Nurys had to beg on her knees for even a availability call something Amber has never had to do. Getting paid in pennies to be in music videos is nothing sensational and neither is spreading legs to has been celebrities who are no longer relevant
Everybody that dislikes Amber is not a hater. Nurys looks better, is younger, and has more going on outside the show.
LMAO get the **** out of here with that. That little girl does NOT look better than Amber, I could see her make up caked up all episode long last night. Amber don't got no problems with her skin bb. Nice try tho.
She can stay showing her ***** on OF and get paid a few pennies for it.
I have rocked with Nelson since his debut, but bruh idk anymore lol. Not even about the episode but I feel like he is deliberately playing into this "I'm dumb" character that the producers want and it makes me side eye him now. I've said before his confessionals were starting to get corny but now it's off the wall.
They were idiots for winning that daily they still could have seat pretty for a few weeks. They weren't in no one radar, everyone friend and now they made 4 pairs as enemies because even KC has an excuse for nominating her Gf
Should've just let Tori and Devin win it I'm sure they would've nominated Amber/Chauncey Veronica/Darrell Olivia/Horacio and Jay/Michele which would've kept Boo Boo and His Fool safe
If I don't like someone I promise there's gonna be a reason. It's not because of a " gut feeling " what type of weird nasty ***** dislikes someone based off a " gut feeling "
Mind you Nurse the same weirdo that invited her along with others to dinner in LA but you quote on quote got a weird feeling about her and don't trust her. These fake cast members nowadays whew boy......
Nurys had to beg on her knees for even a availability call something Amber has never had to do. Getting paid in pennies to be in music videos is nothing sensational and neither is spreading legs to has been celebrities who are no longer relevant
Nurys didn't need a challenge call it's just something she wanted to do while she was in videos for Cardi & Chris Brown, making her own coin and expanding herself further than just a reality tv casting pool. Big Brother 16 was 2014. Double Agents was what 2020? 6 years, just like Nurys had to wait 5 years. Also whether she was gettin paid pennies or bands, it's more than what Amber has done outside of the show.
Everybody that dislikes Amber is not a hater. Nurys looks better, is younger, and has more going on outside the show.
LMAO get the **** out of here with that. That little girl does NOT look better than Amber, I could see her make up caked up all episode long last night. Amber don't got no problems with her skin bb. Nice try tho.
She can stay showing her ***** on OF and get paid a few pennies for it.
Amber is not as bad as y'all think she is. Put her and Nurys side by side and I'm pretty sure most men would rather go down on Nurys.
They both dumb. They both made the decisions and nurys started that unncessary amber hate train for literally no reason. She can't even identify why she dislikes the girl and then the hate train started because Amber was thinking what everyone else was which also indirectly caused Michelle to be gaslight by devin himself
She's dislikes her and thinks she shady for no reason at all just "something about her" that's a hater
this is true. when someone dislikes someone but "doesnt know why" or its "just something about them" ..lmao thats hate.
Period, it doesn't matter how much better some here think Nurys is, SHE obviously doesn't think so herself. Which is why she feels the way she does. And alot of people on social media called this out, so its not specific to vevmo
Nurys had to beg on her knees for even a availability call something Amber has never had to do. Getting paid in pennies to be in music videos is nothing sensational and neither is spreading legs to has been celebrities who are no longer relevant
Nurys didn't need a challenge call it's just something she wanted to do while she was in videos for Cardi & Chris Brown, making her own coin and expanding herself further than just a reality tv casting pool. Big Brother 16 was 2014. Double Agents was what 2020? 6 years, just like Nurys had to wait 5 years. Also whether she was gettin paid pennies or bands, it's more than what Amber has done outside of the show.
