The Challenge: Ride or Dies- Fessy Shaffaat and Moriah Jadea

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I was gonna say she ain't getting a call back ever, lmao. And John told Morgan to not accept the calls?


She is horrible... get this whackness and SpongeBob off my TV stat!

Seeing how insecure this man is is so weird. He acts so nonchalant and like he dgaf but he acts like a little insecure kid with women 

would be shocked if her edit picks up or if shes asked back

would be shocked if her edit picks up or if shes asked back

she hooked up with bananas - that's the kiss of death for rookies. She's done. 

I do think even Faysal is going to sit next one out. Not voluntarely, of course.

This dude is just as irrelevant and wallpaper *** as his partner. In that regard they are a match made in boring heaven. Gonna ask the challenge goddesses to take they stale ***** to the dumpsta once and for all, 4 all.

I do think even Faysal is going to sit next one out. Not voluntarely, of course.

He barely got on this season with him being a non factor he definitely won't be on next season

Idk why people who are fortunate to get moved from a alternate to main cast don't take that as a hint your spot is in jeopardy. Only person who listened was Amber B last season. Jenna delivered on Dirty 30 too and she wasn't even on the cast until last minute so she listened as well. 

Idk why people who are fortunate to get moved from a alternate to main cast don't take that as a hint your spot is in jeopardy. Only person who listened was Amber B last season. Jenna delivered on Dirty 30 too and she wasn't even on the cast until last minute so she listened as well. 

totally. Cara on her first few seasons, devin even though he's annoying af, Amanda/Nelson the list goes on. If you're an alternate you better show tf out or they're losing your number. Fessy decided to go the joss route and disappear which is odd lol

Idk why people who are fortunate to get moved from a alternate to main cast don't take that as a hint your spot is in jeopardy. Only person who listened was Amber B last season. Jenna delivered on Dirty 30 too and she wasn't even on the cast until last minute so she listened as well. 

Nice try, boo. What did that submissive empty vessel wallpaper little Republican girl do in Dirty 30? I'll wait because she has NEVER ever provided anything other than bland boring lifeless personalityless confessionals.

Oh no baby WE ARE NOT gonna act like Jenna wasn't mother on Dirty 30 that was her best season. She had the girls HOT and made some moves booting Amanda/Latoya/Simone in one swoop and backstabbing Camila.

Dirty 30 was Jenna last good season now she was bland bread on every season after but mother was mothering HARD in Columbia 

Jenna's best seasons were the ones that Zach wasnt on with her minus total madness

Would've probably been funny coming from anyone but Paulie but when it's from him it just comes off as desperate, pathetic and cringey per usual. 

So cringing that he always does this online but last time he saw bananas he was taking a pic smiling next to him lol

Paulie is a prime example why it's never good to depend on reality tv for a check that man has absolutely nothing going on for himself 

He eats sleeps breaths MTV which is so so sad Sad poor thing is so miserable and I don't even like John at all 

Lmaoooooo when you try to be funny and get drag

Wonder why mtv gave a racist like jordan redemption but not cara and paulie hmmm

Wonder why mtv gave a racist like jordan redemption but not cara and paulie hmmm

Because Jordan is easy to work with extremely respectful and didn't gave them an ultimatum thinking he was irreplaceable. Jordan also knew how to keep a low profile and allow stuff to die down + knew how to clean his image.

The other two have done the opposite in the past 4 years perfect example today. Maybe in the future they will be cast, but if her or her bf continue to do stupid stuff it's not as likely.

Well idk because Cara still posting  stupid shit too on IG so it's definitely not just Paulie lmaooo I don't think they'll ever be back 

Oh no baby WE ARE NOT gonna act like Jenna wasn't mother on Dirty 30 that was her best season. She had the girls HOT and made some moves booting Amanda/Latoya/Simone in one swoop and backstabbing Camila.

Pookie, which girls did she have hot? And booting Latoya & Simone was not a move, it was giving racist booting all the black womyn pooks.

What separates Jordan from the rest of the pack is when all that stuff was happening and they were firing people left and right Jordan was smart to put a IG live together with Nia to clear his image/name. He laid low for two seasons and he's likely to be on in the future as long as he accepts 

Wonder why mtv gave a racist like jordan redemption but not cara and paulie hmmm

Because they're still doing problematic s**t. In 2020, they were posting a lot of Blue Lives Matter & confederate paraphernalia. Earlier this year, they held a boxing event & had a white supremacist co-host it. Plus, Cara is still blocking black women on IG for asking her to apologize to Tyrie for naming a monkey after him. Wes was on Spotify last week & said if she'd quit her social media antics, she'd be back already. 

Lmaoooooo when you try to be funny and get drag

when the come down hits....


Wonder why mtv gave a racist like jordan redemption but not cara and paulie hmmm

Because they're still doing problematic s**t. In 2020, they were posting a lot of Blue Lives Matter & confederate paraphernalia. Earlier this year, they held a boxing event & had a white supremacist co-host it. Plus, Cara is still blocking black women on IG for asking her to apologize to Tyrie for naming a monkey after him. Wes was on Spotify last week & said if she'd quit her social media antics, she'd be back already. 

Just last month 
