The Challenge: All Stars 2 - Jonna Mannion

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It doesn't sit right with me that her prize money is the same as I Love Money winners. She deserves more.

Nah. I Love Money deserves more. Now THAT was entertainment

It's obvious the show rigs things from time to time. Let's not lie and not understand where janelle is coming from 

Big Brother feels so rigged at times although gotten better the last couple years I genuinely would turn down going on the show if they offered it to me right now. It feels pointless if you're not productions favorite. That show has been exposed SO many times simply because we have the advantage of watching it live. Survivor has been exposed over the years but without as much proof. I'm positive The Challenge and all reality competition shows are the same and I hate that. Remember when production didn't let Josh and Amanda do something during elimination but were silent when Ashley and Kam did it and then won? Examples like that **** me off and I definitely wouldn't come back.


It doesn't sit right with me that her prize money is the same as I Love Money winners. She deserves more.

Nah. I Love Money deserves more. Now THAT was entertainment

Inflation BOO. That money was life changing back then. Now that'll last you 365 days when you're a parent.

It's obvious the show rigs things from time to time. Let's not lie and not understand where janelle is coming from 

I wasn't attacking Janelle? All I am saying is that every final has factor that plays out that can be seen as unfair. From Jonna/MJ not completing the last part of phase 1 over Ayanna quitting to Kaycee getting the chance of picking the best guy after flopping day 1 of the final to Amber skipping a puzzle that she didn't complete over the best guy on that final picking her.



It doesn't sit right with me that her prize money is the same as I Love Money winners. She deserves more.

Nah. I Love Money deserves more. Now THAT was entertainment

Inflation BOO. That money was life changing back then. Now that'll last you 365 days when you're a parent.

True. 365 days if you're smart with the money

Omg pink I thought we were friends. Now h*userman and other jumpers are gonna rag me all day for empathizing with Janelle. You have your points but she has a right to not want to come back. If you watch her stories she's not even upset she just doesn't trust the process which is understandable. 

I am not saying she doesn't have right of not wanting to come back but she knew that a lot of times on these shows it come down to "unfair" scenarios.

In my opinion they were messing up some way when they were putting their combination under pressure after being on an elimination, hungry, not sleeping & doing a long final. Then again My hypocritical ass would be the first one complaining if I felt robbed lol




It doesn't sit right with me that her prize money is the same as I Love Money winners. She deserves more.

Nah. I Love Money deserves more. Now THAT was entertainment

Inflation BOO. That money was life changing back then. Now that'll last you 365 days when you're a parent.

True. 365 days if you're smart with the money

After taxes I'm getting 175k max. I'm buying a cute Tesla with all the features that brings me down to 135k. And I'm putting a large down payment on a small but nice looking home that I want to live in FOREVER that's -50k. Now I'm at 85k. I want a new phone and accessories that's 84k left in my bank account that'll get eaten up when my AC goes out + other emergencies. Throw kids into the mix and now you're just poor! 





It doesn't sit right with me that her prize money is the same as I Love Money winners. She deserves more.

Nah. I Love Money deserves more. Now THAT was entertainment

Inflation BOO. That money was life changing back then. Now that'll last you 365 days when you're a parent.

True. 365 days if you're smart with the money

After taxes I'm getting 175k max. I'm buying a cute Tesla with all the features that brings me down to 135k. And I'm putting a large down payment on a small but nice looking home that I want to live in FOREVER that's -50k. Now I'm at 85k. I want a new phone and accessories that's 84k left in my bank account that'll get eaten up when my AC goes out + other emergencies. Throw kids into the mix and now you're just poor! 

Aw, look at you. Finally being able to afford an iphone. Love that for you. 

that was a cute ending montage to her win, I replayed it several times, so proud of her! ❤️

I smiled so hard when her and MJ opened up that safe. First time I've ever been this satisfied of a win that I replayed that scene idk how many times. Happy for you champ!

Is Jonna a Trump supporter? She gives Trumpster vibes. @timster3

oh, u know haus is back when I gotta read number #45 last name..

This further confirms Janelle's thoughts on production errors and shadiness. That final sounded so messy. Do they not test their own shit? Survivor has a whole crew just to test challenges just to make sure everything works.

Trishelle was throwing a sort of shade at season 1 people that went on season 2 for less money now she congratulating under their post. Smh

Aht aht, don't do my girl Trishelle.

Jonna and her husband are visiting Nehemiah

The way every cast member from her real world season with a public social media aknowleded her win is very telling. Idk where Bronne and Joey are but the rest posted a tribute or commented. What an icon.

The way every cast member from her real world season with a public social media aknowleded her win is very telling. Idk where Bronne and Joey are but the rest posted a tribute or commented. What an icon.

Edit my dumb *** got the Joey confused, I forgot this man existed and immediately thought you meant Joey from Hollywood 

Everyone from Veronica to Amanda to even... Shauvon liked or commented. lol.

The best comment is from Yes. Because I remember after he won he said in an interview that Jonna was his biggest threat mentally speaking. And when he first met her, she said she was going to win and he could see it in her. And she wins the next season.


The way every cast member from her real world season with a public social media aknowleded her win is very telling. Idk where Bronne and Joey are but the rest posted a tribute or commented. What an icon.

Edit my dumb *** got the Joey confused, I forgot this man existed and immediately thought you meant Joey from Hollywood 

Turns out he does have social media he just doesn't follow Jonna, Jasmine or Ayiiia. Bronne doesn't seem to have Instagram anymore. P.s. I have no idea who these people are anyways I didn't watch Cancun.

Jonna looks great! That's all I gotta say ☕️

Happy she won, but this final reminded me of Vendettas. Even though Janelle/Darrell won phase 1, and Zach won part 1 of Vendettas they still lost to someone behind them. I think it should have all been combined. Once you put your token completely together you run to go eat, and then to your safe.

But honestly I'm happy she won. She deserves it after all these challenges over the years. Hoping she does a main show soon.

She's out living her best life so happy for her.

She's out living her best life so happy for her.

She got her cale and ate too with icecream on the side. She got her man, money, and side piece with no consequences.

I was about to say, is she back with her husband....? I wasn't reading spoilers, can anyone tell me what happened with all of that?

mj is hotter and has more money than him *giggles*

I was about to say, is she back with her husband....? I wasn't reading spoilers, can anyone tell me what happened with all of that?
