I really think she can pull off some surprises.
8. Veronica - She will not win, I'm not delusional, she has crap endurance compared to these amazonians. However, she is arguably the cleverest out of everyone and that has paid dividends for her time and time again. Esp here because All-Stars seems to be just as mental as it is physical. She was in the inner circle 3 times in AS3 and only came in last once out of 7 challenges. Statistically she has a good shot at doing well enough in dailies to keep her safe for a while. However, if and she fumbles she's in deep deep trouble.
9. Avery - She just is not the best at anything. CM and Rachel have better endurance than she does, Laurel and Ayanna are stronger than her, Kam and Veronica are smarter than her. She's going to be middle of the pack until the numbers dwindle and there's nowhere to hide anymore. To win one of these you have to be the best or among the best at some element of the game and I don't think she has a strong point.
10. Tina Fabulous- Endurance has never been great and she has been shown to be wonky in dailies, particularly those involving puzzles. Her placing last or next to last in a daily is a high probability given her last two challenge appearences. However, she is fiery and has a shot at some eliminations, but I don't see her winning two eliminations in a row. I also feel like she'll be the first target of her alliance because she's the worst at playing nice. I hope I'm wrong though
11. Flora was a bad competitor even back in 2002. She was second to worst out of 16 women in her first daily, and the worst of out 12 women on her 3rd, she was eliminated soon after that. Honestly I don't see her as having a competitive spirit, you need to have something mental that pushes you through discomfort. Ace doesn't have it, and I don't think Flora has it either. She's going to loose interest in the whole thing real quick IMO but I hope I'm wrong.
THAT IS WHAT I AM ASKING! PR is also leaving me on read just like Ayanna did. #WHERESLORI
I got duped into believing she would do this. I think I have to accept that she never will. She doesn't want that serious crap this show has become. She wants the vacation vibe from the early seasons. This show is obviously never going to be that. This we will never get Lori sadly.
mentioning one thing Averey did in 2013 on a show that isn't The Challenge did the exact opposite of proving she's useful in any capacity
I haven't watched Exes 2 in a very long time--i couldn't stand that season--but i do recall her having drama with Reilly and Nany. Plus, she wsa close with Theresa which could have been interesting had they beat Nia/Leroy but she did put up a hell of a fight against Nia in that elimination. Averey won't be an easy out.
jay would go with Nicole since they work together?
I wonder if this final will be easy. Looking back if Beth slaughtered Jonna like she could have she could've won that final it was puzzle and swim heavy something she excels at at her geriatric age.
Lol Veronica's gf wants to throw shade talking about 30 years ago as if Veronica's season isn't making its way up there too lmao
I would've enjoyed Aneesa on this season sorry not sorry. Her and Jisela to replace Jasman and Avery and we have a fun show.
the mean girls + their drama with Aneesa
veronica vs ayanna
aneesa vs jisela
cara vs Laurel vs Nicole
every woman would be involved in drama from the jump with the exception of miss Janelle who can take a backseat and choose a side. I know I was riding for jasmine at first but looking at this overall cast she's a huge waste of a spot. At least Nicole will reunite with Laurel and y'all forgot they last saw each other in ex in the beach and Nicole got Laurel sent home with the quickness which was some drama. Avery is also gonna be a waste unless she shows up and makes power moves.
Oop so if we replace Janelle with Beth we could've had a SHOOOOW
I think that's her point tbh
Well let's remember Veronica and Rachel haven't kept up with each other so the mean girls aren't necessarily going to be a trio. They could have drama from within. At the end of the day Rachel is there to win so
Why the hell havent they gotten julie on this especially with veronica being there... she did homecoming so whats the issue?
She would provide, Skye isn't having that. That would be too much entertainment they'd have to edit out so we can watch facetime calls home.
What do we think the chances are that Laurel and Cara reunite and become friends again? Honestly I would love for their friendship to end on a happy note.
I could see them working together to get Nicole out.
People shouldn't sleep on Ayanna, she's been training for this since her last all stars appearance. We all know she has a lot of fight in her and now add the endurance and her being in shape. She might be our dark horse. I've also seen her interact a lot with Rachel with workout stuff so that might be an alliance.
Kam we know she's strategic and has the strength and brains but her endurance has always been lacking. I don't know how much shape she's gotten into since the baby but I see a lot of people out running her during a final.
Avery probably going to lay low and try not to get thrown in.
Jasmine is eliminating Nicole in a puzzle.
yeah PR where is she?! I was sad not to see her on the list. Imagine her and Genesis on in place of Nicole and Kam. Then I'm a dream world Beth and Julie replace Laurel and Cara Maria. Now that would create an iconic freaking cast. What could have been....
I think Kam is s great competitor but her strategy is overrated. What are two good strategic moved she made? And, no, plotting to send in two rookie teams against each other isn't one of then.
Trying to order everyone by physical/mental potential and here are my thoughts. I'll start with the ladies. Thoughts? Thanks for humoring
1. Laurel - Not what she once was but she has a lot of advantages. Out of all the femizons on this season she has the best puzzle record and a lot of All-Star challenges have puzzle elements. I think she is also physically the strongest so that plus her size advantage gives her a huge edge for every phyiscal elimination. To me she's the deadliest woman in an elimination with her strength + smarts. I DON'T think she'll win b/c I don't think she has the endurance that Cara, Rachel or NZ have butttt I think she has the best chance of making a final, winning dailies, and winning eliminations.