Nurys has been THIRSTY as hell to get on this show, don't act like she's not been. Amber didn't give a **** about the challenge, until she got her first call and won on her first try, something Nurys wishes she could do. Being in a music video for Chris Brown who beats women isn't a flex. Amber has won a reality show, has had her OWN show on Zeus Network AND has a successful modeling career. So you saying Nurys was in a Cardi music video for 5 seconds is more successful than Amber is incorrect. NEXT
Why is being in a music video a claim to fame nowadays? There's like thousand of people in music videos I dont know why is such a big deal.
She even said it in episode 1 "you might know me for being in AYTO and in music videos" it was really cringe like nobody knows who's dancing behing Chris Brown and no one cares about it, holding on to that is really weird.....
So far she has worked with Chris brown, Cardi and appearently trey songz as well. Thats alot of trash people and its not like any of them are on the level of Drake or Jay Z when it comes to success. Chris been trending for days because his success will always be limited because he is a violent loser. Cardi is a one album wonder. Trey fighting for his life of abuse and SA allegations now
Anyways, for those who asked being a video girl at one point was something some women did find cool-like in the 90s and 00s. But these days nobody cares and it has lost its merit because most video girls end up going nowhere and on drugs. Its a very degrading lifestyle for some. Even Cardi herself said she tried to be one and could not do it because of what they expect women like them to do. And cardi was a whole *** stripper. She found stripping more empowering and safe than being a video girl. It lost its appeal these days because of what women usually have to go through being one. Personally tho, IDC how Nurys got her bag and all that. Good for her. I just don't find the obvious hating cute. And people need to stop acting like just because Nurys is ALSO beautiful, means she can't be a hater. Sadly, you do have women like her that feel threatned by women on her level and possibly above it. Because not only is Amber good looking, and alot of people have expressed it-she also won one of these. She is a historic champion on top of being physically appealing to people. Sorry but that will make someone who is only half way there, a hater.
I was actually liking Nury until this point. Being a hater looks good on nobody. And she literally started a hate train on Amber and caused Michele to be gaslit by a man, while literally smiling in their face
Music videos don't pay shit these days. 20 years ago sure but not now. Nurse got like 500 some free bbq wings and maybe some sex toys from being in that cardi video
Didn't nurys lose to amber too? This what happens like with kam and Angela the loser is mad and hates after
I don't think so. Amber and chauncy has not won anything yet this season. Literally, at this point Nurys has no reason to be weird about Amber, thats why even she said she didn't know what she didn't like about her that made her be that way. But Amber is a known champion and the first BB champion
Nurys had to beg on her knees for even a availability call something Amber has never had to do. Getting paid in pennies to be in music videos is nothing sensational and neither is spreading legs to has been celebrities who are no longer relevant
Nurys didn't need a challenge call it's just something she wanted to do while she was in videos for Cardi & Chris Brown, making her own coin and expanding herself further than just a reality tv casting pool. Big Brother 16 was 2014. Double Agents was what 2020? 6 years, just like Nurys had to wait 5 years. Also whether she was gettin paid pennies or bands, it's more than what Amber has done outside of the show.
Nurys has been THIRSTY as hell to get on this show, don't act like she's not been. Amber didn't give a **** about the challenge, until she got her first call and won on her first try, something Nurys wishes she could do. Being in a music video for Chris Brown who beats women isn't a flex. Amber has won a reality show, has had her OWN show on Zeus Network AND has a successful modeling career. So you saying Nurys was in a Cardi music video for 5 seconds is more successful than Amber is incorrect. NEXT
You thought you ate but none of that holds any real noteriety. You're listing things that sound good on paper, but have 0 execution. I can guarantee you those 5 seconds of being in that Cardi B video was seen by more people than whatever show Amber was on over on Zeus that clearly didn't blow up. Also, being in a CB video is a flex.
