You guys are forgetting how much puzzles, number equations etc matter too in finals. Tyson is just so well rounded for a final it's going to not even be close unless he has a bad partner
championtyson winning this
plus his social game is always underrated
you are so annoying that i'm actively rooting against tyson now.
telling you all the winners aren't doing their own season in a mansion and you're that mad. Pressed.
i literally don't care.. you have a track record of making people hate your favs (darrell for example)
You guys are forgetting how much puzzles, number equations etc matter too in finals. Tyson is just so well rounded for a final it's going to not even be close unless he has a bad partner
championtyson winning this
plus his social game is always underrated
you are so annoying that i'm actively rooting against tyson now.
telling you all the winners aren't doing their own season in a mansion and you're that mad. Pressed.
i literally don't care.. you have a track record of making people hate your favs (darrell for example)
if people say stupid things don't get mad when I call it out.. or do and hate contestants for no reason
How come they never cast the Bret guy from Swaggy season?
if anything Swayleigh should've left their house for this ☕️
They got initials calls (that they declined) when they didn't know the direction this show was going...But no one that appears on the challenge was going to be on the final cast for this they would have been dropped at some point
How come they never cast the Bret guy from Swaggy season?
him & fessy are both dooshes from bb20, brett is basically a not as athletic or good looking fessy but he has charisma & personality so its pick your poison. btw ive been hearing for yrs that fessy is sooo hated by cbs that hes banned from ever appearing on there unconfirmed but believable rumour.
Yall think there will be a second season of this? Tiffany needs her redemption arc edit
If she did poorly here, there's no reason to believe she'll get any better. She's only getting older. Great to put her on the inaugural season, but this isn't the show for her.
How come they never cast the Bret guy from Swaggy season?
if anything Swayleigh should've left their house for this ☕️
They got initials calls (that they declined) when they didn't know the direction this show was going...But no one that appears on the challenge was going to be on the final cast for this they would have been dropped at some point
This show would've been criticized so much if they let Josh and Fessy onto this
Smart to just have this be a feel good season like All Stars
Yea i don't get how someone can hate on Fessy but want a Brett debut....but ig
I don't want a Brett debut? Idk anything about that guy. I am just curious why they haven't cast his *** on anything he looks like the typical frat boy dbag that the challenge goes for
i literally don't care.. you have a track record of making people hate your favs (darrell for example)
if people say stupid things don't get mad when I call it out.. or do and hate contestants for no reason
How come they never cast the Bret guy from Swaggy season?
i could be way off on this, but wasnt he a little problematic on the feeds?
i wouldnt cast him given who they ended up with for this imo, maybe if it was a younger cast. hed be good on love island
prorbably didnt wanna remind people of Evan
The only thing that could even be considered problematic was the Rockstar beef, and that was the best moment of bb20 so..
Cinco will dominate....He's currently eating a steak to get that extra protein for the next challenge. KING SHIT!
This is like the real show for me--there's only 2 people I don't want to go home so anyone else leaving makes me happy.
He's friends with jack and jackson from bb21 so hes not needed.
It started at Give Kids the World when she hung out with Evel ****.
I wanna kiss the curly haired boy
not French kiss, an Australian kiss. 
He deleted his last tweet before leaving for this show
He didn't know Cinco was gonna be there....Cinco is such a humble winner....
if anything Swayleigh should've left their house for this ☕️
The Cinco jockers are nauseating lol. Please let his nuts breathe he doesn't want any of you lol.
Swaleigh make more money from home than this shows cash prize tho ☕️
They got initials calls (that they declined) when they didn't know the direction this show was going...But no one that appears on the challenge was going to be on the final cast for this they would have been dropped at some point
is it not literally just 1 person lmao
Because casting never makes sense? Hes an obvious choice
Yall think there will be a second season of this? Tiffany needs her redemption arc edit
Tiffany is great but I knew she wouldnt do well. Shes not a athletic competitor at all
Brett is probably the most basic human being i can think of second only to his friend on that season who's name i can't think of.
him & fessy are both dooshes from bb20, brett is basically a not as athletic or good looking fessy but he has charisma & personality so its pick your poison. btw ive been hearing for yrs that fessy is sooo hated by cbs that hes banned from ever appearing on there unconfirmed but believable rumour.
If she did poorly here, there's no reason to believe she'll get any better. She's only getting older. Great to put her on the inaugural season, but this isn't the show for her.
Yea i don't get how someone can hate on Fessy but want a Brett debut....but ig
Yea i don't get how someone can hate on Fessy but want a Brett debut....but ig
This show would've been criticized so much if they let Josh and Fessy onto this
Smart to just have this be a feel good season like All Stars
I don't want a Brett debut? Idk anything about that guy. I am just curious why they haven't cast his *** on anything he looks like the typical frat boy dbag that the challenge goes for