The Challenge: Spies, Lies and allies- Tori Deal

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Eats 5 bags of Pizza Rolls for breakfast and sleeps with everyone's husband but wants to bully poor sweet Amanda. It makes me so sad 

Honestly I dont hate her as much anymore. She got ate up by Amanda at the reunion, but I appreciate that she wasnt as boring as CT, Nany, Emanuel and Kaycee or as obnoxious as Josh & Devin this season. 

Eats 5 bags of Pizza Rolls for breakfast and sleeps with everyone's husband but wants to bully poor sweet Amanda. It makes me so sad 

Obviously makes bacon, collects the fat juice, and then drinks it... 8 times a day.

so funny I forgot to laugh

so funny I forgot to laugh


DevinsSubmissiveBottom needs to learn the meaning of what being triggered actually is, second someone says something that goes against their Kool-Aid drinking, stalker ways its always "YOURE SO TRIGGERED" like nah we all just think you're pathetic and could use a xanax prescription and a padded room

so funny I forgot to laugh

right like Amanda ain't even in the same weight class as Tory or even close, it'd be more of a fair fight if Torie went up against the 1,000 Pound Sisterts

Lol Tori has about 270 pounds on Amanda. It's like putting a Whale against a Goldfish.

Edit because even though a bunch of disgusting fat jokes are made about Tori daily, apparently a petty image saying Amanda is superior is too triggering for those on vevmo who have selective outrage.

Ya still being weird I see. Post pics of you next plzz

Ya still being amazing I see. Post more pics of whori plzz

Ya still being weird I see. Post pics of you next plzz

It's a petty joke, chill.

Ya still being weird I see. Post pics of you next plzz

He is an insecure short bald ugly man that was pretending to be black on a game


Ya still being weird I see. Post pics of you next plzz

He is an insecure short bald ugly guy that was pretending to be black on a game

Not insecure lol. Short and bald, yes. I outgrew my short man syndrome years ago and prefer being bald lol. I didn't pretend to be black in a game. At least get the story straight. Again, I have no idea who you are so it's very concering you know so much about me lol. I've said the Tori fat jokes are wrong and she is not anywhere near being overweight. I was trolling DevinStalkers photo of Tori and Amanda with a petty image. It's embarrassing that y'all hold on to shit from 5 years ago...act like you are above personal attacks by making personal attacks. I appreciate all the attention you give me, but I promise you I'm not worth it lol. That energy should be used elsewhere. I'm not sure who this alt account belongs to but I'm sorry for whatever I said during my Kajun days that's kept you so bothered for 3 years.

Ya still being weird I see. Post pics of you next plzz

the way i just spit out my water and CACKLED at this

Looks like a fat Thanksgiving turkey.


Looks like a fat Thanksgiving turkey.

Imma wait around and see if the moral warriors show up to fight this one too.


Looks like a fat Thanksgiving turkey.

Jenna look like an unseasoned chicken



Looks like a fat Thanksgiving turkey.

Imma wait around and see if the moral warriors show up to fight this one too.

Gotta love the performative outrage here at vevmo.



Looks like a fat Thanksgiving turkey.

Jenna look like an unseasoned chicken

Bye the sparkle effect too lmao ⚰️



Looks like a fat Thanksgiving turkey.

Jenna look like an unseasoned chicken

Girl.. Jenna has no pictures of her laying on a pool table with fat dripping off her rear end like she is melting.


Bye the sparkle effect too lmao ⚰️

Like a 1980s prostitution ad photo.
