The Challenge: Spies, Lies and allies- Tori Deal

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I don't care how long you've been watching the show for, if you think Marie is an icon then you're not legit fan. Simple.

you think devin is an icon you imbecile! You really crack me up! Also never said Marie is an icon, she's not even in my top 5 females of all time from the show

reminder for ya DevinsSubmissiveBottom, just because you like someone or find them entertaining DOESNT mean you automatically think they are an icon and the best thing in the world

some of us understand the healthy boundary of liking someone and finding them entertaining VERSUS people like you who unhealthily obsess 

When you get called out for liking a flop so you try to downplay how much you like them lol

LMAO you are so delusional! Again NEVER claimed Marie was a competition beast, i liked her on the show cause i enjoyed her fights and found her funny

Marie is replaceable, and she's not gonna be remembered anywhere near as much as Devin. That's why you're so triggered.

You really need to learn what being triggered actually is, cause thats the only response you ever have to anyone! No one is EVER triggered by you child, we all just find you absolutely pathetic and to be honest it's quite comical and almost sad reading your delusions 

Marie's legacy will be being a 2 time quitter that made Cara come in dead last, Devin's legacy will be taking down legends, outsmarting top vets, and being a boss on the competitive field. No wonder you're trying to downplay how much you like Marie lol 

You're obsessed with me child, keep on stalking! Thanks for the good laugh this morning! You've mentioned Marie more this morning than I probably have in close to a year, so keep on thinking you just had this huge flex, whatever fills your delusion

MarieWarrior can't keep her name out of his mouth! This has to be Gamers alt account! We love anyone here who constantly promotes Marie.

If Devin told this child to jump off a bridge or drink the Koop Aid, the sad part is this fool would do it

MarieWarrior can't keep her name out of his mouth! This has to be Gamers alt account! We love anyone here who constantly promotes Marie.

LMAO you and me are probably the two main people still here that would be happy for a Marie return, and this bozo still mentions her more than you or me ever have 

You're also pressed that she'll probably never come back. It must be really rough to be a Marie fan. Meanwhile my favs are locks for next season.

*someone says something i disagree with or likes someone i dont* 

"Oh mY gOd yOu ArE sO pReSsEd"

give it up DevinsHole, learn what it means for someone to actually be pressed, cause your 15 year old as s rhetoric with everything you say just shows you've never gone out there and seen real adult world

And i could care less if Marie ever comes back, she has an actual career and some of us recognize the importance of that

whats devin aiming for? The male Aneesa spot? 40 years old still on reality tv with no wins to show? 

You're glad she won't continue doing the show since she'd just embarrass herself again, she took a long layoff, came back, and went out first on Invasion lol! What a terrible comeback, meanwhile Devin continues thrive on The Challenge.

Meanwhile my favs are locks for next season.

You are 100% right, they sure are and that's exactly why the ratings are rapidly falling. You are lucky all that you got this season was a continously delayed filming schedule cause coming soon will be the cancellation. Youre also lucky you have an incompetent production and casting team who is out of touch with why this show sucks now, so they will definitely continue casting your weirdass pedophilloic favorite and his prostitute friend who sucked 90 year old wang for a failed rap career.

I can't tell who you're more obsessed with: Is it me? Is it Marie? Is it Devin? The world may never know 

DevinsSubmissiveBottom i have a question for you! if Devin told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it? If he told you to drink the Koop Aid, would you?

I personally think you would! You'd actually be an interesting psychology research assignment "The Effects Unhealthily Obsessing Over a Reality TV Star has on One's Psyche" - its just a working title im sure it'll have to be shortened at some point

You're glad she won't continue doing the show since she'd just embarras herself again, she took a long layoff, came back, and went out first on Invasion lol! What a terrible comeback, meanwhile Devin continues thrive on The Challenge.

A terrible comeback but yet she was cast 4 seasons in a row? Let me know when Devin pulls off 4 in a row. LOL at you trying to bash Marie for flopping...that's why we love her. It's funny as hell.

The new faces of the show. There's nothing the dumb haters can do about it except to cry like little children hahaha

At the end of the day I wouldn't jump off a bridge for someone I enjoy watching on a reality tv show, and DevinsHole would

Imagine being so obsesssed with a reality tv star, that you would literally do anything for them and would jump off a bridge if they asked you to! I wonder what DevinsSubmissiveBottom shrine to Devin and tory looks like

Its giving Stan by Eminem level insane

I like how he can never respond to a valid point and he just trolls his unhealthy obsession with two losers. This is why they need to ban his ***, he said he hates vevmo. He's not here to discuss anything, just troll. Why allow that shit on your site @Bacchus?

For a child that hates vevmo so much, it posts the most on here by far

Bye not yall tearing devinstan up

delusional warrior said reddit is far better than vevmo... then why is he here everyday posting his nonsense. Ban his funky *** mods!

Y'all wish you could look as good as this.

Thereeee she blowsssss lol

The new faces of the show. There's nothing the dumb haters can do about it except to cry like little children hahaha

A dirtbag and a whale.

Bye not yall tearing devinstan up

It gets torn up everytime they post lol

For a child that hates vevmo so much, it posts the most on here by far

Its gonna be banned soon.