Music videos don't pay shit these days. 20 years ago sure but not now. Nurse got like 500 some free bbq wings and maybe some sex toys from being in that cardi video
Exactly nobody cares about anyone in a music video besides the singer or love interest
Mind you they only had to call Amber once to realize that they wanted her on and she's been on every season since. She didn't have to beg on Twitter for a call or spread those legs to the MTV men for a place on the show
The last AYTO rookie that swung on Amber was never seen again on MTV programming hopefully Nurse doesn't follow the pattern......with or without Nurse Mrs.Borzotra will continue to thrive and be televised
Nurys had to beg on her knees for even a availability call something Amber has never had to do. Getting paid in pennies to be in music videos is nothing sensational and neither is spreading legs to has been celebrities who are no longer relevant
Nurys didn't need a challenge call it's just something she wanted to do while she was in videos for Cardi & Chris Brown, making her own coin and expanding herself further than just a reality tv casting pool. Big Brother 16 was 2014. Double Agents was what 2020? 6 years, just like Nurys had to wait 5 years. Also whether she was gettin paid pennies or bands, it's more than what Amber has done outside of the show.
Nurys has been THIRSTY as hell to get on this show, don't act like she's not been. Amber didn't give a **** about the challenge, until she got her first call and won on her first try, something Nurys wishes she could do. Being in a music video for Chris Brown who beats women isn't a flex. Amber has won a reality show, has had her OWN show on Zeus Network AND has a successful modeling career. So you saying Nurys was in a Cardi music video for 5 seconds is more successful than Amber is incorrect. NEXT
You thought you ate but none of that holds any real noteriety. You're listing things that sound good on paper, but have 0 execution. I can guarantee you those 5 seconds of being in that Cardi B video was seen by more people than whatever show Amber was on over on Zeus that clearly didn't blow up. Also, being in a CB video is a flex.
And not a single person who watched knows what Nurys' name is. No, dancing behind someone who beats women is not a flex.
Nurys had to beg on her knees for even a availability call something Amber has never had to do. Getting paid in pennies to be in music videos is nothing sensational and neither is spreading legs to has been celebrities who are no longer relevant
I hope nurse can win a season soon
LMAO get the **** out of here with that. That little girl does NOT look better than Amber, I could see her make up caked up all episode long last night. Amber don't got no problems with her skin bb. Nice try tho.
She can stay showing her ***** on OF and get paid a few pennies for it.
She's dislikes her and thinks she shady for no reason at all just "something about her" that's a hater
They were idiots for winning that daily they still could have seat pretty for a few weeks. They weren't in no one radar, everyone friend and now they made 4 pairs as enemies because even KC has an excuse for nominating her Gf
Should've just let Tori and Devin win it I'm sure they would've nominated Amber/Chauncey Veronica/Darrell Olivia/Horacio and Jay/Michele which would've kept Boo Boo and His Fool safe
this is true. when someone dislikes someone but "doesnt know why" or its "just something about them" ..lmao thats hate.
If I don't like someone I promise there's gonna be a reason. It's not because of a " gut feeling " what type of weird nasty ***** dislikes someone based off a " gut feeling "
Mind you Nurse the same weirdo that invited her along with others to dinner in LA but you quote on quote got a weird feeling about her and don't trust her. These fake cast members nowadays whew boy......
Nurys didn't need a challenge call it's just something she wanted to do while she was in videos for Cardi & Chris Brown, making her own coin and expanding herself further than just a reality tv casting pool. Big Brother 16 was 2014. Double Agents was what 2020? 6 years, just like Nurys had to wait 5 years. Also whether she was gettin paid pennies or bands, it's more than what Amber has done outside of the show.
Amber is not as bad as y'all think she is. Put her and Nurys side by side and I'm pretty sure most men would rather go down on Nurys.
