The Challenge: Ride or Dies- Don’t Die For Me Argentina

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The Challenge: Ride or Dies- Don’t Die For Me Argentina

Episode: 1

Ride or Die partners hope to prove that their bonds can outlast the competition, as they battle for a massive cash prize. Laurel and Turbo get off on the wrong foot. TJ reveals a cutthroat twist disguised as a friendly gesture.

First 5 Minutes:



feels like its been forever since the spies lies and allies finale. 

I want to like this. I want it to be better than the last 3 tragic pieces of garbage produced. I just have a hard time trusting anyone who works on this show. They prove over and over again how incompetent they are. Fingers crossed though that their hiatus gave them time to fix a few of their horrendous mistakes.

I feel like this is going to get 300k views & that would even be pushing it on my part lol

That would be good for mtv now days especially since now days the most important ratings are live+3 (they count streaming/demand for 3 days after episode premiere)

can't believe that while their views are struggling theyd air this at the same time as survivor. they could've easily done tuesday or thursday at 8pm. idk why they decided on wednesday

Survivor has been awful so for first time ever I will be looking forward to this more 

can't believe that while their views are struggling theyd air this at the same time as survivor. they could've easily done tuesday or thursday at 8pm. idk why they decided on wednesday

Agreed.  Unless they really don't care about live views and if that's the case move it to Paramount 

I feel like this is going to get 300k views & that would even be pushing it on my part lol

That would be good for mtv now days especially since now days the most important ratings are live+3 (they count streaming/demand for 3 days after episode premiere)

Yeah nervous to see these ratings... not even Queen Laurel can bring an audience big enough to build back up what last season destroyed

Love the cover photo ❤️

Remember preseason I thought the twist would be that you face your ride or die in elimination 

Double agents 900,000

spies lies and Allies- 660,000

no way it can drop that low to 300k. It will do like 550 I'm guessing

Remember preseason I thought the twist would be that you face your ride or die in elimination 

that makes sense if it's same sex pairs but Jordan is not facing off in Anything Against aneesa 

Double agents 900,000

spies lies and Allies- 660,000

no way it can drop that low to 300k. It will do like 550 I'm guessing

You haven't seen the rating for mtv other shows yikes 

Remember preseason I thought the twist would be that you face your ride or die in elimination 

This would have been so much better if they were on teams seperated from their ride or dies and had to vote them in. But they have their weird obsession with the boring overplayed partner twist.


Double agents 900,000

spies lies and Allies- 660,000

no way it can drop that low to 300k. It will do like 550 I'm guessing

You haven't seen the rating for mtv other shows yikes 

Viacom killed MTV.


Remember preseason I thought the twist would be that you face your ride or die in elimination 

that makes sense if it's same sex pairs but Jordan is not facing off in Anything Against aneesa 

Puzzles and endurance!! We saw it on Bloodlines and Final Reckoning


Double agents 900,000

spies lies and Allies- 660,000

no way it can drop that low to 300k. It will do like 550 I'm guessing

You haven't seen the rating for mtv other shows yikes 

wait there's other shows on mtv besides ridiculousness? lol I just watch the challenge and last season had the record of least watched episodes ever so it can't get any worse can it... I mean this has a much better cast. 


Remember preseason I thought the twist would be that you face your ride or die in elimination 

that makes sense if it's same sex pairs but Jordan is not facing off in Anything Against aneesa 

She would destroy him in a pie-eating contest.

Why do I feel like they used this episode title before or something.

Why do I feel like they used this episode title before or something.

Thought the same thing. They used "Cry For Me Argentina" in Rivals on the episode where everyone hates Cara and Laurel screams at Paula.

This is going to be so BAD

This is going to be so BAD

I'm kinda intrigued when Laurel and turbo get into it on that boat ride no? Smile 

im kinda scared for the ratings lmaooo

they have actually been getting engagement on twitter compared to spies lies and allies. im saying around 750k for the premier 

Just check:

- Jersey Shore last episode 493K with a demo of 0.3. It was number 1 on cable for that day.

-Teen mom last episode 275k with a demo of 0.13. Number 29 on cable; Not surprised they merge both shows and the cast checks were cut,

The Challenge the last few seasons usually does better than both shows , so we will see if that continues.

Bye not turbo with the OTTN already

Idc what y'all negative nancies think... the first few episodes are gonna be good and we're allowed to like them. Just because we constantly hate on the show doesn't mean you have to pretend to hate when they put out good content...

TURBO isnt even the good kind of crackedt to watch, its very scary like how are you mad about that 

Aneesa and her original partner on the boat
