The Challenge: All Stars 3- Kendal Sheppard

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Only Kendal would be such a big Sofia stan

Literally the only person who would stan someone so boring.

So Kendal stans boring people because she's nice?



Only Kendal would be such a big Sofia stan

Literally the only person who would stan someone so boring.

So Kendal stans boring people because she's nice?

no she's just a little confused

Derrick got owned

Lol he's a stuttering mess.

Kendal has am account here

she gagged him a bit 

lol she called him out, I love it <3 Freaking Queen <3 she better come back to AS4

Kendal has am account here

Old schooler is Kendal didn't they told us they were bald ☕️


Kendal has am account here

Old schooler is Kendal didn't they told us they were bald ☕️

What an honor to be mistaken for that ****** bald angel!

Not missing her tremendously this year Smile

Hopefully she will be on AS4

Hopefully she will be on AS4


Hopefully she will be on AS4


Hopefully she will be on AS4

and provide nothing for the 4th time?


Hopefully she will be on AS4

and provide nothing for the 4th time?

Carry the season for the 4th time*

I would be surprised if she did as4... after last season, she pretty much said she wouldnt come back for a very long time, if at all.


Hopefully she will be on AS4

and provide nothing for the 4th time?

She provided on the first season at least

I can't believe she really begged to come back for 16 years on social media to end up giving us the little she gave lol

She gave so little that yall felt the need to bump her thread and discuss her and dedicate over a hundred post within a couple hours to her? You won't ever catch me putting that much energy towards Shaleen or Tracey.

Kendal was AS1!   And that season had the most dominating female personalities of all 3 seasons.

Yeah she was great on season 1

She will come back to AS4 rejuvenated & ready to play the ******* game.

Pack it up grandma 

Weak *** ***** 

I dont see how she gave so little. She was in the center of drama most of As1. AS3 she had drama with the younger the OGs. There was drama she was involved in drama with Casey on AS2 but the producers never showed it. Kendal provided, just not as much as like a Coral, Ashley, etc. Etc.

If anything we should be mad at the producers who continue to not show the fights that happen. So far every Allstars season has has been the victim of that.

I dont see her coming back. She seems pretty defeated and her health isnt the best anymore.

If she were to do the challenge with Tori Hall. Do you guys think their friendship is strong enough to survive the show?

If she were to do the challenge with Tori Hall. Do you guys think their friendship is strong enough to survive the show?

Yes, they would ride or die together.


If she were to do the challenge with Tori Hall. Do you guys think their friendship is strong enough to survive the show?

Yes, they would ride or die together.

Idk they play extremely different games and Tori become way to toxic under this environment. I can easily see an storyline  like Laurel and Cara lol

Idk they play extremely different games and Tori become way to toxic under this environment. I can easily see an storyline  like Laurel and Cara lol

I'm sure Tori has changed some since then. Kendal is passive so she will let Tori take the reigns.


Idk they play extremely different games and Tori become way to toxic under this environment. I can easily see an storyline  like Laurel and Cara lol

I'm sure Tori has changed some since then. Kendal is passive so she will let Tori take the reigns.

Tori has involved in real live but like Kvm says no one really change once they are put under these stressful environment they go back to their old ways.
