The MTV competition show plans to launch its first-ever workout series, hosted by Challenge veteran and fitness professional Rachel Robinson. Fellow vets Tori Deal, Corey Lay, Mark Long, Devyn Simone, Nelson Thomas and Nicole Zanatta will join Robinson, 39, as guests. The videos will be available on The Challenge's YouTube page on April 18.
"Vets" "Corey Lay" lol
What are we suppose to do with this?
Workout but I bet people would just watch it lol
Unnecessary thread. Reporting to mods
I want a body like Tori's
I saw that & clicked off
I just need it to give this a place so I can ban those that talk about it any where else
Just lol at this. when is challenge mania gonna host a workout class for their patreons?
The 4 challenge spin-offs aren't enough?
i would get a laugh at the middle aged housewives that attend the challenge manias
No no no, this will just make me realise, as I shout at any Challenger that seems useless, that there's no way in @$!# I could compete
I'm happy that Rachel is involved in a Challenge-related project but this isn't something I would be interested in.
I think the biggest shock here is rachel being 39 why did I think she was older
Because we forget how young they were when they debuted.
Omg Rachel is 39?!
They should of had Ed or Turbo.....
Lol u shocked too? Yeah she turned 39 less than a month ago. How old u thought she was?
50 because I feel like she's been on TV since I was a small child lmao
Wasn't she 18 on her road rules season? I remember hearing she was the youngest from that cast
18 or 19...she was very young. So was Sarah
How old did you think Mark Long was then? lol
this is good because so many Challenge fans are obese and unhealthy. you can tell by the constant negativity
And they still never aired the damn universal studios challenge or whatever with Rachel in it
after the worst season in challenge history, MTV has responded by adding a workout series, book, 6 spinofffs going full steam ahead
who all was in that again Davonne, Rachel and who were the other two
I think challenge mania did a workout at Emily schromms gym before. They should have had her participate in this
branding wise if you've already got a gym and a name teaming it up with contracts and MTV is not the move. also not suprised Darrells gym isn't attached considering i've seen him getting more serious about the branding.