South Africa makes sense this season IMO. It's sort of the centerpoint of all the countries competing on this and it's good to have a neutral country for a 'global' tournament.
This aint the Olympics lol.
I don't know if I glossed over something but I don't believe that user said ANYTHING about no damn Olympics.
Saying we need a neutral site for a global tournament like there's home field advantage and it's an actual battle of countries.
I just want to see a group of people to actually have the balls to target the Vacation alliance plus Johnny but no one will. This is about to be very predictable.
I just want to see a group of people to actually have the balls to target the Vacation alliance plus Johnny but no one will. This is about to be very predictable.
Saying we need a neutral site for a global tournament like there's home field advantage and it's an actual battle of countries.
This went from two/three weeks filming to seven lol
No wonder why so many international champs didnt want to do this.
First update has been made
Kellyanne 6 time loser I'm SCREAMING
Lmaoooo we gonna get to see jonna and mj ignore each other like the plague like that doesnt fan the fire with the rumors
Eh. Not impressed.
The female cast isn't that bad imo besides Tory and Casey
A handful of names from all over needs confirmation still
Well that was underwhelming lol
Oh I thought this was going to be a funny list of names. Looks boring
Dang so no Da'Vonne *cries*
Nehemiah, wes, devin, tori, jordan, derrick, bananas... the most obnoxious people to cast.
Yes is definitely going to be targeted early.
I'm just glad that boring *** CT isn't on this thank god
Alyssa ❤️
So this is basically just an all stars of all the shows filmed over the past year lol.
once again I am keeping my eye over 15 more people
lmaooo please
Add Tory and Ben to that annoying list.
not a bad cast IMO
NIA !!!
hopefully we get some surprises later
I just want to see a group of people to actually have the balls to target the Vacation alliance plus Johnny but no one will. This is about to be very predictable.
Wish Laurel, Evelyn and Emily were on this
Same with Veronica, Rachel and Coral. Probably asking for too much lol
The list isn't complete lol.
Yes and Jordan will be early boots.
So I'm assuming kiki won Australia challenge. Kind of unexpected tbh