Survivor 41 - Episode Discussion

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You've edited that post like five times lmaoo

Indeed I did.  I guess I wasn't ready to come out and say since I still can't decide whether I am gay, bi, or trans.  If I ever first got the idea of wanting to go trans, you can thank Legend of Korra for that.

Oh it's ok, take your time

I know I am going to be called out as a chauvinistic ******* but this season and all seasons hence were all ruined the minute Ricard wanted Jeff to change the "Come on in, guys" to just "Come on in".  It's just a phrase, do we really have to take out the intensity of such a call out just because they/them feel insecure in particupating on a forty season tradition?There I said my bit so go ahead yell, scream, cry out, GIVE THE NEIGHBORS SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT!!!!!!

You're right on this one even if you get based for it. It was ridiculous 

......that was such a non big deal who cares 

......that was such a non big deal who cares 

Because they made it a big deal.  It wasn't even something that needed a second of air time.  Jeff could have easily just changed it and gone on with life but it had to be "a story"

He's>She's>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hell >>>> Thems



I know I am going to be called out as a chauvinistic ******* but this season and all seasons hence were all ruined the minute Ricard wanted Jeff to change the "Come on in, guys" to just "Come on in".  It's just a phrase, do we really have to take out the intensity of such a call out just because they/them feel insecure in particupating on a forty season tradition?There I said my bit so go ahead yell, scream, cry out, GIVE THE NEIGHBORS SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT!!!!!!

People pressed about this a year later, sounds like you are more pressed than Ricard was *giggles*

Of all the female S40 onwards finalists even though Lacina was final four she would get some high votes if the fire making challenge had been all women or Natalie since Michelle would likely get only Jeremy and Tyson as votes.  Erika in S41 is a clever one too.

it was funny when it happened tho because Jeff was begging someone to find the phrase offensive. He was gonna change it anyway lol.

defentiely something normal people laugh at and move on from tho, not be mad about a year later 

it should've been, "Come on in everyone" 

Oh, sorry about getting so offended about this, everyone.  If anything I learned from a documentary I saw sometimes between 2002-2003 about Columbine where a survivor described Eric Harris as an injustice collector meaning he never let anything go which was bothersome to him.  Also, I know that by now I am making this thread repetitive and not sticking to the point by mentioning late 1990s incidents.  I will stop now.