They both dumb. They both made the decisions and nurys started that unncessary amber hate train for literally no reason. She can't even identify why she dislikes the girl and then the hate train started because Amber was thinking what everyone else was which also indirectly caused Michelle to be gaslight by devin himself
Nurys and Nelson are a match made
Period, it doesn't matter how much better some here think Nurys is, SHE obviously doesn't think so herself. Which is why she feels the way she does. And alot of people on social media called this out, so its not specific to vevmo
Nurys has been THIRSTY as hell to get on this show, don't act like she's not been. Amber didn't give a **** about the challenge, until she got her first call and won on her first try, something Nurys wishes she could do. Being in a music video for Chris Brown who beats women isn't a flex. Amber has won a reality show, has had her OWN show on Zeus Network AND has a successful modeling career. So you saying Nurys was in a Cardi music video for 5 seconds is more successful than Amber is incorrect. NEXT
Why is being in a music video a claim to fame nowadays? There's like thousand of people in music videos I dont know why is such a big deal.
She even said it in episode 1 "you might know me for being in AYTO and in music videos" it was really cringe like nobody knows who's dancing behing Chris Brown and no one cares about it, holding on to that is really weird.....
Nurys brings nothing to the show!! She is not there to get followers and try to get in with the vacation alliance
casting needs to go back to Priscilla and michaela and never bring her back. Ever!!
So far she has worked with Chris brown, Cardi and appearently trey songz as well. Thats alot of trash people and its not like any of them are on the level of Drake or Jay Z when it comes to success. Chris been trending for days because his success will always be limited because he is a violent loser. Cardi is a one album wonder. Trey fighting for his life of abuse and SA allegations now
Anyways, for those who asked being a video girl at one point was something some women did find cool-like in the 90s and 00s. But these days nobody cares and it has lost its merit because most video girls end up going nowhere and on drugs. Its a very degrading lifestyle for some. Even Cardi herself said she tried to be one and could not do it because of what they expect women like them to do. And cardi was a whole *** stripper. She found stripping more empowering and safe than being a video girl. It lost its appeal these days because of what women usually have to go through being one. Personally tho, IDC how Nurys got her bag and all that. Good for her. I just don't find the obvious hating cute. And people need to stop acting like just because Nurys is ALSO beautiful, means she can't be a hater. Sadly, you do have women like her that feel threatned by women on her level and possibly above it. Because not only is Amber good looking, and alot of people have expressed it-she also won one of these. She is a historic champion on top of being physically appealing to people. Sorry but that will make someone who is only half way there, a hater.
I was actually liking Nury until this point. Being a hater looks good on nobody. And she literally started a hate train on Amber and caused Michele to be gaslit by a man, while literally smiling in their face
Didn't nurys lose to amber too? This what happens like with kam and Angela the loser is mad and hates after
Music videos don't pay shit these days. 20 years ago sure but not now. Nurse got like 500 some free bbq wings and maybe some sex toys from being in that cardi video
I don't think so. Amber and chauncy has not won anything yet this season. Literally, at this point Nurys has no reason to be weird about Amber, thats why even she said she didn't know what she didn't like about her that made her be that way. But Amber is a known champion and the first BB champion
You thought you ate but none of that holds any real noteriety. You're listing things that sound good on paper, but have 0 execution. I can guarantee you those 5 seconds of being in that Cardi B video was seen by more people than whatever show Amber was on over on Zeus that clearly didn't blow up. Also, being in a CB video is a flex.
Spare me the paragraphs. Nurys is more in the limelight than Amber B. Fact.
Exactly nobody cares about anyone in a music video besides the singer or love interest
Mind you they only had to call Amber once to realize that they wanted her on and she's been on every season since. She didn't have to beg on Twitter for a call or spread those legs to the MTV men for a place on the show
The last AYTO rookie that swung on Amber was never seen again on MTV programming hopefully Nurse doesn't follow the pattern......with or without Nurse Mrs.Borzotra will continue to thrive and be televised
Not all of y'all dragging nurse back to back to back to the emergency room *giggles*
But who cares? I know Amber don't. We don't as you can see.
Anyways, I used to find Nelson being a lil slow funny but now I am seriously starting to wonder about dude.
I was really liking the girl too! I was on her side when Raven was being aggy
And not a single person who watched knows what Nurys' name is. No, dancing behind someone who beats women is not a flex.