The Challenge: Ride or Dies - Nelson Thomas and Nurys Mateo

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The Nurys hate is odd--she doesn't owe Amber anything nor is she required to like her

The Nurys hate is odd--she doesn't owe Amber anything nor is she required to like her

and the amber hate isn't? Smile

The Nurys hate is odd--she doesn't owe Amber anything nor is she required to like her

I can say the same for you about your Tony hate 

LMAO she was on video for woman beater Chris Brown? Whew, trash. And Cardi B? Who is bottom of the barrel dumpster trash? Girl...give it up, lil miss thing needs to stay home.


Spare me the paragraphs. Nurys is more in the limelight than Amber B. Fact. 

But who cares? I know Amber don't. We don't as you can see.

Anyways, I used to find Nelson being a lil slow funny but now I am seriously starting to wonder about dude.

You not caring doesn't make it any less of a fact. 

Whether those people are morally correct or not , that's still a big deal and is still a booking nevertheless. 


The Nurys hate is odd--she doesn't owe Amber anything nor is she required to like her

I can say the same for you about your Tony hate 

Tony was the father of daughters and treated women including their mother like garbage on nationally tv to cheat with Camila of all people.  Tony's an awful human being.  Like Camila and many others that have been on show.  Nurys has done what?   Dislike Amber?

The Nurys hate is odd--she doesn't owe Amber anything nor is she required to like her

and the amber hate isn't?

People here hate Amber?  Or people that know her hate her?

She lives in an apartment at a bad area in LA with 3 roommates. What money are you guys talking about?

Being on music videos with Cardi, Chris brown and Trey Songz in 2022 is nothing to brag about

Regardless if it's something to brag about.. it's more than Amber has done outside of the show. Fact. 

A five second cameo in two music videos and a 2,000 dollar check woohooooooo Nurys is killing the game that's surely something to be jealous of 

Mind you no one who watched those videos knew who she was so once again woohooooooo

Using a womanbeater and a rapist as an example to show how nurse is doing "better" than another girl is something... yikes

Nury does not seem to be on Amber's radar. So I doubt she is jealous of her. Whatever Nury's problem is, it appears to be one sided. She the one talking about her in confessionals and to other people in the house which led a whole argument to occur over her. It don't matter how you flip it, Amber wasn't giving af about that girl or whose music video she was in lmao

Do y'all not know how to read? Never once did I use the words jealous/successful/richer/better.  What I said was, she's more booked outside of MTV and is more in the limelight than Amber is and that's a fact. 

fgnhugneugneu everyone dragging tf out of that lil girl thats Nelson's partner as they should. Amber definitely has WAY more money than that lil girl.

nm too mean 

Maybe we need to call Farrah......looks like Nurse needs a good old kick to regain some common sense 

All that chirping in a confessional room and on Twitter but let little old Farrah and Angela embarrass you on national TV girl please 

Nurse fans down BAD 

Janelle and Maya were always right 

Ugh I can't WAIT until episode 10!

LMAO she was on video for woman beater Chris Brown? Whew, trash. And Cardi B? Who is bottom of the barrel dumpster trash? Girl...give it up, lil miss thing needs to stay home.

Nurse is a loser wannabe. Why tf would she be in the rapist and the ***aulters music videos? How is that cool? There's no way she made that much money from that. Nothing compared to what Amber has made on the challenge. And what the **** was that ugly *** outfit she was wearing in her confessionals on the last episode? On top of that she's been begging and pleading for how many ******* years to get on this dying show?

Janelle and Maya were always right 

I agree with this. 

Disgusting jealous hater.

Maybe we need to call Farrah......looks like Nurse needs a good old kick to regain some common sense 

OMG! Talking about Farrah she popped on my Tik Tok the other day and I was shook. Since when does she looks 50 years old?


Maybe we need to call Farrah......looks like Nurse needs a good old kick to regain some common sense 

OMG! Talking about Farrah she popped on my Tik Tok the other day and I was shook. Since when does she looks 50 years old?

jumpscare I thought that was Theresa w short hair I- 

not nelson letting all these white people come in and turn him against his friends x_x

He was just scared to go after Jordan and Bananas and was willing to use anything he hears as an excuse to sway from those routes
