Real World: Back to Las Vegas - Michael Adam Royer

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Is that a recent photo by his thread? If so hes aged terribly hes like what 31 or 32? YIKES

Is that a recent photo by his thread? If so hes aged terribly hes like what 31 or 32 but looks 45 at least? YIKES

Umm why does Adam look older than CT when hes in his early 30's lol but kudos to him im kinda shocked he made something of himself lol

he looks his age. ct looks older than him.  

I am glad he was able to get his life together and it's not struggling like Robin. 

Yeah, he's a lawyer now. Who would have thought?

And he didn't pass the psych exam for Exes 1. 

Yeah, he's a lawyer now. Wjo would have thought?

And he didn't pass the psych exam for Exes 1. 

Let's not pretend all attorneys are good or sane. 

ct looks older than him.  


Yeah, he's a lawyer now. Wjo would have thought?

And he didn't pass the psych exam for Exes 1. 

Let's not pretend all attorneys are good or sane. 

I mean....


Yeah, he's a lawyer now. Wjo would have thought?

And he didn't pass the psych exam for Exes 1. 

Let's not pretend all attorneys are good or sane. 

we are well aware.


Yeah, he's a lawyer now. Wjo would have thought?

And he didn't pass the psych exam for Exes 1. 

Let's not pretend all attorneys are good or sane. 

speaking from experience?



Yeah, he's a lawyer now. Wjo would have thought?

And he didn't pass the psych exam for Exes 1. 

Let's not pretend all attorneys are good or sane. 

I mean....

lmao!!!! Holy fk thinking same thing!!!

ima **** kvm up 

What is the rest of the cast up too? Does anyone know?

Are some of y'all that insecure to try to tear down Adam Royer when he got his life together by saying he's aged terribly and bringing up him not passing the psych eval some indication he's not that good of a lawyer? He's probably living a better life than most of us.

Just say congrats 

Not folks here on vevmo w liberal arts degrees trying to after a guy w a JD 

Turned his life around good for him.  

What is the rest of the cast up too? Does anyone know?

Yeah, he's a lawyer now. Wjo would have thought?

And he didn't pass the psych exam for Exes 1. 

Let's not pretend all attorneys are good or sane. 

I mean....


Are some of y'all that insecure to try to tear down Adam Royer when he got his life together by saying he's aged terribly and bringing up him not passing the psych eval some indication he's not that good of a lawyer? He's probably living a better life than most of us.

Just say congrats 

I think it's great that he got his life together.  Did you watch the video?   Are you hiring him if you're injured due to the negligence of others?


Are some of y'all that insecure to try to tear down Adam Royer when he got his life together by saying he's aged terribly and bringing up him not passing the psych eval some indication he's not that good of a lawyer? He's probably living a better life than most of us.

Just say congrats 

I think it's great that he got his life together.  Did you watch the video?   Are you hiring him if you're injured due to the negligence of others?

Believe me, I've seen worse lawyers.

Good for him.  I didn't think I'd log into Vevmo and learn Adam Royer is doing better than me in life... but i'm happy for him *****. 

I never found out what nany saw in him that had her p*ssycat losing her mind over him 

I never found out what nany saw in him that had her p*ssycat losing her mind over him 

women love bad boys or men with an edge... especially when young 20s. 



Are some of y'all that insecure to try to tear down Adam Royer when he got his life together by saying he's aged terribly and bringing up him not passing the psych eval some indication he's not that good of a lawyer? He's probably living a better life than most of us.

Just say congrats 

I think it's great that he got his life together.  Did you watch the video?   Are you hiring him if you're injured due to the negligence of others?

Believe me, I've seen worse lawyers.

That's fair

he looks his age. ct looks older than him.  

by a wide margin 

he looks his age. ct looks older than him.   

Never found his *** attractive  

People age when they stress. He was stressed from law school. If you look youthful that means you're a lazy couch potato with no resume! 

Never found his *** attractive  
