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oh right, because this isnt a sport. transparency isnt needed

Thank you TeamPurple for giving us the tea! 

This shit was a ******* mess

i started laughing by the time everyone was quitting after coming to the realization that Sarah and Danny won by default

also Sarah magically walking at the top of that snowy mountain not even looking THAT tired, looking like production just gave her a ride up to the finish line tbh after probably also solving the sudoku puzzle for her. 

Something definitely smells fishy about it all, and I know it ain't they stank sweaty *****~~~

lmao this shit was ridiculous y'all 

Well the whole someone competing on your own was a bunch of bullshit. So there should have been some type of purge in the beginning to get down to 4 girls. As for Angela, 2 people doing that checkpoint got to rest and eventually sleep. Angela would have been there all night and in even more pain than them so I would have just said **** it and took the lower amount of points. So to me it was BS to DQ her. 

Angela is my winner

Justine is my winner

Looking back, Sarah had enough points to where no matter which place she finished on the second day she was winning regardless. Cayla and Justine only shot of winning was if Sarah quitted

Looking back, Sarah had enough points to where no matter which place she finished on the second day she was winning regardless. Cayla and Justine only shot of winning was if Sarah quitted

Sarah never finished the first puzzle. They just decided when they felt like which ones you had to finish and which you timed out on.


Ngl I get what everyone's saying but I am here for how messy, sloppy and poorly designed this was ICONIC

I'm just hear for the scandals and messiness honestly idc, that's the only thing that excites me about this show now lmaoo 

Watching their entertainment weekly interview. How Sarah gonna say she was taken to an area to warm up with Danny after she finished and she still didn't know everyone quit and that she won. That whole ending scene was scripted them.

Desi won this and I'm so proud of her.

Rewatching to see if this holds up as one of the most entertaining finals of ALL TIME! OF ALL TIME!!!! Or if it was only jaw dropping on the first watch. Excited to hear the curse words on paramount! I caught the part at the start where tj does a voiceover and says their bank accounts are already apart of the 500k so they're competing for what's left lmao. Cheap *** production


Angela is iconic for cutting up her garlics and onions. She didn't seem too sad in her confessional props to her because I would have given production and attitude the entire time

I'm assuming they didn't have to finish the lemon juice because most of them had full or half full glasses

i cant remember whose interview it was but someone did confirm the lemon juice was there to help and didnt need to be finished.

i usually watched next day on paramount because I enjoy the cursing but didnt for the finale. Is it worth a rewatch for that Timster? 

So basically Sarah and Danny won by default? Production is a joke.

So if everybody finished the final how much would have Danny and Sarah gotten lol 

So if everybody finished the final how much would have Danny and Sarah gotten lol 

this is what I want to know

i cant remember whose interview it was but someone did confirm the lemon juice was there to help and didnt need to be finished.

i usually watched next day on paramount because I enjoy the cursing but didnt for the finale. Is it worth a rewatch for that Timster? 

I only am watching the final not the first episode. It's entertaining but I had to turn it off because I ate and got sleepy. Stopped after the food task. When I live watch I'm always commenting so I miss funny faces and reactions and sometimes the rules. It kept my attention tho. 

So basically Sarah and Danny won by default? Production is a joke.

Sarah won by default, Danny actually finished way ahead of everyone


So if everybody finished the final how much would have Danny and Sarah gotten lol 

this is what I want to know

If yall are lazy just say that got damn. The total money from all 9 finalists (Ben excluded as he would dq regardless) totals to $127,000. 500,000 - 127,000 = 373,000. Each winner would take home $186,500 total. Not bad compared to pre Rivals 3 days but ye not worth it if the host is hyping up half a million the entire time

Yes Timster, we are admittedly too lazy to go back to see what each person had in their bank account and then do the math. So thank you lol. But isnt that incorrect because Sarah had more in her bank account than Danny did?

Yes Timster, we are admittedly too lazy to go back to see what each person had in their bank account and then do the math. So thank you lol. But isnt that incorrect because Sarah had more in her bank account than Danny did?

It's on the Wikipedia page BOO! 

Hell idk anymore. She had 16k he had 6k I think so it's confusing. Maybe redo the math where you remove everyone's bank from the 500k EXCEPT Sarah and Danny and then split it, and then add their bank account. I failed AlgeBA idk this shit 

If everyone finished including Ben, Sarah would get 196K and Danny 187K

If everyone finished including Ben, Sarah would get 196K and Danny 187K

We love a mathematician!

i cant remember whose interview it was but someone did confirm the lemon juice was there to help and didnt need to be finished.

i usually watched next day on paramount because I enjoy the cursing but didnt for the finale. Is it worth a rewatch for that Timster? 

I finished. It didn't drag cause it was edited so fast. They didn't curse much at all in this final. The only notable cursing I can remember

Tyson: "I'm sick of this shit" as he was quitting the puzzle

Domenick during his rant before quitting: "I pissed my pants!" It was bleeped on tv I thought he pooped his pants.

Danny when he won: "We won this ************!

I also noticed they didn't try to hide the fact Sarah didn't complete that puzzle she was stuck on forever. I don't remember if there was a horn sound but I think it just showed her running away as she was talking in confessional about not wanting to give up. They did show her attempting suduko. I paused to look at her board and make sure the final board they show is the one she actually worked on, and it appears so! Her win didn't feel as gross on second watch.

I also noticed how wet everyone this time around. They looked like they jumped in a swimming pool before running in the snow. That's because it rained during that one puzzle before sudoku. I also didn't realize how rich Justine was idk how I remember she won 2 elims. 

Someone said Sarah was always winning no matter what based on points but that's not true. If Cayla finished first and Justine finished second then Cayla wins by 1 point. However if Justine quits and Sarah gets second then she still beats Cayla. The only way Justine could win is if Sarah and Cayla both quit. Cayla didn't even put half her pieces on the board before quitting. I couldn't get a glimpse at anyone else's besides Tyson. I was confused when he said he had to start all over because the final 2 pieces didn't match but I realize whenever I played Sudoku I have unlimited numbers to use. When you have a set amount of numbers to use the puzzle can only be done one way which seems complicated. He didn't have anything else on his board wrong.

Justine said the decoder had 2 parts they didn't show. The first part she did but when she came to the second part she caught up to everyone who were still working but didn't know there was another wheel on a tree she was suppose to grab after doing the first part. Before she went back to get it they timed her out because it was getting dark soon. Impressive that she memorized all those numbers by herself


Petty Smile
