The Challenge: All Stars 4- Cast Discussion

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The Challenge: All Stars 4- Cast Discussion

Filming: January for 6 weeks

Host: TJ Lavin

Potential Cast members and alternates: (No one is 100% confirmed until they are infront of TJ they can get drop or can be alternates):


- Brandon Nelson (The challenge: Fresh Meat 2)

- Derek Chavez (The Real World: Cancun)

- Jordan Wiseley ( The Real World: Portland)

- Leroy Garret (The Real World: Las Vegas)

- Ryan Kehoe (The Challenge: Fresh Meat 1)


- Jasmine Reynaud (The Real World: Cancun)

- Rachel Robinson (Road Rules l: Campus Crawl)

- Tina Barta (Road Rules: South Pacific)

- Veronica Portillo (Road Rules: Semester at Sea)

Up in the air (need more confirmation to put in either category):


Abram Boise (Road Rules: South Pacific)

Adam Larson (Road Rules: The Quest)

Ace Amerson (The Real World: Paris)

Alton Williams (The Real World: Las Vegas 2)

Brad Fiorenza (The Real World: San Diego)

Brandon Nelson (The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2)

Chadwick Pelletier (Road Rules: Down Under)

Chet Cannon (The Real World: Brooklyn)

Christian Breivik (Road Rules: USA)

Christian “CJ” Koegel (The Real World: Cancun)

Darrell Taylor (Road Rules : Campus Crawl)

Dan Renzi (The Real World: Miami)

Daniel “Danny” Jamieson (The Real World: Austin)

Derrick Kosinski (Road Rules Extreme)

Dunbar Merrill ( The Real World: Sydney)

Dustin Zito (The Real World: Las Vegas)

Isaac Stout (The Real World: Sydney)

Frank Sweeney (The Real World: San Diego 2)

Jamie Murray (The Real World: New Orleans)

Jeremy Blossom (Road Rules: South Pacific)

Johnny Devenanzio (The Real World: Key West)

Johnny Reilly (The Real World: Portland)

Kefla Hare (Road Rules: Down Under)

Maxie “MJ” Garrett (The Real World: Philadelphia)

Nehemiah Clark (The Real World: Austin)

Norman Korpi (The Real World: New York)

Peter "Pete" Connolly (The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2)

Preston Charles (The Real World: New Orleans 2)

Randy Berry (The Real World: San Diego)

Shane Landrum (Road Rules: Camus Crawl)

Stephen Williams (The Real World: Seattle)

Steve Meinke (Road Rules: The Quest)

Syrus Yarbrough (The Real World: Boston)

Tony Raines (The Real World: Skeletons)

Theo Gant (The Real World: Chicago)

Theo King Bradley (The Real World: Bad Blood)

Thomas Bull (The Real World: Explosion)

Tyrie Ballard (The Real World: Denver)

TY Ruff (The Real World: DC)

Weston Bergmann (The Real World: Austin)

Yes Duffy (Road Rules: Semester at Sea)

Zach Nichols (The Real World: San Diego)


Aneesa Ferreira ( The Real World: Chicago) Anika Rashaun (The Real World: Bad Blood)

Angel Turlington (Road Rules: Viewers Revenge)

Anne Wharton (Road Rules: Northern Trail)

Ashley Kelsey (The Real World: San Diego)

Ashley Mitchell ( The Real World: Explosion)

Averey Tressler (The Real World: Portland)

Ayanna Mackins (Road Rules: Semester at Sea)

Ayiiia Elizarras (The Real World: Cancun)

Beth Stolarczyk (The Real World: Los Angeles)

Brittini Sherrod (The Real World: Hollywood)

Brooke LaBarbera (The Real World: Denver)

Coral smith (The Real World: New York)

Cynthia Roberts (The Real World: Miami)

Elka Walker (The Real World: Boston)

Genesis Moss (The Real World: Boston)

Hailey Chivers (The Real World: Explosion)

Holly Pelletier (Road Rules: Maximum Velocity)

Irulan Wilson (The Real World: Las Vegas)

Janelle Casanave (The Real World: Key West)

Jemmye Carroll (The Real World: New Orleans2)

Jillian Zoboroski (Road Rules: Extreme)

Jodi Weatherton (Road Rules: X-Treme)

Jonna Mannion (The Real World: Cancun)

Julie Stoffer (The Real World: New Orleans)

Katie Doyle (Road Rules: The Quest)

Kellyanne Judd (The Real World: Sydney)

Kendal Sheppard (Road Rules: Campus crawl)

Kimberly Alexander (The Real World: Hollywood)

Lacey Buehler (The Real World: Austin)

Laurel Stucky (The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2)

Leah Gillingwater (The Real World: Paris)

Lori Trespicio (The Real World: New York)

Mandi Moyer (The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2)

Marie Roda (The Real World: St. Thomas)

Mckenzie Coburn (The Real World: New Orleans 2)

Melissa Howard (The Real World: New Orleans)

Naomi Defensor (The Real World: Las Vegas 2)

Nia Moore (The Real World: Portland)

Nicole Zanatta ( The Real World: Skeletons)

Piggy Thomas (Road Rules: Down under)

Roni Martin (Road Rules: Northern Trail)

Ruthie Alcaide (The Real World: Hawaii)

Sam McGinn (The Real world: San Diego 2)

Sarah Rice (The Real World: Brooklyn)

Shavonda Billingslea (The Real World: Philadelphia)

Shauvon Torres (The Real World: Sydney)

