The Challenge: Ride or Dies- Fessy Shaffaat and Moriah Jadea

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It's crazy that they're my second favorite team.

wtf how is this possible 


It's crazy that they're my second favorite team.

wtf how is this possible 

ikr, but out of the 8 teams remaking they are my second favorite. Bedsides queen Amber ofc



It's crazy that they're my second favorite team.

wtf how is this possible 

ikr, but out of the 8 teams remaking they are my second favorite. Bedsides queen Amber ofc

wait I just looked at the remaining people and you're sadly right omg. Although fessys team and nany/bananas team are interchangeable between 2nd and 3rd for me. Where would u rank nany/bananas team?




It's crazy that they're my second favorite team.

wtf how is this possible 

ikr, but out of the 8 teams remaking they are my second favorite. Bedsides queen Amber ofc

wait I just looked at the remaining people and you're sadly right omg. Although fessys team and nany/bananas team are interchangeable between 2nd and 3rd for me. Where would u rank nany/bananas team?

probably 5th I think. I hate John with my whole heart and horsey has been so annoying this season





It's crazy that they're my second favorite team.

wtf how is this possible 

ikr, but out of the 8 teams remaking they are my second favorite. Bedsides queen Amber ofc

wait I just looked at the remaining people and you're sadly right omg. Although fessys team and nany/bananas team are interchangeable between 2nd and 3rd for me. Where would u rank nany/bananas team?

probably 5th I think. I hate John with my whole heart and horsey has been so annoying this season

for some reason I always think you like nany lol your avi throws me off. You remind me of another user on here who's a nany Stan but I can't remember their name lol






It's crazy that they're my second favorite team.

wtf how is this possible 

ikr, but out of the 8 teams remaking they are my second favorite. Bedsides queen Amber ofc

wait I just looked at the remaining people and you're sadly right omg. Although fessys team and nany/bananas team are interchangeable between 2nd and 3rd for me. Where would u rank nany/bananas team?

probably 5th I think. I hate John with my whole heart and horsey has been so annoying this season

for some reason I think you like nany lol your avi throws me off. You remind me of another user on here who's a nany Stan but I can't remember their name lol

ew I'm changing my pfp right now. Ur probably thinking of Jenna4eva whom I love but I am in now way shape or form a Nany fan. That's embarrassing brb I'm changing my avi

That chubby body actually looks kinda fun.  Wouldn't mind taking it for a ride if it was attached to someone good looking with a better personality. 

Just noticed she unfollowed him on IG lol

I find that so corny if you weren't fucking with someone why you were making Tik toks with each other? I never saw Theresa, Kailah , Amanda, Day, Cara Maria, Kam and not even Britni thirsty *** doing that corny fake stuff after filming a show. If they didn't like each other they werent hanging and posting content together.

I find that so corny if you weren't fucking with someone why you were making Tik toks with each other? I never saw Theresa, Kailah , Amanda, Day, Cara Maria, Kam and not even Britni thirsty *** doing that corny fake stuff after filming a show. If they didn't like each other they werent hanging and posting content together.

exactly it was 2 wks ago that her, him, and Laurel were in a club lmao all of a sudden she hated him from mths ago ? I wonder if Fessy and her ever hooked up cause just cause you never dated doesn't mean you haven't hooked up. I could see Bananas putting it in her head too be mad cause he doesn't like them hanging lol

Ugly ugly ugly ugly man.

im still confused. she was doing tik toks  with this man then a week later switched up on him? wth?

Maybe I'm just immune to Fessy's antics atp, but I don't even get what he did for Moriah to be so upset about. Fessy is selfish and narcissistic but it's obvious he was in game mode, not trying to take personal digs at her. Moriah seems sweet but she is too naive for the challenge world and apparently allergic to non-midriff shirts and pants that don't cut off her circulation.

All these people are fake and just looking for callbacks. Mariah knows she did nothing this season and had zero personality. They made a TikTok and then planned this fake feud to make it seem like she has a personality and backbone in hopes to get a callback for 39. If they do get a callback they will be working together next season with the rest of the Vacation Losers...and again they'll be on the bottom if that alliance and flop.

I don't think Fessy is apart of this. He barely even mentioned her on the Challenge podcast or replied on Twitter to Moriah's comments. I think this is Bananas' getting into Moriah ear on how to make an impact and get a call back. This whole thing was setup with Moriah's "big reveal" being on Bananas podcast. Based off Moriah's comments, Fessy didn't talk to her much in the house and still doesn't talk to her outside the house lolll 

would be shocked if she gets asked back... I dont think theres anything she can do at this point to get that callback

Ive said it before and Ill say it again. Fessy is overhated. He contributes to the show so I appreciate him and hes not truly awful like some other people

Ive said it before and Ill say it again. Fessy is overhated. He contributes to the show so I appreciate him and hes not truly awful like some other people

What exactly does he contribute? Lolol

She is another one so far that I don't think should be on a reality show. Very beautiful and sweet girl but her monotone voice put me to sleep.

Ive said it before and Ill say it again. Fessy is overhated. He contributes to the show so I appreciate him and hes not truly awful like some other people

I agree even though I'm not a fan of him I do appreaciate the way he plays the game not caring about anyone else. He does come off as insecure and corny though and it's sad because I don't think it's for cameras he's just a big corny dork lol 

Moriah still ain't getting a callback and the way this season going for Fessy he shouldn't be getting one either. His act has grown stale and he could use a break next season 

Only vets from this season I need to see next season are Amber Kailah Laurel Michele Jay and Tori ( don't like her but she delivers ) I would've said Jordan but I can't put up with another Tori/Jordan storyline I just can't do it.

She is another one so far that I don't think should be on a reality show. Very beautiful and sweet girl but her monotone voice put me to sleep.

Her confessionals are so dry it's like she's scared to speak to the camera lmaoooo

and that blank stare she does like baby you're on television get it together mama 

I like her and hate her.

Like her because she is against Fessy.

Hate her because she is hooking up with Bananas.

I like her and hate her.

Like her because she is against Fessy.

Hate her because she is hooking up with Bananas.

didn't your "queen" naneigh also hook up with bananas and is now his bestie? Literally his ride or die? Keep that the same energy for the horse babes


I like her and hate her.

Like her because she is against Fessy.

Hate her because she is hooking up with Bananas.

didn't your "queen" naneigh also hook up with bananas and is now his bestie? Literally his ride or die? Keep that the same energy for the horse babes

But Nany is with Kaycee now so it's okay. Kiss 2

That clip of them kissing on the last episode made me cringe. He looked like her young (40s) looking dad. 

That's another thing. He could pass for his early to mid 40s.

The weird post drama with Fessy, is that Bananas in her ear so she can get on another season?