2. Rachel - She's not battle tested, which will hurt her. We don't know her puzzle or elimination abilities but I would guess she has better endurance than Cara and is smarter than Nicole, which to me makes her most likely to win a final out of all 12 ladies. All she has to do is get there and I think she has the friends and the ability to do it. She just needs to stay out of eliminations because she is beatable and is not great at technical things.
3. Kam - Remember this is not going to be Kam at her best, but she has a good shot. Being both smart and strong is crucial in all-stars because of all the mental dailies. Other than Laurel I think she's the best in eliminations, but I think Kam could still take her out potentially. I think she has the second best shot at making a final and winning dailies, next to Laurel, but like Laurel she is going to be outpaced by Rachel, Natalie Z. and Cara in a final. Still, she has not crippling weaknesses so she's in good shape.
4. Nicole Z - I hate to put her this high but when I think of her as a competitor I think back to her coming in 4th out of 28 people running to the top of the rock in Spain. She is a beast, but she's also stupid and awful. Many of these missions have a mental componant which will be the biggest test for her. Hoping she gets her third injury and has to peace out soon. If she makes a final she's a threat, but I don't see her winning a lot of dailies unless they are bench pressing comps
5. Cara Maria - She has a killer elimination record but I don't think she's ever been on a season where so many people could take her out; Laurel, Rachel, Nicole, Janelle & Kam could all eliminate her and it wouldn't even be an "upset". She's also MUCH smaller than all those girls. She has great endurance and will be great in the final, but her not being the best swimmer and puzzle solver will make her road there tricky. I can see her getting tripped up and getting last in a daily mid-way through and being sent home. However, if she makes the final I think she has the second best shot at winning behind Rachel.
6. Janelle - She's very solid, I could see her as a Jonna this season. Under the radar and strong enough to back herself up if she's in a corner. However, Jodi regularly out-performaned her on AS2 and I don't think Jodi is as strong as the ladies above her on this list. Janelle could win, but she has an uphill climb
7. Ayanna - Ayanna and everyone below her I really don't see as having a shot at winning, but she has a shot at making the final. She was decent on AS2 and she has put in WORK since then. She will be tough to eliminate, and I can see her taking out even people like CM and Rachel in elimination just due to the difference in size and her willpower. However, she did not win a single daily and was in last place twice very early on so I see her making a lot of trips to elimination. I hope she wins some upsetting eliminations while she's down there because I really think she can pull off some surprises.
8. Veronica - She will not win, I'm not delusional, she has crap endurance compared to these amazonians. However, she is arguably the cleverest out of everyone and that has paid dividends for her time and time again. Esp here because All-Stars seems to be just as mental as it is physical. She was in the inner circle 3 times in AS3 and only came in last once out of 7 challenges. Statistically she has a good shot at doing well enough in dailies to keep her safe for a while. However, if and she fumbles she's in deep deep trouble.
9. Avery - She just is not the best at anything. CM and Rachel have better endurance than she does, Laurel and Ayanna are stronger than her, Kam and Veronica are smarter than her. She's going to be middle of the pack until the numbers dwindle and there's nowhere to hide anymore. To win one of these you have to be the best or among the best at some element of the game and I don't think she has a strong point.
10. Tina Fabulous- Endurance has never been great and she has been shown to be wonky in dailies, particularly those involving puzzles. Her placing last or next to last in a daily is a high probability given her last two challenge appearences. However, she is fiery and has a shot at some eliminations, but I don't see her winning two eliminations in a row. I also feel like she'll be the first target of her alliance because she's the worst at playing nice. I hope I'm wrong though
11. Flora was a bad competitor even back in 2002. She was second to worst out of 16 women in her first daily, and the worst of out 12 women on her 3rd, she was eliminated soon after that. Honestly I don't see her as having a competitive spirit, you need to have something mental that pushes you through discomfort. Ace doesn't have it, and I don't think Flora has it either. She's going to loose interest in the whole thing real quick IMO but I hope I'm wrong.
12. Jasmine - Because Jasmine
I think laurel secretly had a crush on cara maria but cara didnt like her like that so ever since she felt a way.
MontanaGaveMeWine: I like your list! I agree with most of it. I forgot Cara Maria is not a great swimmer. While I rank Laurel high, I think I would still put Rachel and Cara Maria above her. Hoping RTV can just hold power and make it to the end and Rachel can take home the victory. I would love a theme twist for this season - like og gauntlet style.
i agree with this..
You didn't have to quote that dissertation to let us know you agree.
Stop complaining
I got duped into believing she would do this. I think I have to accept that she never will. She doesn't want that serious crap this show has become. She wants the vacation vibe from the early seasons. This show is obviously never going to be that. This we will never get Lori sadly.
What I don't understand is why Jillian seemed like she was going to be on this only to not be on at all
Montana do one for guys bc lol
Imagine if we would've gotten Chadwick/Holly too... the girls would've been shook by christian ice queen Holly B's wrath.
and you didn't have to be complaining on vevmo at your big age. download indeed and get a job.
mentioning one thing Averey did in 2013 on a show that isn't The Challenge did the exact opposite of proving she's useful in any capacity
You just became my favorite poster--sure it won't last long but lol
I haven't watched Exes 2 in a very long time--i couldn't stand that season--but i do recall her having drama with Reilly and Nany. Plus, she wsa close with Theresa which could have been interesting had they beat Nia/Leroy but she did put up a hell of a fight against Nia in that elimination. Averey won't be an easy out.
Averey is giving me Alyssa vibes. She'll be out right before the final.
would have been iconic