Sophia Pasquis (Road Rules: The Quest)

Susie Meister (Rod Rules)

Sylvia Elsrode (The Real World: Skeletons)

Tara Stern (Road Rules: Northern Trail)

Tina Barta (Road Rules: South Pacific)

Dont expect


Blair Herter (Road Rules: The Quest)

Cohutta Grindstaff (The Real World: Sydney)

Cory Wharton (The Real World: Explosion)

David Edwards (The Real World: LA)

Eric Nies (The Real World: New York)

Evan Starkman (The Challenge: Fresh Meat)

Frank Roessler (The Real World: Las Vegas)

James Orlando (Road Rules: Maximum Velocity)

Kenneth "Kenny" Santucci (The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2)

Leroy Garrett ( The Real World: Las Vegas 2)

Mark Long (Road Rules: First Adventure)

Marlon Williams (The Real World: Portland)

Theo Von (Road Rules: Maximum Velocity)


Amanda Garcia (Are you the one? 3) 

Ashli Robson (The Real World: Sydney)

Arissa Hill (The Real World: Las Vegas)

Brianna Taylor (The Real World: Hollywood)

Cameran Eubanks (The Real World: San Diego)

Camila Nakawaga (The Challenge: Spring Break)

Casey Cooper (The Challenge: Fresh Meat)

Cara Maria Sorbello (The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2)

Cara Zavaleta (Road Rules: South Pacific)

Emilee Fitzpatrick (The Real World: Cancun)

Emily Schromm (The Real World: DC)

Evelyn Smith (The Challenge: Fresh Meat)

Heather Cooke (The Real World: Las Vegas 2)

Heather Marter (The Real World: Las Vegas 2)

Jenna Compano (The Real World: Explosion)

Jenn Grijalva (The Real World: Denver)

Jessica Maccain ( The Real World: Portland)

Jisela Delgado (Road Rules: The Quest)

Johanna Botta (The Real World: Austin)

Kailah Casillas (Real World: Gi Big)

Latoya Jackson (The Real World: St. Thomas)

Melinda Stolp (The Real World: Austin)

Nicole Ramos (The Challenge: Bloodlines)

Paula Meronek (The Real World: Key West)

Priscila Mendez (The Real World: San Diego 2)

Svetlana Shusterman (The Real World: Key West)

Trishelle Cannatella (The Real World: Las Vegas 2)

Tori Hall (Road Rules: Viewers Revenge)

So rachel's wife finally let her leave the house huh 

The Up in the Air list is iconic. Ayanna, Sophia, Ruthie, Piggy, Sam, Brittini, Brooke <3

OMG Priscilla is UITA too?

No AYTO? Thank god

OMG Priscilla is UITA too?

do we need to remind ourselves how "up in the air" traditionally goes lol

No AYTO? Thank god

I keep getting people from the newer Real World seasons mixed up with AYTO people.


OMG Priscilla is UITA too?

so we need to remind ourselves how "up in the air" traditionally goes 

At least she's being acknowledged.

Averey made an "Up in the Air" list for the first time in 5 years, we eatin'.

Rachel V and Tina about to run this house *giggles*

No Godfather or Cohutta? A little shocked at that.

we as Rachel ever at any point entertaining on her own accord? I don't mean in an ensemble but on her own what's her defining moment 

we as Rachel ever at any point entertaining on her own accord? I don't mean in an ensemble but on her own what's her defining moment 

Rachel is a well-adjusted individual who competes well and rarely gets into drama. I like seeing her play, but in terms of bringing something interesting to the table? Very little.

MacKenzie and Jemmye <3

Is the format 12 men and 12 women again Pink or could we possibly hope for some slight expansion?

Don't Expect: Nicole Ramos. pain.


Don't Expect: Nicole Ramos. pain.

Is the format 12 men and 12 women again Pink or could we possibly hope for some slight expansion?

It does not need to expand past 24 omg.... they just need to rotate the people they're using not expand the cast


Is the format 12 men and 12 women again Pink or could we possibly hope for some slight expansion?

It does not need to expand past 24 omg.... they just need to rotate the people they're using not expand the cast

Expansion is the only hope we have at new faces, they've got 10+ locked in on both sides that are never gonna let it go.

No Mark is a huge win... opens a spot up in the final since everyone feels too bad to target him

i remember when people were bashing mark saying how dumb this idea was and would never happen 

No Mark is a huge win... opens a spot up in the final since everyone feels too bad to target him

I would actually like Mark as a co-host/coach.

Rachel will def be zzzzz but she's a legend that we haven't seen so I'm all for it. Especially if Veronica is there. 

Theo KING-Bradley getting his redemption >>>

Theo KING-Bradley getting his redemption >>>

Give me Theo Gantt. 

any news on theresa 

I hope we get new black men. I'm tired of Darrell, Laterrian, Syrus, and Nehemiah.  Alton, Kefla, Ty, & Theo please. Slappin Stephen as well!

Anikanators rise!!!

No Mark is a huge win... opens a spot up in the final since everyone feels too bad to target him

Wasn't Mark voted in and then called out on AS3?

He also went into an elimination on AS1

I hope we get new black men. I'm tired of Darrell, Laterrian, Syrus, and Nehemiah.  Alton, Kefla, Ty, & Theo please. Slappin Stephen as well!

No Stephen--he's one of the most annoying people ever.  Ty or Kefla are good calls.  Alton meh.  Theo lol (to clarify Theo G fine but maybe falsely assuming you meant Theo B who is a no)
