The Challenge: All Stars 3- Jonna Mannion

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I only loved her on Endurance

Your hatred for her is getting weirder than my pretend hatered for her

lol I'm not fully serious about it cuz I enjoyed her on AS 1&2 but I def haven't been rocking with her this season thus far. Maybe I'll start to like her again once MJ *** inevitably goes home, it's only a matter of time

My girl MJDefender did that! She cleared episode 5 and has everyone pressed. I've been riding with her since day 0, and now ya'll wanna suddenly become JonnaDefenders when I've been a real one since her Endurance days. Keep it!


Jonna is lucky Beth didn't ******* *****slap her, ok?

Lol at beth slapping anyone when she still is upset at a flick to the face 15 years ago 

Queen but Roni would DRAG her!

I only loved her on Endurance

Y'all made her limit her comments on Instagram smh. Harassing her like Miss Josh 

Y'all made her limit her comments on Instagram smh. Harassing her like Miss Josh 

that's all Beth's doing

Yeah, that was Beth. I have nothing to do with that, I don't even have IG.

Lying adultress, but also breakout comeback star!

She's a weirdo facetuning her daughters pics on instagram.

She's a weirdo facetuning her daughters pics on instagram.

LOOOOOL are you taking notes from my book? Come in with a compliment followed by an insult? 


She's a weirdo facetuning her daughters pics on instagram.

LOOOOOL are you taking notes from my book? Come in with a compliment followed by an insult? 

You are my Venmo role model.


She is so sweet

MJDefender <3


Champ, relevant, strategic Queen, in her prime physically.

I would love to see her get her shit rocked in hall brawl 

I remember people dragged her on free agents because she couldn't figure out the tantogram episode 1 now look at ha

She grew on me

the evelyn of all stars.

Has she ever been in a physical elimination? Smile

Has she ever been in a physical elimination?

she was in that blindfolded stick elimination in rivals two if that counts lol

Omg, I watched the episode and she flung Roni good. I was shook, Jonna is very confident and understands the game. She's not overconfident but she's not scared to play and I love it. I'm really happy for her, I have always loved Jonna but this is the best version of her.

Has she ever been in a physical elimination?

Yes she got flung by Laurel and Cara on Rivals 1

She said she's open to hearing out Beth but may not necessarily accept the apology 


Omg, I watched the episode and she flung Roni good. I was shook, Jonna is very confident and understands the game. She's not overconfident but she's not scared to play and I love it. I'm really happy for her, I have always loved Jonna but this is the best version of her.

Roni Flung her in stregnth - Jonna's flinging didn't happen until the puzzle half lol.  As much as I hate her for sending Roni in and home, it was a smart move.  Roni was probably her biggest competiton there physically.  Now I'd say KellyAnne would be. 

She has been killing the first 3 all stars.  Would be very interesting to see her back on the main show and with this confidence. 

She said she's open to hearing out Beth but may not necessarily accept the apology 

Has Beth even said she wants to apologize? lol


She said she's open to hearing out Beth but may not necessarily accept the apology 

Has Beth even said she wants to apologize? lol

Yes, Mark said she told him she wants to talk to Jonna and apologize "at the right time."
