The Challenge: Spies, Lies and allies- Tori Deal

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New female face of the show, your favs can't relate.


I know I did not come here to find you guys having a discourse on what Tori's ***** tastes like lol

Lol you commented. What to you think Tori's Taco tastes like?

Ok I have a theory. It depends on whatever her latest fat sweaty sugar daddy ate before getting it on with her. So probably either burgers, doritos or donuts most of the time. Lol



I know I did not come here to find you guys having a discourse on what Tori's ***** tastes like lol

Lol you commented. What to you think Tori's Taco tastes like?

Ok I have a theory. It depends on whatever her latest fat sweaty sugar daddy ate before getting it on with her. So probably either burgers, doritos or donuts most of the time. Lol

Lmao definitely donuts and protein shakes.

New female face of the show, your favs can't relate.

Shut your as s up lol


New female face of the show, your favs can't relate.

Shut your as s up lol

The truth hurts doesn't it?

This kid really thinks ***** tastes like raw chicken.  


Daddy DAF can't stop thinking about me huh?

Daddy DAF is mad he can't get me out his head lol

Daddy DAF is mad he can't get me out his head lol

And you can't get Devin out of your why are you judging lol?


Daddy DAF is mad he can't get me out his head lol

And you can't get Devin out of your why are you judging lol?

The difference is I love Devin and Daddy DAF hates me, that's what makes this so hilarious lol

Imagine loving someone that doesn't know you exist. Ooof must suck to be a stan.

Imagine hating someone that's a stranger. Ooof must suck to be an idiot.

Lol - it's quite common. Strangers are people you do not personally know.  

for example if you hated Donald trump or joe Biden, and you don't know them, you are hating a stranger.  

good try little ***** boy

that delusional devin stan better troll lightly before he becomes the next championdarrell *giggles*

Lol - it's quite common. TV personalities are generally people that don't know you.  

for example if you loved Tiffany Pollard or Da'Vonne, and yet they don't know you, you are loving a TV personality.  

good try little ***** boy

Thank you for proving my point dipshit lmao. I never have and never will love a reality tv personality.  

Have fun playing checkers you low iq rodent lmaoooo. Pink ban this low iq troll.

Thank you for proving my point dipshit lmao. I never have and never will love a reality tv personality.  

Have fun playing checkers you low iq rodent lmaoooo. Pink ban this low iq troll.

So its better to hate someone you personally don't know, and vice versa than it is to love someone you personally don't know, and vice versa. Daddy DAF logic ladies and gentlemen lol, I suggest you calm down so that you come back and try to make better points with a clear head.

As usual DevinsCumRag doing the most, just like Devin on the show, the way you really try to act like him gives MAJOR stalker vibes 

go back to reddit child 

So its better to hate someone you personally don't know, and vice versa than it is to love someone you personally don't know, and vice versa. Daddy DAF logic ladies and gentlemen lol, I suggest you calm down so that you come back and try to make better points with a clear head.

yes welcome to the real world redditwarrior.

I don't know why people like saying go back to reddit as if that's an epic insult. Reddit is significantly better than vevmo....idiots.

Y'all wish you could look as good as this.

Lol DevinsSubmissiveBottom you would think Reddit is better, and you'd probably fit better there with the other middle aged white woman who are casual fans 

Imagine paying for Tory's onlyfans lmao, thats not the flex you think it is DevinsHole

The Degenerate Wolf you're the casual for thinking Marie is anything special lol

Who said I paid for the pic?

The Degenerate Wolf you're the casual for thinking Marie is anything special lol

lmao and as usual me liking Marie is the only thing u ever bring up, true stalker behavior considering i almost never talk about her anymore! And Marie was NEVER a casual fan puppet like the people you like

ive also been watching this show for years unlike you who probably started in past few seasons

take several seats DevinsHole

I don't care how long you've been watching the show for, if you think Marie is an icon then you're not legit fan. Simple.

Also dont think i once ever put up the front of Marie being an elite competitor like DevinsHole tries to do for Devin so it truly is quite comical, i watch this show for entertainment because im not a brain dead idiot that eats up the "fifth major sport" bull sh it that production tries to force on us
