See what happens when you come for Emy! You get locked up!
He probably watched her singing Alien on the reunion and drank himself into oblivion trying to forget it. Poor Darrell. She deserves to be locked up for the torment she is causing on people.
See what happens when you come for Emy! You get locked up!
He probably watched her singing Alien on the reunion and drank himself into oblivion trying to forget it. Poor Darrell. She deserves to be locked up for the torment she is causing on people.
I know, I have nightmares of that blue brace having blob. I wish I was blind.
I'm so upset! He was supposed to be on the spin-off filming soon but now his insurance is too high because of the incident and he got dropped. He will also get a smaller edit in AS3 they said I hate production SO much and I hope they change insurance providers. This is ridiculous.
I'm so upset! He was supposed to be on the spin-off filming soon but now his insurance is too high because of the incident and he got dropped. He will also get a smaller edit in AS3 they said I hate production SO much and I hope they change insurance providers. This is ridiculous.
Darrell loves a good time!
Who tf is CD?
if this is real, king is legendary !!
I hope when im in my 40s I can still get that ****** up.
Still got a way to go to beat TMZ all-star Nelson.
championdarrell made me not even care when i read this.
Lol who cares?
meanwhile Abe out here beating up females.
Lol I just know his wife probably bítched him tf out when he got home
a black Queen at that from the looks he ain't seeing the pearly gates
See what happens when you come for Emy! You get locked up!
Not a good week for the OGs lol
This would've been bad if he was behind a wheel. From the sound of it it doesn't appear to be that way.
He probably watched her singing Alien on the reunion and drank himself into oblivion trying to forget it. Poor Darrell. She deserves to be locked up for the torment she is causing on people.
Doesn't even seem like a big deal lol
Darrell getting some publicity! We love it!
It's actually hilarious
I know, I have nightmares of that blue brace having blob. I wish I was blind.
I'm glad this has shown production how much fans love Darrell. We want him on the main show next season!!
I'm so upset! He was supposed to be on the spin-off filming soon but now his insurance is too high because of the incident and he got dropped. He will also get a smaller edit in AS3 they said
I hate production SO much and I hope they change insurance providers. This is ridiculous.
i hate your trolling lol
Why couldn't he save this behavior for the show? lol
But honestly not that big of deal--charges will either be dropped or reduced.
He really brought nothing on 3 shows in one year
His confessionals are still welcomed lol